Goodnight, Min

After training, I called Katja to my room to service me. Usually, at night is when I think about what's about to happen and what next move will be. This includes the emotional status of my allies, the current usefulness of my pawns and more.

To think about this is really hard work, even for someone with the perfect brain to formulate these plans. Too much thinking can cloud your next decisions. So, I call Katja to be my 'thinking cap'.

Back on earth, Park Sun-hee, Do-yun's girlfriend, was my thinking cap. Whenever I had something troubling me, I'd bang her and use my sage mind after nutting to think properly.

"You called for me, Min?"

"Yes, I did. Now, service me"

"As you wish"

Kneeling down on the floor with her uniform still on and a slight blush on her face, she takes my penis and gets it hard with her handjob. Teasing the head, stroking the shaft and playing with the balls. Overall, 8/10.

"Slllluuarrppp.... suuuuccc... slllurrrpppp... haah haah... I still can't believe there is someone with this size"

"Thank you, Kat"

Pulling down her panties but leaving on her uniform, boots and stockings to do the job... she really knows what I like. Efficient and quick. She understands that this isn't lovemaking, this is sex.

"...!!!... gaaahhh! Fucckkk~ I never get over when it first comes in~"

"Are just going to sit there, or do you want me to do the heavy lifting?"

".. do you mind?"

"Haha, leave it to me"

*smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap* *smack* *slap*

"Guuhhh!!! Haah, haha. How th- ahhhnn~ the fuuuckkk did I go about my life with my husband's cooockkk~"

"Because I wasn't summoned yet, silly"

"Hahahaa, if all heroes are like this, I don't mind being a concubine of one of the heroes~~❤️"

"Nope, I'm pretty sure I'm a little special. Trust me"

"I'll take your w- uhhhh~ word for it thennn~"

While fucking her, she usually complains about how her husband, a butler named David serving the second prince, can't even reach halfway in her vagina. I honestly don't feel bad for him. I mean, who asked you to have such a hot wife yet such a tiny cock, if you can even call it that.

I feel very fortunate to have the perfect cock. Longer than average yet not banging on the cervix, reaches right below a regular woman's belly button A.K.A the g-spot and the curve helps rub it more. I'm truly blessed. Not to mention my girth. After all, girth is worth.

"H-hey Min... how did you get so good at f- faahhhh~ fuckinnggg~?"


"Ahhh~ I seeeee~"

After 30 minutes of fucking, Katja is already in what I like to call, 'dummy state'. A woman being in dummy state is quite a rare site for me to see but it does happen. Usually with sexually frustrated and inexperienced women. Katja's state however is truly interesting. So interesting in fact that I will write about this in my notebook when she leaves.

The first 5 minutes of fucking for her are normal. Panting, moaning, wanting kisses and the usual bit. The interesting part is after that... she goes dummy. She starts tightening up more, moving quicker, drooling and spitting everywhere, slurring her words... a total mess.

I have no idea what caused this. Maybe she's a born whore? A messy 'eater'? Who knows.

"Mmmihhnnnn~~~~ Mihhnnn... pweasee, fu- gahhh! Fuck mhee uhntilll yuuu buhssstt"

(Min please, fu- gaahhhh! Fuck me until you bust)

"Haah...haah, perfect timing, dummy Katja. Here it comes! Ughhh!"

*squirt squirt spurt*

After filling Katja up, she immediately calms down from her dummy state and asked me to tidy her up with my various spell. I use Anti-Baby, the spell I learnt from Aria, give her my sheets and sit on the study room chair and using my sagely state, I start thinking about more pressing matters.

Why was Do-yun acting up... well, there are a plethora of reason he could be... annoyance at something, a bad day or maybe he got a bad contract from a company. I don't see any reason for him to be upset anyways.

'Did I wrong him? Did someone else wrong him? Hmmm, ughh.... I might have to pay his maid a late night visit'

Going out of my room, I head towards Do-yun's room. I know that maids are required to do whatever their master or mistress requires but most of the heroes right now are too soft to try anything. So his maid, a buff woman named Cecil, probably hasn't been done in by him.

Taking note of the regular disposition of the maids, most of them have a disposition of 'Pride, Helpful' meaning that they appreciate their work with the heroes. However, at least a quarter of the maids have a disposition of 'Lust, Interested' when around me. These maids are the widowed, single or lonely maids.

Sadly however, Cecil isn't on that list. Her disposition is usually 'Interested, Admiration' meaning she probably respects me for my hard work in becoming a hero. Well, she is a very competitive woman from what I've heard and maybe I could lure her into having a battle or something.

After all, not all problems concerning women can be solved with sex.

"Oh, hello Cecil"

"Huh? Oh, good evening, Hero Min-chul. What are doing out so late tonight?"

Looking at her, you realize how buff she is. At around 200 cm, most guys would already feel intimidated by having to looking up at her just to talk to her. Adding in her forearm scars, bulky biceps, hard abs and slightly tough boobs, it isn't hard to see why no man would want her.

Luckily, this is to my advantage. Simple emotional manipulation. Nothing too hard.

