
(Anna POV)

22nd day, 6th month, 3032nd year


.....why? Why did I let him touch oppa? Why did I let this happen? Why did I run ahead of oppa? All of these questions are running around my head, throwing grenades into my temples and forehead. I am having insane headaches and I'm pretty sure Min-chul is screaming and berating me right now. It's the middle of the night and Min-chul, my only oppa is yelling at me.

'Please...I'm sorry, oppa'

'Tsk tsk tsk... what kind of woman are you? Letting me die?'

'I-I'm so-'

'Shut up, trash. Ughh, I think I'm going to go to Ha-neul right now... she's probably protect me'


'.....another oppa dream'

A few hours before...


I can't get over how Do-yun killed him, my only oppa. After that, for the next 3 hours, I was really about to kill myself. What kind of woman am I to let my spouse die? Thinking it over again, I remember the one thing I need to do before seppuku to see oppa, revenge. I need oppa to witness my sorrow and guilt through revenge.

And so, it was decided that fateful day that Do-yun's life would get much harder than it ever was. All the heroes were gathering at Ying Shi with 10,000 soldiers from Restinasia and Destinasia combined. The fort had about 25,000 demons but there was difference in strength... the heroes.

Just one hero could compare to hundreds of footmen. It is an insult to even compare regular soldiers to heroes. Absolutely insane. And I know that. Everyone I meet; shop owners, citizens and regular merchant would treat me like a queen because of my insane power... I just want to share this with Min-chul.

I don't plan on ending Do-yun... at least not yet. I have no idea why Do-yun killed oppa but that isn't any of my business. The only thing I need to think about is how to use this Ying Shi raid to my advantage. Well, the chaos is a good thing as well as my ninja-like disposition.


General Graham's speech was a short but, impactful one. Even my blood got boiled up. You can visibly see the heroes and regular soldiers getting their adrenaline pumping, their feet and weapons getting lighter, their arms and legs pushing and punching with more force... a very beautiful sight. With more adrenaline, more people won't be paying attention.

Bringing the battering ram to the tall wooden gates, multiple soldiers get shot by arrows and fall to the ground. Some are shot in the legs are are ran over by the battering ram, screams echo throughout the Ying Shi canyon.

Getting shot by flaming arrows and having fuel pouring over battering ram, it catches fire and collapses down on the soldiers assisting it. Taking a break from the siege, the soldiers and strength based heroes start building a temporary clay roof to block the backup siege machine from the arrows, taking about 3 hours.

With this, I take my chance with Do-yun. Since he has a growth attribute, his strength is much higher than the average human and he starts helping with the back-up battering ram, which has a clay roof to protect from the flaming arrows. Using my silent steps skill, I get up onto the 4 meter high roof and cut out a hole right where Do-yun is. Big enough for... I don't know... an arrow maybe?

Going up to the gate, the battering ram hits the wooden gates with metal bolts. Come on come on... notice it notice it... and while I start hoping one of the archers would notice the little hole in the roof, my wish came true.

From the distance, I could see some archers pointing their fingers at the hole before yelling to their fellow archers... yes yes yes... please please...

.....they did it. Getting buckets of fuel and crushed mana crystals in pouches that have tiny holes to let the crystalites fly through the air and eventually reach the roof coated in fuel, coating the roof in a napalm like mixture. The fuel in this world isn't called fuel but we just call it as such since is very similar to fuel in the old world except it's a bit more viscous compared to petrol. Like raw, black oil that you mine, not the car fuel.

Feeling the little droplets of crystalites, a huge amount liquid covers Do-yun's body, drenching him in the viscous oil... hurry hurry hurry...

Seeing himself covered in a viscous, brown liquid, he looks up and sees a hole gaping above him, angles perfectly for an arrow from the enemy to go through and pierce his skin. In a daze, the little droplets of fuel wake him up from his shock. Wanting to run but, it's too late.


Missing the hole, I see the flaming arrow with a mana stored in the body of the arrow, flying through the air then hitting a part of the roof with a lot of fuel. With the flames and mana crystalites in the body, it's more weighty but, is basically a flying, piercing grenade. It starts the explosive chain of death...


