One More...One More...One. More.

Easily 900 meter high, 2 kilometers wide and 1 kilometer lengthwise. Covered in lush green grass, some trees and a flowing river with moss growing on the rocks. In the middle of the fake forest is a mountain of shiny objects. Coins, armor, swords, anything that reflects. A small door in the corner of the room covered in some purple moss.

Sitting on that... a flaming bird. 20 meters tall and 40 meter long. Despite the immense fire shooting out from the feathers of the bird, the metal mountain never melted.

The bird being the only source of life in this dark room. Everyone staring can't look away. An immortal being. Forever burning... the Phoenix.

[[.....fucking humans, never respecting their superiors. For this, you face death. Thank me for being merciful enough to bathe you in my flames, scum]]

We hear a loud voice racking in our brains, overriding our thoughts with fear. Some fall to the ground, some wet themselves and some are just standing there, unable to comprehend what the hell is even happening.

"....r-r-ru-run...FUCKING RUNN!!!"

[[it is futile, lower beings]]

Running towards the door, everyone is using their different spells and skills to get there quicker. Some unlucky ones trip over themselves and the Phoenix immediately burns them. Don't get me wrong, the Phoenix could kill us all but, why would he do that? He has the power. In this situation, he is our god, he can kill us and burn us alive as he wishes.

Using my speed, I'm just right behind some of the speed type heroes and am relatively close to the hallway. As I'm running, I see a leg fly out in front of me. Ahhh, another unlucky bastard...

'Wait... why am I falling? Fuck... was that my leg? Now that I think about it, the cut is way too clean to be the Phoenix's work... someone else? A trap?'

Seeing the speed type heroes rush into the hallway and some of the strength heroes pass me, I see all of my friend group. Chung-cha, Hana, Ha-neul, Do-yun... wait, Do-yun? He's saying something.

As my mind starts getting clearer of the danger I was just in, running from the Phoenix, I could swear on my name that Do-yun mouthed the words 'starlight' before running off again...

'Little fucker. Damn cuck. You're going to kill me just because I fucked your hot girlfriend? Who's fault was that, huh? Who told you to have such a hot girlfriend... ahhh, I'm going to fucking haunt the little brat when I'm dead'

'Wait. Now that I think about it, nobody could have known about me and Sun-hee. How did Do-yun find out about Sun-hee even when we are in a different world? I mean, I can deny all I want but the truth is still there... someone sabotaged me... who. Who would do that? Fuck this is annoying'

All in all, before blacking out, I saw around 11 people escape. The Phoenix probably let them go for whatever reason. Maybe he sees their future and is fulfilling their prophecies? Maybe he can't be bothered with killing the side characters. Whatever. I'm dead. End of story. Fuck.




[[ Wake up, human. Get up right this instant you lower life form. OBEY]]

immediately waking me up, I hear a booming voice inside of my brain again. I stand up at attention looking where that voice is coming from. Wait, stand up?

'Wait... my leg is back? Huh?'

[[yes, human. I restored your limb that was cut by your friend. You know, you should choose better friends]]

'Well, now I know that. Why'd you leave me alive?'

[[you have Phoenix Fyr as a skill, right? If you do, I need you to end my life]]

'End your life? You want to die?'

[[I have lived too long. From the moment your group of heroes walked into my lair, I could hear all of your inner thoughts. You especially. Your thoughts were thinking about your next move but, something was telling me to leave you alive]]

'...after ending your life, will I die?'

[[no, you will be much more powerful. Your body will evolve into a Phoenix hybrid, like me]]

'A...hybrid? You don't look like one though?'

[[this is the effect of age. The older you get, the Phoenix you become. You see, I was born before beginning of your era. Every time humanity or any other civilization that lived before you gets too advanced, usually, an apocalyptic event occurs and restarts life on this planet. And for multiple eras, I was that guy, that event, THE apocalypse. It's funny, you know? They called me God, The second coming, etc etc. ahhh, the good ol' days]]

Pausing for a while, the Phoenix seems to be lamenting about his past with slightly watery yet fiery eyes. Seeing that my thoughts and mouth are silent, he continues his backstory on why he wants to die and how he even got here.

[[Alas, I was late one era and let the civilization grow to intergalactic travel and they eventually abandoned this world. Hearing of this, my father banished me here to spend the rest of eternity. Aging, dying and being reborn. But, you will be the catalyst to free me.

[[in your skill, you can kill me and become my 'child', so to speak. The only reason Phoenixes live so long is to produce an heir. Being imprisoned, I obviously can't make an heir without a female Phoenix. That's where you come in. I give you my flame, you take my power and life. It's a win-win situation]]

'What "power" do I gain from this?'

[[you gain my flames and most importantly, my lifespan. Imagine that, kid. You, outliving the kingdoms and countries while you gain wealth that lasts thousands of years]]

'Hmmmm. Thinking about it, living that long is a very very good think if I want to become wealthy and destroy Do-yun and whoever told him about Sun-hee. Fuckkk, I can imagine building a company and controlling the trade...damn it, it's too enticing'

' do I kill you?'

[[hahahaha! That's the spirit! Here, right here where I separate my feathers on my chest. Gather some of the blue colored moss from the river and the purple moss from that weird door in the corner]]

Nodding my head, I go towards to stream and pick some of the moss from the rocks as well as the moss from the doorway. Feeling it, it feels like some weird play-doh. When you put them together, they stick and when you squeeze them in your palm the compress.

Getting curious, I smell it and... it smells great. The purple one smells very earthy and the blue one smells fresh and a little bit salty.

[[now, take some leaves from that tree with golden leaves and wrap it around the moss. Make sure to make 2: one with blue moss and one with purple. Have some left over]]

Following his instructions, I went up to the tree called the Gogo Tree and made two rolls of the moss with the tree leaves and then he tells me to smoke the blue one while he smokes the purple one. Using a weakened version of Forest Fyr, I light up my moss cigarette and light the Phoenix's using my cigarette. After taking a puff, there's only one word to describe the experience... utter bliss... fuckkkk~~ that's a good hit.

Just from the first hit, I feel euphoric, as if taking drugs. Another hit and I feel energized. Adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine rushing around my brain. I see stars, flashing, blinding, blue stars. Another hit, another hit, another.....

[[ahhhhh holllyyyy fuckkkk~~ thats the good good... now, take this dagger and plunge it righhhttt here]]

Spreading the feathers on his chest, he points with his claw to where he wants to be stabbed. After waiting for him to finish his moss blunt, I kill him and I feel an immense pain all over my body. Like I'm burning in hell. Like my bones and muscles are melting.

'Another hit would probably cure it, another hit, another hit. Just one more hit. Fuck, I'm passing out again'



[[hahaha! Welcome back to the world of the living... son. Now, how'd that Blue Maloo feel? Damn it, I need my fix now. Get some of that Purple Octagon from the door again... LET'S CELEBRATE IMMORTALITY!!!]]

And that's how I discovered the mosses called "Blue Maloo" and "Purple Octagon". The two phrases or rather, drugs, that would eventually make me the richest man in Calko's history.


(A.N) Alrighty, so some people are a bit curious on why they can't vote for my story. On one of the 2 chapters that I posted during Chinese New Year (Feb 12), I said "happy Chinese New Year" in Chinese characters. Now, me being a newbie author, I didn't know that Webnovel could lock your novel from being voted on, gifted, etc. if you add Chinese or Korean symbols. I am trying to fix this as soon as possible but, another author has told me that I should really be too hopeful as they have tried for 2 weeks+ without success. Ahhh, very stressful but, it's fine.

Thanks for reading, peace ✌️!