Like Father, Like Son

(A.N) (IMPORTANT; READ BEFORE CONTINUING) alright, so this chapter will be a very edgy chapter, even for me. I apologize if you are uncomfortable with this kind of chapter and honestly, I don't blame you.

I make these chapters because it shows the 'WHY' on these characters are the way they are. I believe this is quite important for the building of their personalities and why they are a yandere, a manipulative bastard or whatever.

With that being said, this chapter will be much worse when compared to the previous chapters and possibly the future ones. It includes mentions of: child ab*se, brainwashing


NOTE II: there will be a tl;dr at the bottom of the chapter if you believe you aren't strong willed enough or have a traumatic past with these kinds of subjects. I sincerely apologize.

Now, sit back, relax, and read this shitshow of a chapter, peace ✌️!

15 years ago


Papa is caring. Papa is kind. Papa loves me and Min-hee but, he loves me more than Min-hee. Papa loves me more than Mama too. Papa told me that when he loves me, it's called 'Tough Love'. I don't understand but, I'm happy Papa loves me.

*smack* *thud* "FUCK! You're such a fucking disappointment, you know that, Min-chul?" *smack*

As he starts disciplining me for mixing up the 10th and 11th teachings he taught me, I fall to the floor after getting disciplined on my tummy for the 30th and final time. I don't remember how many times I've forgotten what he taught me... I'm such an idiot, I can't even remember such basic teachings of papa.

"I-I apologize, papa..."

"Fucking hell... why aren't just like me, HUH??!! Why the fuck did you have to be like that jellyfish of a mother of yours, HAAH?!!"

"Because I haven't taught properly by papa yet"

"That's right, boy. You. Are. Me. We are the perfect humans is this shitty world filled with compassion and generosity, understand? Nothing matter more than profit. Without profit, there isn't a meaning to your life, understand?" *smack smack*

Kicking me slightly on my shoulder, he stares down on me as the tears keep falling but I dare not make a sound. Ever since this tough love started around 2 years ago, I haven't cried properly since I was 2 years old. Papa told me when I was 2, that if I cried loudly while being trained, he'd hit 2 more times.

After that, I've only shed tears but not made noise. That made papa happy.

"Yes papa, I will do as you will. Without profit is without logic. Profit is meaning. Profit is purpose"

Whenever papa taught me how to be a better me, he'd use his loving touch to teach me. Legs, tummy, hands, buttocks, arms. But no face, papa taught me that you need to hide your weaknesses if you want others to show theirs while they're cocky. After all, from a book papa made me read said "All war is deception".

Every time Mama went out for work, Papa would stay home because his job doesn't require his presence. Instead, he usually brings home many different people who look younger than Mama while making me watch them wrestling on the bed from the closet. If I make a noise, he will use his loving touch on my abdomen around 30 to 40 times to teach me to breathe quieter, so I learned how to control my breathing.

"Boy, tell me again what are the 13 lessons of life that I have taught you and say it in order. Failure will result in 10 enlightenment sessions, and don't mess up this time"

"Yes papa. The first lesson is 'Without dark, there won't be light. Learn to balance it and you sail into greatness'"

"Uhuh, next"

"The second teaching is 'Value your subjects. Overvalue them and be taken advantage of, undervalue them and face rebellion. Walk this line and become the king'. The third teaching is 'despite not having it, doesn't mean we can't learn it. Empathy is important to understand, not to have'

"Okay okay... you're doing well so far"

The teachings of father are very important to live in this world. With them, I can learn to be a better me... a new me. A me that can rival papa, maybe surpass him. The teachings of papa are as follows. Obviously, I've memorized them.

1. Without dark, there won't be light. Learn to balance it and you sail into greatness.

2. Value your subjects. Overvalue them and be taken advantage of, undervalue them and face rebellion. Walk this line and become the king.

3. Despite not having it, doesn't mean you can't have it. Emotions and empathy are important to learn, not to have. An asset when leaned, a liability when gained.

4. Friends are a temporary asset. Nothing more. They are your stones to propel you to bigger boulders. Use this wisely and grow taller than the tallest mountains.

5. Taking into account number 4, money is permanent. Make enough and it will last you, your sons and their sons.

6. Similarly with number 5, money makes the world go round. Take advantage of this and and you will be able to make the world turn whichever direction you wish.

7. Do not underestimate the greed of man. Dangle a bait, they catch it without reason. Use assets, allies and money to make more assets, allies and money.

8. Emotions are a hindrance and doubt is a burden. Rid yourself of these through confidence and handle business with a clear mind.

9. All's fair in love and war. Use your control of your emotions from number 8 and take control of any situation you find yourself in. Be it relationships or business.

