Familiarity Breeds Contempt

(A.N) (IMPORTANT; READ BEFORE CONTINUING) alright, so last chapter was a very edgy chapter, even for me. I apologize if you are uncomfortable with that kind of chapter and honestly, I don't blame you.

I make these chapters because it shows the 'WHY' these characters are the way they are. I believe this is quite important for the building of their personalities and why they are a yandere, a manipulative bastard or whatever.

With that being said, this chapter will be much, MUCH worse than the previous one. It includes mentions of : intense child abuse,


NOTE II: there will be a tl;dr at the bottom of the chapter if you believe you aren't strong willed enough or have a traumatic past with these kinds of subjects. I sincerely apologize.

Now, sit back, relax, and read this shitshow of a chapter. Your father, daddy koppa gives much thanks for all the support given so far, peace ✌️!

by the way, sorry for the kinda late chapter, peace ✌️ x2!

15 years ago


Papa is annoying. Papa is a bastard. Papa hates me and Maria but, he hates me more than Maria. Papa hates me more than mama too. Papa told me that when he loves me, it's called 'Woman Training'. I don't understand but, I'm pissed that Papa trains me.

Every time he locks me away, he tells me to never tell anyone because I will go away forever and ever. Even with this, I never cared how long I would go away. As long as papa was dead. Just somewhere where I am not.

This has been going on since I was 3. Mama knew what was happening yet, she never did anything. Maria knew but, also never did anything.

I knew that what was happening wasn't right when I started daycare. I never told anyone but, everyone came to school with proper skin, straight legs and much less cuts than me.

Why...why does my papa do this? All my classmates are normal and their papas normal too... so why me? Why not someone else? It's so unfair...

Until I meet him. My papa, named Cristian, introduced me to him during a business trip. His name was Min-chul. We were in a country called 'South Korea' and that's where I met Min-chul who looked very proper.

His house was much larger than mine, his body much more built than mine and... his body... with the same bruises and cuts as me. I knew, that's when I knew. He. Was. Me.

We are alike. He likes monopoly, I like monopoly. He likes listening to me, I like talking to him. He likes playing cars, I like playing cars. I like...him. I like him.

I have no idea when I started liking him but, it was probably when I lifted his shirt and saw the two deep bruises on his abdomen. Even though he was only 8, he had a harder abdomen than rocks. Probably because of his father's training.

Every since then, I wanted to have him, to keep him. I know he can protect me from him, that bastard who calls himself my papa. He never asked for my name but, treated me with respect. He was a red belt at judo, a jr. black belt at taekwondo, a green belt at jujutsu and a red armband at Muay Thai but when fighting, he always took time to teach me and...

Even though I'm dirty, I was hurt, beaten and treated like a toy they could push around, he viewed me as an equal. Not as an animal like mama or a doll like papa or a slave like Maria. But as a human. A living, breathing, walking, talking, FUCKING!!! HUMAN!!!


...just... anything but a world without him... please? Why wont you let me have him? Anyone? God? Allah? Zeus?... no...

The moment I was born into this world, I was pretty sure god was dead. But now that papa is threatening my Min-chul's life if I don't obey, I never hated anyone more. God is dead and this world is run by corrupt, power hungry, greedy pieces of shit that should have been flushed down the drain a loooonggg time ago.

So.... I did. I became their handle, their toilet handle. First was papa, then mama, then Maria, then papa's friends, Jorge and Andre... after that... I don't know.

I wasn't thinking about my future. I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. The only thing that was planned in my entire life was my sex slave status and when I flushed mama, papa and Maria. Yes, I have the entirety of papa's money, £430 million of it but... I still feel so... empty.

That's when I realized it...Min-chul. Why am I here in England, when I could meet Min-chul with my money? hahahaha...HAHAHAHA!!! Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul. Just you wait... wait for me and I'll come to you.

The more important things at hand however... this fucking house. Paying £500,000 really helps with the efficiency of the workers. Of course, I ordered them to fill in the dungeons, the cages and the cells that kept the bastard's and bitch's equipment and photos of me.

Next was the businesses. From what I've learnt from Min-chul during our playtime, you need to hire many different people such as lawyers, assistants and more. After settling all of the companies of bastard and putting them up for sale, next was the stock accounts. Easy enough, a cool £50 million plus the amount I'll get from selling the companies to invest into dividends. That's my yearly salary settled.

When combining all of the companies that bastard built up over the years and what I've earned from it, I decided to sell 2 of the 4 companies. The two that I chose to sell required my presence while the other two were just focused on real estate and weapons manufacturing. And while the weapons manufacturer that I own may require my decisions, the money coming in was just too much to turn down. So, I turned all 60% of my shares into non-voting shares and let the greasy bastards handle the work.

