The Others

(A.N) Phewww~ what a flashback, huh? Well, we're already back to the new world and I prooooomiseeee~~~ that next chapter is when they enter the starter dungeon... thinking about writing it gives me shivers~~. Right! Back to the chapter, peace ✌️!


It's now the 4th month or the 113rd day since our summoning here and we have been training like hell. All of my stats have gone through the roof and I even gained some new titles.



Name: Kim Min-chul (Fyr Mage's Apprentice)

Age: 18/ Race: Human Male

Titles: Goddesses Secret Lover





Fyr Mage's Apprentice

Pheonix Hybrid (LOCKED)

Skills: Squeaky Bed (Super Rare)

Appraisal (Heroic S)

HP: 5000/5000

Mana: 30000/30000 —> (36000/36000)

Disposition: Neutral Evil

Calculating Puppet-Master

Apathetic, Calm


STR: 106 RES: 72

SPD: 167 STAMI: 150 —> 225

LUCK: 30 KAR: -50

INT:165 —> 182

(Goddesses Secret Lover)

- increase LUCK by 50%

- increase STR by 50%

- improve physique by 100%

- increases attractiveness to the opposite

gender by 100%

- easier by 75% to manipulate people of

the opposite gender to do you bidding

- increase contempt of same gender by 25%


- increases STAMI by 20%

- increase chance of women falling in love

by 50%

- pleasure increase in bed by 50% for you

and your partner

- when paired with skill 'Squeaky Bed',

increases attractiveness to women

by 75%, increases pleasure of the

partner in bed by 100%, increases

chance of manipulation for women by

50% and 70% higher chance of seduction

- contempt of same gender increases by

5% per seduced woman


- increases INT by 10%

- increase chance of manipulation by 80%

- when in use, you are apathetic to any

emotions that may hinder your judgement

- when used until proficiency, can be combined

with titles 'Strategist' and 'Tactician' to

create new title, 'Author of History'


- increase admiration of the people by 1000%

- increase attraction to opposite gender

by 100%

- increase all stats by 30%

- increase HP and Mana by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to

monsters by 25%

- increase attack power and damage to demons,

ghosts, ghouls and other hell spawn by 50%


- increases INT by 25%

- increase leader aura and admiration by 80%

- when in use, you are apathetic to any

emotions that may hinder you judgement

- when used until proficiency, can be combined

with titles 'Puppet-Master' and 'Tactician' to

create new title, 'Author of History'

(Fyr Mage's Apprentice)

- increases mana by 20%

- increases STAMI by 50%

- increases INT by 10%

- all fyr magic costs 10% less mana

- increases affinity and damage of fyr and magma by 20%

- decreases affinity and damage of others elements by 20%

- when used until proficiency, can be upgraded to 'Junior Fyr Mage'

(Squeaky Bed) (Rare)

- increase STAMI by 50% when in bed

- increase pleasure of women by 75%

- when paired with title 'Gigolo',

increases attractiveness to women

by 75%, increases pleasure of the

partner in bed by 100%, increases

chance of manipulation for women by

50% and 70% higher chance of seduction

- skill activated by sacrificing any amount

of blood. blood will be considered 'sacrificed'

when cut purposely by the holder of this skill

(Appraisal, S-Rank) (Heroic S)

- can view others' status by thinking the

word, 'God's Eyes' (thinking is limited to

A-rank skill and above)

- can block out other appraisals of lower

value than yours (Ranks are as follows: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, G)

- improve eyesight to 20/05 vision

- Skill is passively active

- incase of a higher appraisal level viewing

your status, there are different countermeasures

for different situations.

These countermeasures are as follows:

0 level difference:

- cannot see any titles aside from current one in use

- cannot see disposition

- cannot see mental state

1 level difference:

- cannot see any titles aside from current one in use

- cannot see mental state

2 level difference:

- no countermeasures


Since we were locked in the palace for so long without too much outside experience, we were barely able to get 1 or 2 titles, even then, that was extremely rare. I mean, what is practice and training if you aren't going to have life training?

Today marks the day that not only are we 7 days from the entering the dungeon, we are also meeting our peers. The heroes from Gwanya. Due to Gwanya's superior peer training facilities, we are on the trail to go to Gwanya's hero city, Horatio.

All of Gwanya's cities are named after famous merchants, adventurers and heroes. Horatio the Powerful, Zeke Lambert the Wise and so on.

We haven't met Gwanya's heroes yet nor have we seen what they look like but, I am very curious how different they will be from us.

[Good heroes of Gwanya! I would like you to show your respect and support to our beloved brothers and sisters from Destinasia! Welcome to our lovely country of Gwanya!] (Gwanya's Representative James Nawai)

[Same to you, Gwanya envoy! I humbly thank the great Gwanya for their invitation to their lovely city of Horatio!] (Destinasia's Representative Sean Pollock)

Heading into the hero's hall, it's incredibly lavish. Everything is colored gold with purple octagons everywhere. In the middle of the room is an elevated platform where the heroes spar. Like a boxing ring but, made out of marble and with minimum cushioning.

