Pigeons Fly


Meeting up with the 25 men supplied by George, they sign a NDA to ensure their silence even with their own boss. After signing the contract, I immediately take 24 of them to Toothless to brand them. When they found out why they were at Toothless' place, they tried escaping and killing me.

Of course, the contract forbid them and they were instantly hit with excruciating pain. Seeing the 5 men that tried attacking me, the others decided to just run when I ordered them to take off their clothes and kneel in front of Toothless. Against their will, they kneel while angrily shouting and thrashing.

".....what the hell are you doing with George's men, Michael?"

"They were our terms for friendship. He gives me men, I give him my services. The rest is confidential"

"I..... see...."

Seeing George's anxious expression, he reluctantly brands them to follow my bidding. It's either he makes money from branding them or someone else does. Why not just profit from it if it's going to happen anyways?

Going back with the 24 men in shackles, I take them home and sit them on the floor before telling them my plan. For the 25th man, I have Aya take him back and he is now strapped to a chair in my study room.

"Alright men, you will be used to kill Paul Demm and George Pillar"


Making him remember with pain, he relents and calms down. Telling them how I am going to go about killing George and Paul, they all shiver in fright. I plan on strapping bombs to their stomachs using rope and making them run into the building before lighting it up with a weak Fyr crystal lighter. I will have 8 men to blow up George's place, 4 for each, 10 for Toothless and the rest is for Paul. The last guy is meant for tailing Toothless

Hearing me say 'Toothless', they look at me as if im crazy. Toothless? The cockroach, toothless? Not even the guards who have a country backing them can catch Toothless. Telling them how I'm going to do it, they look even more horrified.

Using the 1 man I left, I slice open his veins and drain his blood. Hanging him upside down, he takes 5 hours to drain fully. Then, I kill Aya with a short stab to the brain through the back of her head. Reviving the man, his body is now my slave but, his blood doesn't flow.

This is the thing with the revival of Phoenix Hybrid. Just like Aya, since they didn't have any blood in their body, they came to life without any blood. I give him a name and now he is known as "Dorian". Dorian is one of George's low ranked henchmen. Hell, he hasn't even seen George in person aside from today when he brought them over here.

Telling Dorian what to do, he sets off to... do whatever zombies do. Now, we have to deal with... this, Aya's body. Carrying her over my shoulder, I throw her into my backyard and give her a shallow grave. After taking care of Aya, I take the 2 buckets of blood and water the moss with it to enchanted the mana even more.

The next day, everything gets into plan. At exactly midnight, my expectations were met. Toothless went back home to his sick wife and little grandson. As I thought, nobody would go into such a dangerous job where one wrong move could send you away for your entire life. He's doing this for his wife and grandson, huh? That's perfect.

His home is in the woods outside of the city. Every week, he escapes the city hiding under the cart of a fake merchant's carriage he bought. Going back to his family, he pays for their food and other expenses. He went back a little early since it's Satan's Day. Leaving Dorian to hide nearby Toothless' house, I start my part.

To hype up my men, you need a war cry. There is a problem, this is a city. And Satan's Day is very loud so, I started planting some mana crystals to echo my boom box spell that I'll use later. After planting the mana crystals around the known bases of George, Paul and Toothless, they serve another purpose. For added explosions, of course.

Seeing the moon to my right, I can tell that's it's about 6-8 p.m and I'm facing north meaning...


Right behind me, I hear the loud explosions of the Fyr crystals and colorful dye. They always shoot the fireworks pointing towards the south, no matter where they are. I have no idea why but they do.

Seeing this, this starts the start of my slums clean-up. Operation Pigeon.

"Bomb, bomb... pigeons fly"

Sending my message to the newly acquired by boom box, the men guarding the bases of George, Paul and Toothless are confused with the sudden booming voice. All of the designated attack places hear the boom box except for Toothless, to which I meant for that to happen.


Reluctantly running into the buildings from their hiding places with tears streaming down their faces, they rip off their clothes to reveal the bombs to detonate it easier. Seeing the mass rush, the guards hold their weapons out but it's too late. Impaling one of the rushes, a newbie guard for the bar that Paul is in sees that the rusher's stomach is charred black and is even burning still.

Looking closer at the dead man, he realizes that it's a weird cloth pouch with something he doesn't even know. Grabbing with his hand, he gives it to holds it near his face to inspect the flaming wick.

Seeing what one of his men is holding, the guard leader, Jan, starts freaking out. Jan is a hardened war veteran being in various wars against Restinasia and some other rebellious individuals who wanted sovereignty. Due to his time at war, he knows what a bomb sounds and looks like. And if that isn't a bomb, he doesn't know what is.

Rushing over to throw that out of the new guard's hands, he was too late. It detonates and obliterates the surrounding area and Jan's face. Jan, now having half of his face showing a skull and somehow alive, sees the other men rushing in. Remembering how Paul took him in and fed him when he was a homeless pickpocket, he starts crying tears that aren't there anymore, having his tear sockets burnt shut.

'...forgive me, little Paul. I failed to do my job'

Leaving this world, the last thing he hears isn't his dead wife nor is it his father and mother calling out to him in the gateway to heaven... no no no, it's a very coarse but, trained voice blasting his ears away...

"Okay! Wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky!

Turn up the music when I hop in the ride,

Turn the windows down let the whole world see

Can't nobody rock it like the little old meee~~

I'm the bomb and I'm bout to blow up!

I'm the bomb and I'm 'bout to blow up!

I got my chucks on my dickies and I put it on black..."

Singing the only song that he knows can fit this beautiful celebrate of Satan's Day, he starts singing "The Bomb" by Pigeon John, hence the name for the operation. For the first time in his new life, he is putting the singing training he went through when he was younger to use. And it was beautiful.

Hearing the ear shattering, George can tell that the one singing is Min-chul or rather Michael. Hearing this, he sighs in his heart before turning to his most trusted man, Zachary. Zachary was one of the mercenaries who was caught in assassination attempt where George was betrayed. They got closer and eventually, Zachary joined George in getting back at Paul.

"...are you really not going to run?"

"After running, what then, Z? Didn't we get all this in the first place to shit on Paul?"

"I mean... I did like the orgies"

"Ahaha...Me too... anyways... Paul is probably dead by now..."

"Yup... *puffs* ahhhhh.... hey, this Blue Maloo isn't as bad as I thought"

Smoking the products they never would have 4 days ago, they are now enjoying themselves for their last days. Realizing why their men got so hooked, they can understand why Michael is so ambitious. Not minding his youth, his wit and cunningness is really unsettling from his enemy's viewpoint.

Hearing the catchy beat and the rhyming words, Zachary and George start singing along...

""I'm the bomb and I-""

Before they can finish, George and Zachary have bags over their heads and start being kidnapped. Feeling this, Zachary and George swallow the poison in their teeth then collapse with a lifeless body. Feeling the slowly fading heartbeat, the equipment drag George and Zachary outside before blowing up the building.

Meanwhile in the capital, while the people's cheers are drowning out any sounds, some people hear a voice getting louder and louder... saying "I'm the bomb and I want to blow up..."

This is only the first part of Operation Pigeon...


(A.N) the song mentioned will be in the comments of this paragraph. It's really great and a bop. That's all for me, peace ✌️!