All in all, I now have a bank account with £100 million and a stock portfolio of £1.4 billion bringing in more money every day than a normal human could make in 10 years of work. This will be very useful for my plans. Especially when I need to silence the oh so chatty mouths in the future.

Next, I need to immigrate to Korea. Due to my extended time with Min-chul, I am fluent in English, Korean and a bit Chinese that he taught me. Hehehe, it makes me feel so warm inside knowing that he can speak so many languages at the same time. Just imagining him choking me while whispering in french to rid me of my worries... shivers. But that can wait until I'm of age.

After that, I need to enroll into his current middle school and know which high school he goes to. This is the tricky part... I can't let him recognize me.

While I would like for us to have a beautiful high school romance together, I don't know if he'll think the same. Most people think I've become a recluse in the bastard's townhouse in London while some even think I died in the mansion I set fire to.

Also, I know Min-chul. Why? Because he is me. He will believe I betrayed him, that I merely used him for entertainment until I got bored and chose a different person to play with, that I hurt him. I'm sure I would feel the same if your playmate just up and left and never explained why... fuck, I'm an idiot...

I'm such an idiot for making Min-chul worry. Idiot idiot idiot. But... right now I can't cry over spilled milk. The best thing for me to do is to make a 'new me'.

A...cheery me. An airhead me. A book smart but, people dumb me. A squishy me. A...fluffy me. A me without that bastards touch and a me that... will cling to Min-chul like a koala. A..... better... me... hehe.

Going to the same school as Min-chul was very exciting and scary at the same time. Exiciting because I could actually see him. Perfect jaw, taller than others, deep eyes and his moles... still the beautiful, lovely boy I knew. Scary however, because I was afraid that he would recognize me and all of my plans would be for naught.

I couldn't just introduce myself to him as that'd alert him, I can't suddenly hang out with his friends because that would make me friendzoned, I can't flirt with him because that's creepy...FUCK!

So... I resigned myself to just watching him. Watching him as he fucked his classmates, made friends and got the best grades... it hurts. It hurts so much more than when papa locked me away. I want to rip out my heart.

Until... I thought of a solution. Tutor. I wasn't well known in my class because I never talked to anyone and hid my looks with bangs and big glasses. However, when we go to high school, I can play it off as me being new by removing my disguise and asking for Korean language lessons... only 2 more years until I can talk to him. 2 more years until I can... feel him.

And they came along with me alright. Approaching him is so much more different than seeing him. When he looks at you he looks... warm, kind and natural... ughhh take meee.

"Uhhhhh... ane-yo-se-o? a-"

"Are you english? Don't worry, I can speak it just fine"

Giving a smile that would make people melt into the sidewalk, I blush slightly, unable to hold myself back too much.

After that, it was smooth sailing. Talking, getting better at Korean and befriending him. He doesn't seem to remember me however which is good for my plans but, bad for my heart. I still have a heart... I think...

This continued some more until we reached the last year of high school. Min-chul introduced me to his friend group and we 'got along' though it seems like there is some enmity between Hana and Na-neul for some reason unknown.

It was going great. I was going to take him out on a date, have him pin me to the bed and let him make me forget about everything that happened with that bastard, with our separation and slowly reveal it to him that he's been making love to his beloved this entire time...

That 'was' the plan until..... the damn purple octagon came into play.


(A.N) Wooowooo, what a ride, don't you think? This chapter was so very hard for me to write since I really want to write more graphic scenes to show what blondie went through but at the same time I don't want to possibly offend anyone with horrible memories about their childhood. Anyways, tl;dr is below this note. Hope you enjoyed, or not...


(tl;dr) Blondie, Min-chul's childhood playmate, went through a very traumatic childhood which eventually lead her to kill her entire family and her father's relatives. After planning it out and not being caught, she inherits a massive fortune and a massive addiction to a drug called 'Min-chul'.

Selling some of her father's businesses and investing in the stock market sets her for life but... something is missing. So, she heads to Korea with a fake identity, now only known as 'Anna Bennett'

With money, you can let the world do your bidding. And Anna exploits this by finding out where Min-chul lives, where his school is and his personal life. After years of stalking, it finally pays off as Min-chul tutors her how to speak Korean better in high school.

He was supposed to take her to a love hotel and 'take her virginity' but, before she could even ask him out, a stupid, dumb, purple octagon appeared on the classroom floor, ruining her plans.