"Oh, I was wondering if we could have a battle of sorts"

"A battle? Whatever do you mean by that?"

"I'd like to test your sword skills, dear Cecil"

"...are you sure about this, Hero?"

"Ohohh, let us see, Miss Knight"

"How'd you know?"

"Intuition... your body is built and beautiful. Your face is defined yet smooth... and you have a commanding aura about you. I'd like to see if that would break"

'B-b-break??? And what does he mean by beautiful... Impossible! Humph, let's see who'll win' (Cecil)

"Alright then"

Leading her towards the training ground, we greet the guards and explain that we are having a friendly spar, to which they agree to let us in for 30 minutes. Taking two wooden swords from the barracks, I hand one to her and I get into a Gedan-no-kamae position which I learned from the kendo my father taught me.

He used to say, "how to determine whether a person is determined and has grit is to see their physical shape. Maintaining a physically taxing hobby or sport shows how much dedication they have towards themselves and in turn, their value of themselves".

"...Hero Min-chul. I'd like to confirm that you want to spar right? Aren't you a magician?"

"I want to see if my practice has been for naught"

"Very well"

Comparing the two of us, there are a multitude of advantages for Cecil compared to me. Stronger, more experienced and most likely, faster despite her larger and heavier build. There is one thing however...

From my training with Dunn, my speed has now grown to a whopping 131. If it stuck to the increase stat by one per 10 kms, no doubt I would have been quicker than a certain blue hedgehog but alas, after I reached the 100 mark, it significantly slowed down.

Checking my opponent's skills, it seems that her strength is way beyond that of a regular human, being 100 and her speed at 74. Her other stats are around 4~5 times more than an average human being. Too bad I'm a hero. And too bad she hasn't seen a hero in her lifetime.

'Time to deal with the devil'

"Say... would you like to bet something?"

"...a... bet? Sir hero?"

"It's Min-chul, and yes, a bet. If I win, I want to ask something about your job. Now, you decide something of equal value"

"...I want to ask you a question about the world you came from, then"

"Then we have a deal. I'll start when you start"

"Okay.... 3, 2, 1..."

'Swiftness, 1000 nuns, nimble fingers'


Before she shouted "go", I immediately casted some buffs on myself. Swiftness for speed, 1000 nuns for strength and nimble fingers for dexterous hands.

After shouting, she rushes towards me and slashes at my shin, to which I dodge by jumping and slamming down the blade onto her head. Well, she isn't a veteran for nothing as she blocks it with the hilt of her sword and switches her grip to be to hold the dull part of the blade with her palm.

Seeing this, I slash towards her abdomen with a fluid motion while kicking her ankles as fast as I can. Due to her being a maid for 5 years and being retired for 7, she mostly focused on the blade coming towards her stomach and when she noticed the foot sweep, it was too late.


Falling to the floor on her buttocks, I point the sharp side of my sword to her neck and hold it there for a while before letting it go. Seeing her sigh, I helped her up to sit on the nearby watching bench to rest.

"Hahaha, I guess I'm getting rusty, huh?"

"Well, that isn't your fault, now is it, Cecil? And plus, it was only a spar and I doubt you were taking it seriously"

"Hahaha, you got me you got me... hey, mind if I call you Min?"

"No problem... about my question..."

"Oh! I totally forgot. So, ask away"

"...why is Do-yun acting weird today?"

"Hero Do-yun?... now that you mention it, he did go out with another female hero yesterday to do something but I brushed it off as him probably some secret relationship or doing some extra training... why do you ask?"

"It's nothing. He just looked so disturbed... do you know who he saw that night?"

"Afraid not"

'Fuck... what a predicament. Well, I can't expect the maid to be too strict on where her boss went when they can't even leave the palace without permission and a squad of guards'

'So what the hell actually happened?'

"Okay, thanks anyway. I'm going back now"

"Wait! Min, I know I lost but do you mind answering my question about your past world?"

'Hmmmm, no need to alienate her by being so strict with a friendly match. Just because she doesn't have information now, doesn't mean she won't have it later'


"...what was your father like?"

'Fuck. Just her mentioning the word father sends chills down my spine. Even though I love him to death, I have no idea why I'm like this'

" dad?"


"Why do you ask?"

"Well... I never had a father and my mother was away most of the time. So, I was trained to be a knight by my grandmother and here I am today... I just want to know what it's like"


"Ahh! If it's too sensi-"

"It's great"


"My dad..... is a good guy"

"Oh!... really?"

"Yes. He taught me everything I know today. Without him, I'd be a person who doesn't know how to function in society... but, while my father was like that, I'm sure it differs between people"

"Ah! I see... thank you, Min"

After bowing to show her respect, she runs off to see if her boss needs anything while I sit there, wondering about my family.

'Mom... Min-hee... father... I wonder what they're doing right now without me... but, with what Cecil just asked, I think I can see why I look up to my dad so much... kind and caring but strict and cold'

'Haahh... I miss dad already'


(A.N) Mooooo!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARRR~~~ Moooo...mooooo... will publish a second chapter at 12:00 pm GMT+8. Woooowooo. Thanks for the support and readsss~~ 🐮 🐮 🐮