Higher than the Demon King

[[ahahahahaha!!! Get another! Get another! Fuckkkk, let's mix them this time!]]

It's been around 6 months since I've been left down here with the Phoenix who refers to himself as 'Michael'. Michael is insane. Despite him living in me, he tries desperately to make me take more drugs, different blends of drugs and to find new drugs altogether. Over those 6 months, we've done a lot of things.

All in all, we've found 4 new types of moss that is smokable and can produce an amazing high. Blue Maloo, the one I smoked when killing Michael, gives you an insane amount of dopamine and energy to make you hyperactive for about 1 hour until you crash. Purple Octagon, the one that Michael smoked when he died, was the most intense. It's very similar to weed in that it makes you feel good and tingly yet sleepy but after about 5 hours, your skin becomes very irritated and you have a loss of breath. A very terrifying experience.

The other 4 that me and Michael found was a red moss, a green moss, a white moss and brown moss. The red one was named Michael's Fyr, the green one called Hero Herb, The white one named Poltergeist's Joy and the brown one called Barked Woof. All with different effects, all with different intensities. This had been going on for 6 months.

Speaking of Fyr, my Phoenix's a Fyr skill was unlocked and I have to say, it's very good.


(Phoenix Hybrid 2%)(INCOMPLETE)

- increase all stats by 1000%

- increase affinity with Fyr by 1000%

- decrease mana consumption of Fyr related spells by 60%

- increase damage of Fyr related spells by 5000%

- increase fear of demonic entities by 500%

- ability to revive entities into slaves (cap. 1)

- increase defense against Fyr related spells by 1000%

- immortal status (lives lived: 1)

- possibility of completing Phoenix Bloodline: 0%


I've tried asking Michael if we should leave this place incase Destinasia and Gwanya send a militia but, he said that we would know when they're coming and he was already prepared. We decided that when we leave, we will take every single piece of moss and grow them elsewhere.

After around 4 months of smoking the moss, I introduced the idea of selling it to civilians to make massive profits and when I mentioned the possible profits, Michael was already agreeing. I mean, what do you expect when you are the first ever recreational drug production on an entire continent?

'Hey, how long did it take for the green moss to grow around the river like that?'

[[huh? Oh, it was there for millions of years. It only covered all of the rocks after 30 million years]]

'...are you kidding? So we were smoking millions of years of nature's work?'

[[uhhhhh... yeah!]]

'Michael, remember the business idea I proposed? What happens when we smoke all of the product?'

[[...FUCK! You're right! Is there a solution to this?]]

Thinking about a possible solution, I immediately think of the girl that broke the door to this room. If I remember correctly, she was a plant based mage so she should be effective at fixing this moss problem.

After bringing her body out from the graves that I dug, it's all bones. Nothing left but, her skeleton is the only one with vines and plants growing on them which is probably because of her affinity with them.

Covering her skeleton with flames, the bones turned charred and black. After waiting for around 30 minutes, the bones start gaining muscles again. Then nerves, organs, skin and finally, a brain.

"Pa pa bu?"

'.....what did she say?'

[[all revived people are revived without any intellect. It's a cheat but, it still has its setbacks]]


"...yes, come here little girl"

"Bububu, hehehee baba, papa!"

Having a 17 year old girl act like a baby in my arms is definitely a new experience for me. Still having her tanned skin, baby face and long, blonde hair, she still looks very pleasing. Though, her eyes have turned a little green, the tips of her hair is green and she has vines and leaves coming out from her lower legs.

'Fuck... how am I going to use her? How developed is her brain?'

[[similar to a 5 month old if I'm not wrong but since her brain used to be that of a teenager's and the Phoenix's Fyr's natural enhancing abilities, her learning capabilities and learning speed is that of a genius]]

'Ok, that's great. All I need to do is raise her and have her do my bidding'

And so, with my wit and some advice from Michael, we were able to raise Kai Aya as a foster daughter. Just after 10 days, we taught hero how to control one of the more simple plant spells, 'Growth' which summons vines from the ground to bind an enemy.

25 days later, she learned the basics of the intermediate spell, 'More Green' which quickens the growth of the plant that she's aiming at. We've tried using it on the moss and it did work to an extent but, the growth was negligible compared to how much mana she consumed.