Hitting the gate one last time, the gate collapses in on itself, crushing the troops trying to keep it closed. At the same time, the battering ram blows up in a beautiful explosion, even reaching the archers on the high walls of the fortress. Everyone is stunned, the archers, the soldiers and even the generals of both sides. Loud crackling noises fill the battlefield. Like a good fireworks show...

'Advanced Happy Satan's Day!!!'

Those closest to the battering ram have their ears and nose bleeding from the shockwave and their legs and body pierced with splinters and burnt with napalm. Collapsing onto the ground, many men die from the shockwave and blast of the napalm. Even the archers of Ying Shi didn't expect an explosion quite so big.

The only thing that woke the soldiers and heroes up from their daze was the screams of their fellow hero. Running around, yelling, an eyeball hanging out, skin getting more charred by the second and hair falling from the intense heat and mini explosions caused by the mana crystallites stuck to his skin... it's none other than the growth hero, Do-yun.

'How ironic... killing his friend with a Phoenix when he's severely getting injured by fire...'

"...huhuhuhuhuhahaha... kekekekeke...gahaahahahaha..."

Laughing silently, I turn my head away from the other heroes and soldiers, afraid they'd catch me. Giving the excuse that I'm not as shocked as them, I immediately run towards the fortress. Seeing me, a good looking girl run towards the broken gates, the strong and dominant soldier men can't be outdone and follow me.

Most countries in this world are more male centered but, they do see women as human, thank God. Seeing me, the Japanese heroes including Yamasaki Kin and the Korean heroes with Hana and Chung-cha follow behind me.

Getting rid of the sadness in me with massacre, I start killing... and killing... and killing...

after the siege...



'...another oppa dream... as I thought, what I've done isn't enough. I hope Do-yun didn't die'

Hearing me yelling, the healers, Chung-cha, Hana, Ha-neul and the General with his advisors look over to me. Showing a sad but understanding expression, Chung-cha looks at me. She was my roommate and I have started to ally with her.

I'm not sure if she understands that we are allies and not friends, but either works. I've already told her about my oppa dreams and sprinkled in some lies to not sound too hardcore. She's very understanding and considerate, a very different personality than she looks.

Looking around the room, I see Chung-cha with Hana and Ha-neul watching over a bed. I can already guess who it is with the groans and destroyed voice box... Park Do-yun. The friend killer. The betrayer... the piece of shit that took my light and left me blind. Leading me to blindly kill, blindly follow wherever my emotions take me, only barely holding back from murdering him due to the repentance I need to conduct.

Pushing Chung-cha a bit to the side, I see his face... good God... it's beautiful... but not enough... I need more. Need more sacrifices to show my love. Need more... blood.

Yes, his skin is red and stretchy. Yes, his nose is no more than two holes and his left eye gone. Yes, he is missing half his teeth and his tongue can't articulate words properly anymore. Yes, his throat's skin is so burnt that when talking or rather, groaning and whining, you can see the voice box's vibration. Yes, his fingers and toes are burnt black. Yes, he is currently fully bald with no other cure than to wear a wig... yes, his fingers can't hold a simple sword properly... but it isn't enough...

For example, why can he still walk? Why can he still use 4 out of 5 of his senses? Why can he still hold things, though with a weak grip? Why can his tongue be inside his mouth still? Why only half his teeth? Why not all of his skin instead of 80% of his body? Min-chul would obviously want more than this measly amount.

Do-yun, through you, I will be conducting my repentance piece for oppa and you will be my instrument. My guitar and my violin, being strummed and used slowly until you snap... but even then, I won't let you go. Time to continue this until oppa is satisfied and I can finally see properly again...

'my light... my sun... my star... I'm coming soon, very, very soon. hehehe'


(A.N) wow... I really love writing Anna POV's since I really love her backstory, the buildup possible with Anna's perspective and her decline into madness... I seriously love this girl and am considering her in the fighting with Chung-cha for best girl and right now, Anna is really hot.

What do you think? Anna or Chung-cha? anyways, peace ✌️ and hope you enjoyed!