V for Very

Just as I was thinking about letting my classmates voice their discontent with the proposed rewards...

"We'll do it!!!"

"I wanna buy a massive castle and then make more money!!!"


'.....huh? Seriously, that can convince you? I think I'm going to die from brain damage due to the bullshit entering my ears right now'

While massaging my temples to push out all of the stupid sentences flooding my brain, my friends approach me.

"Hey, dude, what skill did you get?" (Do-yun)

"Huh? Oh, I got something weird called 'Magician's Mind', it makes my spells do around 150% more damage, what about you?" (Me)

"Heehee, I got something called 'Growth', my stats increase 100% quicker than normal heroes! Hahaha" (Do-yun)

"Whattttt~ no faiiirrr~ I only got 'Brain Jammer', it makes your opponent be confused and unable to attack for 3 minutes. What'd you get Hana, Ha-neul, Anna?" (Chung-cha)

*smirk* "Hahahaha! I got 'King Slayer'!! Monster and opponents up to 500% stronger than me will have their strength reduced 50%! Hahaha." (Hana)

"Ahhh, I guess my skill isn't too bad. I got 'Judge, Jury and Executioner' which basically increases my battle prowess against hell spawn and evil enemies by 500%" (Ha-neul)

"Waaaa, Ha-neul's power is soo coolll~~, what'd you get Anna??" (Chung-cha)

"Ah? Umm, I got 'Braveheart' where it increases my resistance to all attacks by 300%" (Anna)

'Ehhhh...Anna is lying again. She isn't even trying to hide it... *sigh*. Well, lets see why she's fussing so much. God's Eyes'


Name: Anna Bennett (Maiden in Love)

Age: 17 / Race: Human Female

Titles: Maiden in Love

Mad Woman


Wearer of Many Clothes



Skills: Silent Steps (Uncommon)

Predator (Super Rare)

Kunoichi (Heroic)

HP: 5000/5000

Mana: 2500/2500

Disposition: Lawful Evil

Selfish Tactician

Mental State: Adoration, Jealousy


STR: 25 RES: 35

SPD: 82 STAMI: 50(+10)

LUCK: 21 KAR: 2

INT: 31

(Maiden in Love)

- increase STAMI by 20%

- all emotions and thoughts that may

hinder, hurt, injure, kill, etc. your beloved

will be dispelled

- chance of seducing your beloved

increases by 70%

- all movements are 100% sexier

and more arousing

- chance of manipulation increases

by 50%

(Mad Woman)

- all thoughts and emotions that may

- hinder, hurt injure, kill, etc. your

beloved will be dispelled

- intimidate any woman courting your beloved

- causes effects, 'fear' and 'obedience'.

'Fear' causes temporary deduction of 10% of

STR, SPD, STAMI and INT while 'obedience'

temporarily causes the victim to be manipulated

25% easier

- when your beloved within 50 meters of the

holder of this title, they will temporarily receive

a 10% buff for STR, SPD, INT, LUCK, 25% buff

for RES and 50% buff for STAMI


- increase admiration of the people by 1000%

- increase attraction to opposite gender

by 100%

- increase all stats by 30%

- increase HP and Mana by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to

monsters by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to demons,

ghosts, ghouls and other hell spawn by 50%

(Wearer of Many Clothes)

- increases STAMI and SPD by 20%

- disguises and lies are more believable to others

by 100%

- increases chance of seduction and manipulation

by 10%

- when used until proficiency, title can be upgraded

to new title, 'Fake Life'


- increases quick thinking and situation awareness

by 80%

- when in use, you are apathetic to any

emotions that may hinder you judgement

- increases INT by 20%

- when used until proficiency, can be combined

with titles 'Strategist' and 'Tactician' to

create new title, 'Author of History'


- increases SPD and LUCK by 50%

- increases stealth and close-range attack

damage by 50%

- increases damage done with poison or

close range weapons by 50%

- When paired with skills 'Kunoichi' and

'Silent Steps', increases SPD by 50%,

increases stealth by 75%, user is

apathetic to any emotions that may

hinder judgement and gives enemy

effect 'Paralysis' which makes enemy

unable to move for 5 seconds

(Silent Steps) (Uncommon)