In the middle of training Aya how to use More Green, Michael started telling me in a serious voice to gather up every single bit of moss into the makeshift backpacks and push carts made out of melted iron and leather. There's only one reason to pack up.


Gwanya, Destinasia or both have started their descent into Michael and I's lair and it seems like they brought some of the heroes that survived this place. 5 of them to be exact.

I start jogging into the little door in the corner with the 6 different mosses and Aya in the pushcart with some moss that didn't fit and other equipment in my backpack to make my escape. I also made sure to destroy any evidence of me and Aya's presence by making her grow vines over our living space.

(Recovery Team POV)


"...are you really sure that your guys want to go into here again?"

""Absolutely"" (Hana, Ha-neul, Yamasaki Kin)

""....."" (Do-yun, Anna)

"Haaaahhh, fine. We're about to arrive so let's get into formation people!"

Standing before the door that hid the danger that eventually killed Min-chul and the other heroes, the 5 people who chose to go were feeling shock, fear and a bit of nostalgia. Chung-cha, a part of Min-chul's friend group, decided to stay back and help the 3rd army corps in sieging the demon fortress base, Ying Shi.

Though, all of them have different reasons. For Hana, Ha-neul and Yamasaki Kin, they want to recover the bodies to give them a proper burial. For Do-yun and Anna, it's for guilt. Do-yun for killing his friend, Anna for letting Do-yun kill him.

That's right, Anna saw what happened that day. Anna didn't help Min-chul becuase she found out right when they were teleporting away on the magic octagon. That day, she decided that Do-yun will have to suffer.

Since then, Do-yun's stats haven't risen the regular amount, even with his growth skill and for some reason, whenever he goes out, he returns with bruises and cuts on his face and skin, causing him to feel paranoid and scared. He came back to get rid of the bad karma that came with killing a person. He thought that he was THAT unlucky.

While thinking about how rash he was back then, he really felt stupid. I mean, yes, his friend did have sex with his girlfriend but, did he really have to kill him for it?

"Alright! Daisy! Breach in 3....."



Getting anxious, all of the heroes recall what happened with the Phoenix and how without any chance to talk it out, it attacked them and obliterated more than half of the heroes.


Manipulating the vines that grew over the overgrown door, they were able to get in relatively easier than before. Rushing in with the defenses, then the attackers, then the heroes, then the mages and healer.


Shouting a war cry to hype up the troops, the commander of this rescue party, Gabriel, lifts his sword to the heavens and the mages start buffing him to nearly hero level strength.

But when they entered... Nothing. Gone.

"Uhhhh... where exactly did your peers fall?"

"Right over by the purp..."

All of the moss that the heroes used as markers are gone. All of their friends bodies are gone. The Phoenix isn't even there. What the hell?

Where did the bodies go? Is this some sort of magic?

Anna and Ha-neul starts frantically looking for Min-chul body which they can't find. It's nowhere. Not near the door, not near the stream. Did the Phoenix eat him? If the Phoenix did eat him, where did the Phoenix go?

"Shit... is it possible that the Phoenix escaped?"

"I mean, it's possible since the door was broken it was a very powerful entity"

"Fuck fuck fuckkkk..... everyone, we have to prepare for another threat at the same level, no, possibly higher than the demon king..." (Gabriel)


"Let's hurry, the longer we dilly dally here, the more possible people will die" (Gabriel)

Rushing out of the tunnel and trying to get out of the cave, they starting like their live and their families' lives depended on it, which they did. Thinking of his new fiancé and his baby boy, Gabriel starts running as fast as his muscular legs can.

Little did they know... that 'Phoenix' they were talking about is dead and is smoking a blunt through his human-hybrid blunt-buddy, Min-chul.

But just because they are smoking some moss, doesn't mean they don't pose a greater threat to the demon king... they are money-loving, gold-humping, silver-sucking capitalists who will destroy an entire city's citizens and make them dependent on a drug just to make money.

Gabriel doesn't know it but, even without the Phoenix burning his family, his family will burn, don't get me wrong. But the only thing they will burn is their limited edition Blue Maloo roll...


(A.N) YESSSSS!!! I fixed the voting thingy so now you can vote again! Thanks to JJeditor for the timely response. And boy, another chapter. I'm very lazy by nature and fins it hard to write this everyday. I

meant to write this story as just a fun little idea I had but I never knew it'd be semi-famous. 20k+ views is famous, right? Alright, that's all, peace ✌️!