The Virgin

Before meeting George, I did my homework. I knew how many men he hadn't how bases he used, about his bodyguards, their background and their families and weak points. He had about 40~ men while having 2 bases of operation his territory.

"I....I'll give you 25 men to work with"

Hearing his answer and him seeing my friendly grin, he probably feels that he just made a deal with the devil. Telling him a accept and thank him for his supply of men, I tell him to send them to meet me where we are right now by 8-10 a.m tomorrow. Agreeing with a forced smile, we give each other an obligatory handshake and go back to the city.

while on my way back, I get some gifts for Aya and Lyca for their service to me. Going to the high end stores near the center, I get a traditional demonic dress for Lyca and a silver choker with leaves and vines encrusted with Meliyashi, one of the rarer rocks in E Mo Zhi Di.

I don't need to get Karl anything since 1, he is equipment and 2, I already got him some new clothes to which he accepted happily. The other mana tanks and employees hate me too much to accept anything I give them so it isn't too good to give them something.

The dress costing 5 silver and the choker costing 9 silver. Ouch, a bit expensive but worth it. It's not just a gift or a thing that I gave them. It's a sign of their loyalty to me and my trust to them. They work for me and the choker and dress symbolizes this.

Recently, I also bought a bigger property nearer to the slums since it's my base of operations. It's much bigger than before and has a 30 sqm greenhouse with other rooms aswell. Since the moss needs darkness to grow and is currently growing in a box-shaped growing kit, we can stack them for maximum efficiency.

We have about 300 boxes of moss with Poltergeist's Joy the most grown and Purple Octagon the least since it's too strong for most people's tastes. The more grown moss in order from most to least is Poltergeist's Joy, Hero Herb, Barked Woof, Blue Maloo, Michael's Fyr and Purple Octagon.

We have 15 mana tanks including Karl so that means we have 20 boxes per mana tank and Cathy and Aya, the two plant mages as supervisors for the mana tanks to make sure they are doing their jobs.

With Cathy under a sl*ve-like contract and Aya with the mentality of a 2 year old, both are very easy to control and though reluctant, Cathy has to follow my orders whether it be beating a mana tank to do their job or helping grow the moss that can destroy families.

All in all, with the new greenhouse and the mana tank and plant mage system, we are able to grow a whopping 100 grams of moss a day, that's enough for 500 rolls to sell. That's a conservative number as well. 100 grams could probably last about 700+ if we stretch it a little.

"I'm home!"

"Papa!" "Master!"

Arriving home, I get pounced on by Aya and almost fall over before Lyca helps me regain my balance with her hug. Lyca recently just got her 15th girl for my diversification plan and is now taking a step back to manage her girls. Her girls have been making me about 5 silver per day in total. A very good number. With Lyca now being more free and not having to service some greasy, overweight bastard, I can have her all to myself.

"Yes, yes, thank you thank you"

Patting their head and then their backs, they grin in pleasure before letting go of me. Handing them the loyalty items I bought them, they both accepted happily before going back to whatever they were doing.

Heading into the greenhouse in my property, I see the mana tanks giving their mana in the form of blood, breast milk and other bodily fluids. Even spit, though minuscule, has some mana in it if the mana tank is proficient enough.

Bumping into Cathy helping grow the moss with a hateful gaze, I give her a new staff that I bought on the way to help with a more efficient spell casting. Accepting it with a sarcastic thanks, I leave feeling great for my good deeds. I better give myself a pat on my back.

With Aya in tow, I head out for dinner with Ross in a high end restaurant near the center to discuss my future plans and the new made plans. The good news and the great news. The good news being that I can hand in George as well as Paul and the great news being the fact that Ross could hand in Toothless, the famous equipment seller, along with two infamous gangsters in the slums. Of course, I tell him that there's a chance of him him finding Paul dead with the cause being suicide, Ross tells me:

"Bwahaha! A body is a body my friend!"

Not knowing how much of an achievement this could be for Ross, Ross starts laughing loudly, gathering the attention of the nearby people. Being told off by a waiter, he calms himself and tells he what the fuss is about.

"Gahahaha! You don't understand how big this could be? Handing in Paul and George alone, it isn't a stretch to say I'll get a third class merit and a promotion in maybe a year. Now, handing in Toothless? That's easily an instant promotion and a second class merit my friend! This is amazing!"

"Wait wait wait, slow down. What do merits do?"