- increases stealth by 25%

- increases SPD and STR by 10%

- When paired with title 'Ninja' and skill

'Kunoichi', increases SPD by 50%,

increases stealth by 75%, user is

apathetic to any emotions that may

hinder judgement and gives enemy

effect 'Paralysis' which makes enemy

unable to move for 5 seconds

- passively active

(Predator) (Super Rare)

- increases stealth by 10%

- STR increases by 50% for 30 seconds

- when paired with title 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothes',

increases damage to all monsters and hell-spawn

by 500% for 10 seconds, increases stealth by 50%

and increases quietness of movements by 75%

- activated when in battle against opponents 100%

stronger than you or less.

(Kunoichi) (Heroic)

- increase SPD by 25%

- all actions are 100% more seductive to men

- increases knowledge of hand-to-hand combat

and poison

- increase stealth by 25%

- increases vision to 20/20 with night vision

- When paired with title 'Ninja' and skill

'Silent Steps', increases SPD by 50%,

increases stealth by 75%, user is

apathetic to any emotions that may

hinder judgement and gives enemy

effect 'Paralysis' which makes enemy

unable to move for 5 seconds

- passively active


'.....huh? Maiden in Love? Mad Woman? What the hell is up with those titles.... well, putting that aside, it seems like she's a ninja for her heroic trait however... aren't our heroic traits based on our traits back on earth? Just what the hell was she doing back on earth?'

I got 'Appraisal' due to my great skill at reading people, Ha-neul got 'Judge, Jury and Executioner' being the righteous girl she is, Chung-cha got 'Brain Jammer' because... I guess she is a confusing person? Do-yun got 'Growth' because he easily adapts to new surroundings and Hana got 'King Slayer' because she has been seducing the higher-ups at her company for better job options and pay.

' Hmmm, so her disposition is Selfish Tactician huh, and what's up with her mental state, Adoration? Jealousy? No way...does she like someone in my group? It's possible... Do-yun or me... wait, I can't rule out her being a lesbian yet... Ahhh, so annoying. Whatever, let's deal with it when we get there.'

"???" (Anna)

'Huh? Oh, seems like she caught me staring'

As I smile at her, she immediately turns away to talk to Do-yun and gang, it seems that she's smiling while talking, why is she so happy now? Anyways, while that's going on, I glance towards the queen.....

'..... She's still staring!! What the hell. Let's return the greeting I guess. I mean, she did come down from her throne to look take a closer.' After decided what to do, I go over to her and kneel at her feet, showing my respect.

"Greetings, Her Majesty Aria"

[hmmm~? You have very good manners, boy... say, why you so composed unlike your peers~ hmmm?] (Aria)

"Your maje-"

[It's Aria, but only for youu~]

"....Aria, to be honest, the reason I wasn't yelling profanities was because I was enamored by your beauty. I sincerely apologize and thank you at the same for letting me see your beauty"

'Nothing like a good bootlicking'

[hoohoo~ what a sweet talker.. hehe hehe, as expected of a hero with Playboy and Gigolo as titles~]

'Shit, does she have a higher level 'Appraisal' than me? Even if she does, the counter measures should block it out... I'll feign ignorance and chalk it up to her making an assumption due to my looks'

"...Playboy? Gigolo? I apologize you-.. Aria, but I have no idea what you're talking about."

[....hmmmmm~ is that so.. oh well, I apologize, heehee. Just playing a little trick on you~~]

".....I see"

[you are a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very interesting boy... come to my quarters at 12:00 a.m after you settle into your room, I would like to... get to know you better~]

'What's with the 15 verys?'

"As you wish, Aria"


(A.N) uhoh... Anna and Aria looking really suspicious now... oh, by the way, say it with me now...

E-R-O next chapter! Do inform your father, daddy koppa, if my ero skills aren't ero-y enough.

Comment on this text if you want anything to show up later on. Be it mc having some growth, some face-slapping scenes here and there, etc etc.