Her Majesty

[Welcome, heroes, to the kingdom of Destinasia]

After awaking, what greeted us was a beautiful woman who looked around mid to late 30's but still have very beautiful skin. The type that you could tell that she was a noona but she looked young for her age.

Having blonde hair, baby blue eyes, 3 moles under her left eye, a gentle smile, a crown with an octagonal base colored gold and purple and wearing a golden robe with purple octagons on the sleeves that was loose but still hugged be curvy body, she was a perfect noona to feast your eyes upon.

Despite all of this temptation before our eyes, it seemed that none of my peers noticed how alluring her body was and started screaming.


"I want to see my parents!!!"


*hic sob* "I-I-i want to go back home, please? I miss my family..."

As my classmate's yells, sobs and insults permeated through the massive hall filled with purple and gold colors, she glances around the room and rests her eyes on me, the only one not having a breakdown.

'Huh? Did she just look at me? I mean, I did see it with my own eyes so I can't be wrong...'

Just as i was thinking about what the smile meant, one of the guards, I assume to be the captain due to him being the only guard with golden armor, yells extremely loudly.

[Silence you barbarians! Do. Not. Interrupt her royal highness, commander-in-chief, great admiral, royal scholar and holy leader of the great Destinasia. The honorable, benevolent, holy, Aria Sophia Sarah Helena Olivia Lüdmilla Emily the II of house Remiér]

'...huh? Is it just me or are her initials what i think they are? Did..... did her parents think this name through? And.. THE SECOND!?? There is another person named that??'

'This is..... this is just pitiful... *sigh*, with those initials, the last name 'Remiér' and number 2, it just completes the name...'


Ahhhh damn it, a laugh barely slipped out of me... this kind of dry, serious humor always gets me. Probably the reason I laugh at 'Python Monty' while being stone-faced watching 'Acquaintances' or 'How I Met Your Father'. Damn the British...

Well, I guess judging from my peers' reactions, they don't have time to comprehend the insanity of her name which to be fair, is a pretty average reaction or I guess, lack thereof.

[Enough, Damien. Please do not yell at the guests] (Aria)

[Bu-] (Damien)

[Please apologize to our kingdom's heroes. They are startled, confused and disoriented from the sudden change of environment] (Aria)

[Yes, my lady. *sigh* Heroes of Destinasia, I sincerely apologize for my words and I hope that you can forgive me for my unruliness] (Damien)

'The clear different in speaking is immense. Aria has a loud, imposing yet gentle and clear voice while Damien has a rugged, tough and raspy voice.' . While thinking about these useless bits of trivia, her majesty Aria spoke up,

[Everybody, please say and think of the word 'Status'. When done correctly, you should see be able to see a floating screen in front of you. Nobody else can see your screen unless that person has special ability 'Appraisal'. There should be at least one of you with that ability]

As she talked, one of the hardcore otakus said loudly,

"Hahahaha, I got it! I got it! I have appraisal as my skill!!"

'What an idiot. Hmmm, I guess I should check myself, though far from that otaku so he won't see what i got...'



Name: Kim Min-chul (Untitled)

Age: 18/ Race: Human Male

Titles: Playboy





Skills: Squeaky Bed (Super Rare)

Appraisal (Heroic S)

HP: 2000/2000

Mana: 10000/10000

Disposition: Neutral Evil

Calculating Puppet-Master

Mental State: Apathetic


STR: 31 RES: 23

SPD: 49 STAMI: 75

LUCK: 30 KAR: -25



- increase LUCK by 20%

- increases attractiveness to the opposite

gender by 25%

- easier by 25% to manipulate people of

the opposite gender to do you bidding

- increase contempt of same gender by 15%

- can be combined with title, 'Adonis' to form

new title, 'Goddesses Secret Lover'


- increases STAMI by 20%

- increase chance of women falling in love

by 50%

- pleasure increase in bed by 50% for you

and your partner

- when paired with skill 'Squeaky Bed',

increases attractiveness to women

by 75%, increases pleasure of the

partner in bed by 100%, increases

chance of manipulation for women by

50% and 70% higher chance of seduction

- Contempt of same gender increases by

5% per seduced woman


- increases INT by 10%

- increase chance of manipulation by 80%

- when in use, you are apathetic to any

emotions that may hinder your judgement

- when used until proficiency, can be combined

with titles 'Strategist' and 'Tactician' to

create new title, 'Author of History'