"It's a recognition from the capital for service to protect the people. Most people know that the commander Paul and George's gang tried to assassinate holds a grudge against Paul that skipped his sentence. Putting into account the fact that he betrayed his friend for freedom, the commander loathes people who'd sacrifice their friends for themselves"

Looking around as if he's scared of someone hearing, he continues his blabbing.

"Now, that commander is a royal commander in charge of the noble residency. He probably knows a couple Counts or Dukes over there as well which means that he's a very powerful man"

Taking a deep breathe from all of the talking, he takes a bite out of the yalno I bought him and continues on.

"Back to merits, it's an kinda an open secret but to be promoted to City Guardian, the overseer of all commanders in the assigned city, you need a third class merit to even be considered. For a royal commander, a commander in the royal capital, you need one or two second class merits or a first class merit. This will propel me to new heights, my good man!"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I immediately buy Aya some dessert and give a toast to Ross for our new found 'friendship'.

Going to my study room, I start thinking about Ross' future and how high he might climb. Just being a city guardian for this city is enough, and it's absolutely a beautiful think to think about. Hearing a knocking on the door, I hold my staff and let them in. Seeing its Lyca, I relax and hear why she's here.

Apparently, she wanted to thank me for the dress I bought her and felt that I was stressed so she came relieve me of some of that. What a beautiful wife. She's perfect. Thank God she got her 15th woman recently or I wouldn't experience this anytime soon.

Kneeling down and sucking my cock, it's perfect as usual. Her tongue caressing the tip and the shaft repeatedly while her muffled moans reverberated throughout the large study room. Pulling her into my cock, she starts choking and moaning at the same time, leaving drool and saliva on the traditional white dress I bought her.

Remembering the times when she had to fuck and suck some people who were the definition of an ugly bastard, she was thanking God for her master's cock... wait, that won't work. Satan. Yeah, Satan. She was thanking Satan for for master's cock.

Taking her head off my dick after 5 minutes, she reluctantly stops sucking then immediately bends over onto my desk while stacking the papers of the business registration and some accounting logs on the floor beside the desk. What a beautiful wife and secretary I have.

Lifting up her dress, I see that she's wearing black undergarments with a hole cut through the middle for more a erotic scene before my eyes.

Before putting my penis into her, I make sure to taunt Michael about his virginity since he's been bugging me non-stop about me being a pervert for liking power. Who's the God in this situation, huh?

'Hey, look at this you loser virgin'

[[shut up, get on with it. I feel it too so you are keeping two people waiting right now]]

'.....a bit sus'

[[hurry up, you pervert]]

Pushing my penis into her vagina, she starts moaning before using her strength to slam herself on my cock. Moaning loudly, she she's forgetting about keeping her dress lifted up so out indecent scene is hidden by the long dress covering our wet and slamming crotches.

"Graahhhhh! Fucccckkkkk~~ mashterrr.... harder pleashhh... meshhh me uhhppp"

Hearing her pleas, I grab her by the horns and pull her into a bear hug from behind before lifting her light body off of ground and letting her body weight resting my cock with the help of my arms.

"GUHH! Huuh-huh? Wh-wh-wh-whaaaaa???~~~...."

Getting confused with the intense pleasure suddenly attacking her lower body, she looks back at me with wide and wet puppy eyes and an unconscious grin. Making sure to angle myself different every time I thrust, I feel around for her g-spot using her moans as a sign. High and loud for closer, deeper and groan-like moans for farther.

It's like an erotic metal detector. Instead of metal, it looks for g-spots and instead of beeps it's moans.

Continuing on for 30 minutes, I pull out and cum on the back of her dress while she's collapsed on my chair. Anyways, she's the one who will clean that off.

Going back to the bedroom and letting Aya cuddle me, I fall asleep thinking about George's men and how I'm going to go about getting Toothless for Ross. Obviously, since he's quite famous in Jinjin, it's not that he's hidden, it's that nobody can catch him. Like a cockroach or a mosquito. The best solution would be to attack him while I'm getting George then get Paul.

We aren't friends, he doesn't trust people easily. He is only friendly since I'm one of his biggest buyers. Formulating a plan, I smirk then fall asleep with Aya hugging my back. What a cute daughter I have.


(A.N) hoohaahoohaa! Another chapter my dear reader! Thanks for the support and all of the comments, peace ✌️!