Chapter Seventeen

Jez paced back and forth angrily as Robert packed the final wooden box into the truck and stood by the driver's side, ready for the others to get in so he could drive them off. "You ok?" Zack asked, coming up beside Jez and remaining there. Jez shrugged, halting his pacing and looking, for the first time, hopeless. "What are we going to do? They followed me and I did not even realize it! We can't keep risking ourselves like this!" Zack could not help but agree with Jez as he gently patted him on the shoulder, and Robert coughed loudly. The two turned to where Robert stood and made their way over, where Robert glared at the two of them. "I have friends who are willing to take us in. It's been a while, but the Resistors will be more than happy to do so."

The two looked up in surprise at the mention of Robert's old army, and Robert indicated to the door beside him. "Get in," Zack stepped forwards first, climbed in, and scooted over to the other side so Jez could slide in, and then Robert could get in and drive. Jez gripped the door and pulled himself towards the seat, but Robert suddenly placed a firm grip on his forearm. "Don't even think about it," he hissed. Jez's eyes widened, and then Robert struck out, kicking Jez squarely in the chest and sending him flying back onto the hard ground. He hit his head against the rocks, and his vision instantly began to blur and shake. He could faintly see Robert climb in, a confused Zack shouting something, and then the truck suddenly drove forwards, leaving Jez in the darkening cave, unable to move.

"What the hell!" Zack shouted as Robert drove away from the cave, leaving Jez behind, but Robert did not reply, keeping his eyes on the concrete road instead. "Turn us around and go back!" Zack demanded, but Robert shook his head this time, his expression firm and angry. "He's a Zodiac! You trust him, and he's the enemy!" Robert finally exclaimed, and Zack scoffed in disbelief, "You're a Zodiac too!" Robert sighed, reached up, and ripped his brown hair off, revealing bright white hair and even paler skin. "I'm a Spectre!" he said hotly, and Zack's mouth fell open. "We are both Spectres, we have to stick together! I'm not bringing a Zodiac with me!" Zack was still in shock, but only for a few moments. "He saved my life! He is a friend!"

Robert clenched his fists against the steering wheel as Zack shouted at him, but he kept his cool somehow, driving steadily along with the concrete and getting closer towards the place where the Resistors hide. "You better quiet down otherwise your voice is going to be gone by the time we get there. We still have four hours to go," Robert said, and Zack felt the anger swirl even more inside of him. "I'm getting out. We don't need your help!" He yelled, grabbing onto the door handle, but Robert suddenly gripped the wheel with his left hand and shot his right hand out, catching Zack on the back of the head and knocking him out instantly. "Sorry," Robert mumbled as Zack's head dropped down.


Trae waited for the doctor to allow him to leave, but he had been waiting already for days, yet his only visitor had been Jade, who was providing constant updates on the retreat of the Zodiacs and that he might be able to start fighting soon. "What if I don't want to fight?" Trae found himself asking, and Jade looked shocked. "You will have to fight again. You have us your loyalty to defeat the Zodiacs. You will fight until we say you can leave." Trae felt angry again because he did not want to keep fighting even though they had already lost. There was no way they could defeat them, not when they were growing stronger! "I will come back tomorrow with more information. Until then, try to rest up, because you're free to leave." Trae looked up in surprise, and Jade nodded again.

"Just use the crutches in the corner of the room to get out, because you can't walk on your leg." Trae sat up instantly, threw his covers off, and hurried to stand, but Jade placed a firm hand on his shoulder, "Be careful," she warned, passing him the crutches, and Trae used them to get up from the bed. "Thank you," he said, and Jade chuckled. "Where will you go?" she asked, and Trae sighed, "I don't think Lauren knows Zack is dead," he whispered, and Jade looked crestfallen. "We can send someone over," she murmured, but Trae shook his head, "No. She needs to hear it from me." Jade sighed and patted him on the back, "We already know your address, so I can come by tomorrow." Trae nodded and began using the crutches to slowly make his way to the door, leaving his ward, and headed down the lonely corridor.


Jez feebly moved through the dark, fear, betrayal and anger swelling inside him as though he were a balloon about to burst. He had to keep himself clear of the Zodiac bodies, just in case any of them were just unconscious. He still had his sword sheathed to his waist, but he had no need of it right now. "Running away I see," came a wheezing voice, and Jez turned to find the Black Knight laying on the ground, his head bleeding but he did not seem to notice. "I can't trust anyone. I thought that the Zodiacs were evil, but after what just might just be the fact that I was manipulated." The Black Knight did not look surprised by Jez's words, because he stood fully, cracking his joints as he said, "The same thing happened to me, kid."

The Black Knight stepped even further forwards, raising his hand and firmly grasping Jez's shoulder. "You thought you were doing the right thing, and then you were betrayed. You can hardly be blamed for that." Jez nodded, wiping his eyes quickly, and the Black Knight indicated to the waterfall exit. "There is only one thing you can possibly do to make things right again," Jez stared at the Black Knight curiously, not sure what he meant, and the Black Knight chuckled softly. "Re-join the Zodiac Empire!" Jez felt his fists clench by his sides at the suggestion, but then, slowly, he unclenched them, realizing, with a pang, that the Black Knight was right. "I'll do it," Jez whispered, "I'll come with you and re-join the Zodiac Empire."