- increase admiration of the people by 1000%

- increase attraction to opposite gender

by 100%

- increase all stats by 30%

- increase HP and Mana by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to

monsters by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to demons,

ghosts, ghouls and other hell spawn by 50%


- increases INT by 25%

- increase leader aura and admiration by 80%

- when in use, you are apathetic to any

emotions that may hinder you judgement

- When used until proficiency, can be combined

with titles 'Puppet-Master' and 'Tactician' to

create new title, 'Author of History'

(Squeaky Bed) (Rare)

- increase STAMI by 50% when in bed

- increase pleasure of women by 75%

- when paired with title 'Gigolo',

increases attractiveness to women

by 75%, increases pleasure of the

partner in bed by 100%, increases

chance of manipulation for women by

50% and 70% higher chance of seduction

- skill activated by sacrificing any amount

of blood. blood will be considered 'sacrificed'

when cut purposely by the holder of this skill

(Appraisal, S-Rank) (Heroic)

- can view others' status by thinking the

word, 'God's Eyes' (thinking is limited to

A-rank skill and above)

- can block out other appraisals of lower

value than yours (Ranks are as follows: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, G)

- improve eyesight to 20/05 vision

- Skill is passively active

- incase of a higher appraisal level viewing

your status, there are different countermeasures

for different situations.

These countermeasures are as follows:

0 level difference:

- cannot see any titles aside from current one in use

- cannot see disposition

- cannot see mental state

1 level difference:

- cannot see any titles aside from current one in use

- cannot see mental state

2 level difference:

- no countermeasures


'Hmmmm, my skills don't look too bad at first glance with intellect and stamina topping my stats. Well, considering how I've lived my life until now, seems accurate however... What the hell is up with my karma??? I mean come on, I've done bad things but I haven't done bad things, you know? Haaahh, whatever. It seems like I have the second best 'Appraisal' rank and considering I can see what that otaku's status is, his is probably B rank or lower'

'Hmmmm, my titles and skills aren't bad and the titles mostly fit so I guess it's ok...'

Just like me, it seems like people are so immersed into their status window that nobody is even chatting about their statuses to their friends. Well, Anna looks like she wants to go over to me but she probably sees that I'm busy as well so she doesn't bother.

[Now, heroes, I assume you are done with your status check. For comparison, a regular citizen's status would have their health at an average of 200, mana at 50 and the rest of their stats at 10] (Archmage Jazzaz)

"Woahhhh, I'm super strong!!"

"Huhhhhh.... my intellect is pretty high but my strength is at 9, what the hell's with that??!"

"hahahaha, my heroic skill is 'Duplication!! Hahaha, I can make 2 copies of myself!!"

'So we are just throwing out our specialties now?'

Just as everyone was rejoicing about their various skills, Mrs. Chan spoke up,

"Why are we here? Why did you give us powers, can't you just give one of your own warriors powers? Can we return?"

As Mrs. Chan blasted question after question, you could visibly see the royal guard captain, Damien, go red with anger until he remember that important reminder by Aria.

[hooo~ I guess you would have many questions. So let me answer them. You are here to defeat the evil and wicked demon king. We gave you powers and summoned you because due to the lack of talent within our people, the power would simply drive them mad. For your last question... I'm afraid not, you may not return to your world] (Archmage Jazzaz)


"What about our families, huh?! You selfish bastards!"

"Yeah, wha-"

Just as the insults came through, Jazzaz interrupted them,

[HOWEVER, you will be handsomely rewarded. So much so, that you may very well be richer than some of the Dukes and Marquess of this land] (Jazzaz)

'Oh. My. God.... does she think that we are preschoolers? For crying out loud, does she really expect us to believe whatever she says without a signed contract? And what about when she said their warriors lack talent... if they lacked talent, the demon king would have invaded them and won already!!! Well, unless their way of sustainability would be summoning other-worlders whenever a problem arises.'

'But that in itself provides another problem, the past heroes. Surely with money and power, they can find a way to prolong their lives and in turn, hog more and more money, slowing the economy. And puh-lease, I'm not stupid enough to think that this country, no matter how wealthy, can afford to make 34 students + 1 teacher wealthier than the Dukes and Marquess of this country. I mean it's ridiculous.'

However, despite whatever I was thinking, I couldn't just blurt it out. In front of the armed guards, in the throne room of the palace, to the queen...

*sigh* 'I'll leave it to my classmates to voice their opinions.' Just as I was thinking that...