Double Crossing the Double Crossed???

Walking along a quiet alleyway, I prepared some rolls for people who need their fix and sure enough, all 4 rolls I had on my body were sold out in a few minutes of walk down the alley. Despite my nice and tidy clothes compared to the residents of this place, they all know who I am and that if they dare try anything with me, I have the captain backing me up and sop they just nod at me and give me way.

Arriving to Toothless' store down the road, I knock 2 times before coming in. Seeing a few muscular men without a shirts walking back and forth restocking the shelves, I guess that he got himself a new haul. Waiting for a few more minutes, I see Toothless come out from the back while instructing some men for their work. Seeing me, his serious face turns into a creepy grandpa grin without teeth.

"Oooohh! My boy Michael! Is there anymore equipment you need today?"

"Not right now. I need you to give me a connect to George Pillar. And don't worry, I'm friendly"

Hearing that I wanted a connection to George, toothless immediately frowns since he thinks that I'm planing on blackmailing him or something similar. Hearing me say I'm friendly however made him smile wider than before. If two of his big customers are getting friendly, doesn't that mean he can sell to both parties without troubles?

"What's the connect for?"

"I plan on taking down Paul"

"!!!... Paul? THE... Paul?"

"Yes, that Paul"

"Well... I'm sure you have your own plans, Mike. Please do watch yourself"

"Will do, Gum"

After a while, I started calling Toothless various different nicknames such as: Gramps, Toothy, Gum and many more I can't remember. He doesn't see a problem with it and it lets him know that we're close enough to call each other our nicknames. A business relationship with a bit more friendship involved.

After confirming that one of Toothless' men is sending a message about arrive right now, I thank him and hand over 40 copper to which he gladly accepts.

Arriving at the location Toothless gave me, I walk in and I see a massive orgy happening. Naked men with their dicks out, naked women with their tits out, a naked woman with her dick out... WAIT! Ok, never mind, that's a trap being a... guy. Whatever, to each his own.

Finding the man that Toothless described to me, I see a very muscular man with two very powerful horns coming out the sides of his head. One of them is a big shorter than the other because of a chip from a work accident while serving his assassination sentence. Having a long, scraggly beard, his arms and torso filled with tattoos and sharp eyes, I can tell one thing about this man: he's been through hell and back and wants revenge on the fucker who sent him there.

Seeing me approaching him, he shows a menacing grin before snapping his fingers. Almost instantly, a good looking woman brings me a chair for me to sit in. Sitting on the chair, the woman then sits on my lap and starts grinding while smirking at me.

Smiling back, I return to my serious face before talking with the man himself, George Pillar.

"So..... you're the green bellied brat fucking up my men with your 'moss', huh?"

"Yes. And you must be the man who wants what I have"

"Haha, please. I host these orgies every other day but I'd never go as low as you... getting innocent men and women hooked on your products... little brat"

"Excuse me? Innocent? I'm sure you know most people here are the exact opposite of innocent. In fact, where do you think they get the 3 silver for my rolls, huh? And plus, that isn't what I was talking about"

Remembering that he mentioned the word orgy and looking around the room and seeing multiple men and women having some naked fun, I take out my already hard cock and show it the waitress-cum-whore before snapping my fingers. Hearing me, she looks down and sees my mage's staff and gives a seductive smile. Kneeling down, she starts sucking while I hand one hand on her head and the other on a drink.

Not being disturbed by my sudden actions, George gets even more curious. He was mostly known for his loan sharking and various orgy parties and he thought that 'Michael', the green bellied newcomer, wanted to try his luck by selling his "coffin nails" to George's orgies. This is why the only reason he chose to meet Michael was because Toothless personally requested it and he had to show him some face.

"Oh? Then what is it, green belly?"

Shoving the girl into my cock, she starts moaning louder than George can talk. Luckily, I could still hear him over the banshee sucking my dick. Changing position, I carry her into a princess carry while seated and insert my cock in her wet pussy. Resting her legs over the armrest and her back on my arm, she starts moving up and down while licking my neck and sucking it. What a lusty woman.

"I'll get straight to the point... I'm going to assist you in catching Paul"

"!!!... Paul? What a laugh. Kid, I've been trying for more than half of your own life and I couldn't catch him"

"I'll get him in 2 days. All I need is your assistance"

"...kid. Paul is no joke. I may not like you very much but I don't want you to end up like me. Walk away and leave before you get thrown to some camp in the mountains, mining mana crystals for a 3rd of your life"

"Hahaha, follow me, George"

Seeing his hesitant expression, I ask him about how much he trusts Toothless. Hearing my retort to his reluctance, he grins and stands up. Taking the waitress-cum-whore off my cock before I even cum, I start meditating and before I knew it, my penis was soft in a few seconds.