10. You live for profit. Profit is your only goal, whether you need to spend to make or do a simple deal, earn profit. Without profit is without meaning. Without profit is without purpose. Losing money to make more money is still profit.

11. Problems are there for you to fix. Fix the problems and profit from their dependence on you. Make them look to you as the only solution. Do this and profit greatly. This goes in tandem with number 12. When the masses are dependent on your services, you can, in turn, decide who gets the remains of the carcass you ate. It's an infinite loop of power.

12. Learn to control the masses. Be the shepherd amongst the unorganized sheep. Control the sheep, you decide who get to eat from the pie you make. Media media media, image image image. As the saying goes, "Valuing life isn't a weakness and disregarding it isn't a strength". This goes in tandem with number 11. When the powerful and wealthy are dependent on you and your connections and power, you control the masses. It's an infinite loop of power.

13. Don't get caught. Unless getting caught is a plot to fool the opponent, don't get caught. Just remember, DON'T GET CAUGHT.

I've been doing this for such a long time that it's already ingrained into my head, I cannot live like I did before because my subconscious won't allow it. Though sometimes I do miss having playmates, it's nothing I can't handle.

Well.....there is one 'playmate' who usually comes over. Nobody ever told me her name and I've never asked since I call her 'blondie' and she didn't mind.

We usually meet on the weekend and she is very pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes and nice skin. She also looks pretty and foreign so it does give that foreigner charm.

"Ooohhh! Good day for round of golf, no?" (???)

"Hahaha! Damn right! Min-chul, take care of the girl, okay? I'm going golfing with Uncle Cristian" (Papa)

"Yes papa"

Every time she comes over, they go out golfing and leave us alone in either her place that she has in Gangnam or mine. I have more toys though since Min-hee is only one so she usually comes over. She apparently lives in Britain but, her father regularly visits Korea for business and vacation.

"Hello, Min-chul" (Blondie)

"Yes, another good weekend, isn't it blondie?"

"Indeed... shall we play some monopoly?"

"That... would be fun. Wait here, I'll get the box"

When we play, she usually enjoy business and money making games like monopoly, payday, etc. and...loves to take off my shirt. She has never told me why she does that but, she does enjoy touching the places that papa regularly trains.

Though, it kinda makes her look like a pervert, I don't mind since aside from Min-hee, she's the only play playmate and 'friend' that I've ever had.

After hanging out regularly with her, it seems like her papa and mama also train her but, very differently from what I've been through.

Her papa regularly trains her aswell but it's different from my father's way of teaching. Despite all the training she goes through, her father never teachers her about anything like my father.

Her mama however is much crueler I believe. While we were showering after playing in the yard, I noticed that she has a scar on her lower back near her buttocks and every time she shows up, without fail, she has some marks. Maybe she didn't listen to her mama? The only reason I can tell that her mama is the one giving her those bruises is because she told me one day when she was 8.

Anyways, after seeing one of my bruises when we were 5, she started opening up about her papa and mama's peculiarity of teaching her how to live in this world.

It usually involved some kind of hurting without reason; violence without reason. Mama hurts, papa hurts. Papa hurts, mama hurts. Sometimes they switch and sometimes they don't hurt and invite some other friends over to join in on the fun.

Despite me practicing and learning papa's rules to life, I don't think I'm a completely heartless individual. Though cold, it still beats, even if it's irregular and rare, it still thumps. And with that, I realized that I wanted to protect her from this world. Without profit, without meaning, just protecting.

I've been her support and I eventually started teaching her some tricks to make friends in the daycare since her papa and mama don't seem to train her properly. Doing homework together, giving her questions on different situations and some other fun activities.

After we turned 10 however, every weekend turned into every month. And eventually, every month turned into turned to never. I have no idea if this was her idea, her papa's idea or my papa's idea.

After that, I realized that what papa said was correct. Friends are temporary and should be used. No, they WILL be used. To think I was so stupid.

Friends? Hahaha, don't, that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard of.


(tl;dr) this story focuses on Min-chul (The MC) and his traumatic past that made him into the cold, calculating and manipulative bastard that he is. He was abused by his father, forced to watch his father cheat on his mother and more.

He soon makes a friend with no name, known as 'blondie' for her blonde hair. Blondie makes him eventually realize that having playmates and friends is very enjoyable and he feels physical sick even thinking of hurting her. After being playmates for nearly 5 years, the meetings suddenly get more sparse and soon enough, they stop meeting entirely.

This makes Min-chul realize that what his father has been teaching him was right all along, that friends are temporary and must... no, WILL be used if he wants to survive. With this new mindset, he starts his life with a new outlook, more bastard-y than ever.