Behind that, is a long table with an amazing smell coming out of it. On one side of the table are around 30 heroes.....females to be exact.

All of them look like a similar age as us and it seems like they were students from an all girls schools. Some with dark skin, some with light colored hair, some with glasses and so on. But there is one thing that I know...

They are Japanese. Yes, Japanese. The people who CREATED this entire genre, or at least popularized it. Could it be? Am... am I possibly a part of a fictional world?!?... nahhh.

Anyways, after staring at each other for a while, one of the girls stands up and introduces herself and her lackeys.

"Good day, fellow heroes. I am Yamasaki Kin and we used to be 3rd year students studying at Seien All Girl's High"

Of course, with them being Japanese and them sitting quite far from where we are standing, none of my peers could understand her nor could she notice that we are Korean.

".....I apologize for our silence. We are actually from Korean. We used to be 4th year students from RF High"

"Ahhhh... I apologize for that... come, sit and we can eat before our practice"

After introducing ourself in Japanese, we sit at the table to eat and nothing of note really happened. The only note worthy thing was the Gwanya heroes introducing themselves to all of us and vice versa. We were actually very lucky that some of them knew Korean while some from our class know Japanese.

Their leader, Yamasaki Kin, is basically a Japanese version of Ha-neul... I mean, glasses, student council president, 170cm and... E-cup!!! I seems like there are things that not even the author could predict. Some weapons she has...

Their gyaru group, consisting of around 3 girls, easily got along with Chung-cha despite Chung-cha's basic Japanese. Hana was able to get along with a glasses wearing girl named Takahashi Ko. Anna got along with basically everyone but, she seems to like talking to this Colombian girl named Gabriela Rodriguez.

Do-yun on the other hand took the attention of quite a few girls after his new 'cold' attitude towards people for unknown reasons. I didn't really get along with anyone but, I was able to keep up the conversation with the girls, no problem. However, when talking to one of the gyarus named Kai Aya, she seems overly interested in me after seeing my other interactions... her disposition is is 'Interested, Curious' so it's safe to say the worst situation possible is just an assumption.

After the short hellos and small talk, we went to their training ground which was a bit smaller but, had more facilities such as the knife throwing range, magic bow and sword practice grounds and elemental magic practice.

Pairing us up with the people of the same fighting class, I got paired up with their air elemental mage, Orio Sora. She had the 'Sky Mage's Apprentice' and 'Breath of the wind' as a skill. It's very similar to my 'Fyr Mage's Apprentice' though, her title's effects are weaker than mine.

Breath of the wind is a defensive skill that is used to repel any physical magic attacks such as fire, water, earth and so on. To cast it, she has hold her breath for 3 seconds and instantly exhale it onto her staff while infusing her staff with mana to increase the power. The longer she holder her breathe, the more powerful the spell and the more mana it will cost. Not a good thing for me, of course.

"I hope we have a good fight, Min-chul-senpai"

"Same here, Orio-kouhai"

[Readddyyyyyy~~??? GO!!!]

Immediately rushing towards her, I aim my staff up at the sky and shoot out a burst of flame.

"Forest Fyr!"

Countering this, she pushes the flames back towards me using the breath of the wind that she has been saving up but, I already predicted this. I run even faster than before, using my 167 speed to its fullest. I catch her off guard and hug her. Realizing what is about to happen with the flames rushing towards us, she disperses the flame and smoke cloud away.

Letting her go, I cast a small fireball spray spell at her feet to immobilize her and stun her at the same time.

"Fyrfly Buckshot!"

Despite all her efforts to disperse the small beads of flame rushing towards her shins and ankles, the amount of beads were too much to handle and she got hit by some of the beads, causing a sharp sizzling sound to reverberate through the air.

"GAHHH!!! Ow ow owowowow! Fuckkkkk!"

Screaming at the top of her lungs, she collapses onto floor with charred, broken and black legs. Unable to stand without assistance, the healers immediately rush over and revert her legs back to normal. With type of injury it took about 10 minutes with 5 healers. Despite all of this pain however and all of the small little marks on her legs and pieces of bone sticking out before, all of the scars and burn marks and charred flesh are gone. As if her disperse spell really worked.

After getting healed, she, being a smart girl who knew the drill, didn't get angry nor attempt to retaliate against me. She instead congratulated me for my ingenuity in hugging her and using my speed to overcome the disadvantage that fire naturally had against air magicians.

Of course, no matter how cold I am, I'll still accept a compliment. So, I thanked her as well for the great battle and apologized for the burgled legs she had to suffer. To which she told me not to worry.

The following battles were really nothing to scoff at either. With Yamasaki Kin and Ha-neul both being the brawler-type, they totally ruined the area they were fighting in. Kai Aya, the gyaru interested in me and another Destinasia hero both being earth-type mages, covered their area in dirt and vines. Do-yun and his opponent, a swordswoman named Muto Chou, left the arena with deep cuts and massive craters that were caused by the strength of swinging the sword.

This continued on for 7 days until all of us, including the Gwanya heroes, travelled back to the famous dungeon that birthed legendary heroes. The dungeon aptly named, Beginnings of Legends or shortly called, dungeon Bol.