Walking out of the orgy house with George and his bodyguards, I can hear the waitress begging me not to go and to continue what I started. Maybe later sweetheart, you could be my reward for making George quite wealthy in the future.

Making him follow me to an empty field outside of the city, the guards immediately prepare some spells to protect their client while the shield and swordsmen arm up. George too, starts backing up while having some mages cast speed type spells.

Taking out one of my homemade bombs, I show it to them and they get even wearier. Seeing their expressions, I start laughing while thinking that this is the guy that spent 30 years in a labor camp. Your not going to fight? You are at least 12 while I am a lonely 1.

"This right here gentlemen... is a bomb. And this is how Paul will be caught"

Lighting the wick, I throw it into the middle of the field before crouching down, covering my ears and eyes and waiting for the boom. Feeling the shock, I fall over while some of the bodyguards are disoriented and confused while some followed my lead, George included.

Seeing the destruction caused by a seemingly small and ineffective bomb was enough to leave them with mouths with open like they are about to receive a facial. Like a crocodile waiting for its prey to land in its mouth.

"'d you do that?"

"That was a bomb?"

"Since when did bombs get so powerful?"

"Why did he crouch?"

Hearing the questions of the guards to each other, I can understand why they are so curious. Some of them were from the military have seen in action how weak the military grade bombs were. Not to mention, the numerous men they have seen blow up their own arm from malfunctioning bombs, it was horrible. Imagine one of your sworn brothers, having their fingers hit your face while they faint from the pain; the trauma is unimaginable.

Too bad I don't care.

"I added a Fyr crystal into the mix"

"What if it blows your arm away? What if the thrower malfunctions it?" (George)

"I've put in some various safety mechanisms such as a wax coated cloth and a longer wick"

".... I see... this might work... wait a minute, are those the only safety measures?"

"Yes. I plan on using some of your men to do the job. Don't worry about it"

"Hmmmm. Okay then... what happens to Paul then?"

"I hand him in, he gets charged for the assassination attempt and various other crimes.. it's a win-win"

" How many men do you need?"

Hearing George accept the deal, I smirk. Thank God that I didn't show it...or did I? Whatever, what's done is done. I do have to apologize to Toothless however, peace was never an option. These slums are mine and mine alone. Well, whatever, I guess I can handle him later.

Since I lied to him, that's my credibility gone. He will have trouble trusting me in the future because of this incident. After I fuck over George and destroy Paul, I plan on sending myself and Aya to deal with Toothless. Branding him with a slave mark and making him work for me. A perfect idea.

Due to Ross handing over Paul, George and even the infamous equipment trader, Toothless, Ross will most like be promoted during the end of year promotions. Maybe they might even make an exception to promote him early.

And since he knows how to handle a lot of credit, his report will most likely include his superior, commander Jared so Jared can move to the inner city, opening up a spot in for commander in the slums district.

"How many do you have?"

'How many are you willing to sacrifice to kill Paul?'

That is my hidden meaning behind that sentence. Being betrayed before, George knows that what he says here could determine whether he gets his revenge or stays wealthy and powerful. With that sentence, I put him in a predicament. An ultimatum.

Get your revenge or stay powerful and wealthy. Send me more men? You get your revenge and kill Paul but, you will be taken over by my men. Send me less men? I'll say that it isn't enough and walk away. They have no idea what is in my bombs and can't replicate them. Even if they knew the contents, who else but the moss dealer Michael could afford to put Fyr crystals in bombs?

Name me another gangster who can do that and I'll kill myself. Oh wait... that wouldn't work... don't mind that. Well, I wouldn't need to kill myself since you can't name a gangster who would be stupid enough to put Fyr crystals in their bombs.

Whatever he picks, I'll still gain from it. Do it myself? I get Paul's wealth and one of my men gets a promotion. Do it with his men? Even better. It's only a win for me and a lose for George.

Now all I have to do... is wait for good ol' George's answer. Seeing my evil grin, George knows what I'm thinking. He is probably feeling that maybe this green bellied brat wasn't so bad after all. What a scary man, Michael is. Will George give up revenge for wealth?


(A.N) Muahahahahaha!!! Get.... CLIFFED! Boommm baby! Sufferr~~~ okay okay sorry for the cliff but, I felt it was necessary for the weight of George's decision.

Oh, by the way, how was the mini ero scene this chapter and the Paul Demm chapter? Good? D'ya get off, ya pervert? Anyways, have a good day and hope you enjoyed this chapter, peace ✌️!