Run From The Devil

Every Satan's Day, the demons celebrate with fireworks and by singing folk songs. Back when demons were much more powerful and when they still attacked any human in sight, they sang various songs when traveling from country to country, town to town to pass the boredom.

Songs such as "A Night with Lilith", "Gabriel the Coward" and "Deal With the Devil". All these songs were created by some of the most famous bards in history. All of these songs have something similar however, disregarding the title. They are all folk and most of the time, rarely rhyme.

The reason these songs were popular was the fun beat and the fact that they were made by some of the most famous bards. Taking this into account, it's no wonder why some people and eventually, all people got quiet at the sound of a new type of song. What surprised people most was the fact that the song rhymed and somehow, sounded good.

Some people even started humming the tune of the song and eventually, the entire party was humming this song that was repeating a few words but managed to be enjoyable.

"Okay come on everybody won't you clap your hands

Demon folk do it on time if you can"

Clapping their hands while singing the song, it drowns out the chaos going on in the slums. Meanwhile, the man singing the song, Min-chul is about to finish up when he caught Toothless trying to run with his family. Continuing to sing, he starts beating Toothless using Dorian while singing.

Seeing Michael, Toothless gets pissed. He ruined his business, ruined his customers and is now targeting his family. Toothless barely cares about his live, it's his wife and grandson that matter th most. But now, Michael even has them.

"You motherfucker, Michael..... give my grandson back"

Too tired to yell, he starts talking in a grandfatherly yet stern voice. He really mastered the art of making his requests sound like demands. Truly, an experienced grandfather.

"Don't worry, they will be cared for"

"..... what do you mean?"

"Dorian... bag him"

Feeling a bag being placed over his head, he starts struggle until Dorian reminds him why he shouldn't. The loud scream of his wife is enough to convey that. Calming down while almost biting his lips off. Dorian corrals him up with Paul and George. Paul being alive while George being dead.

Paul was caught when Michael's equipment was able to stun all the guards the went out to check and then blew the bar up. Being on the other side of the bar, Paul tried escaping from the rubble before being caught by one of my equipment.

Taking them to Ross. He starts taking care of his grandson and wife. Honestly, the only one worth keeping alive is his sick wife since 1, she's sick and weak and 2, her mana is above average. Most likely from the mana pills Toothless has been feeding her to keep alive for another 3 days. Selfish bastard.

Taking the wife back, he was left with the boy. Crying, sobbing while wailing. Very understandable but he isn't very profitable to keep around. Average mana, nothing impressive about his strength or other stats and he probably would take revenge.




Realizing that Michael and his men were counting down before chasing him, the last chorus of the song kicks in just as one of the equipment starts running towards where the boy left.

"Now we gonna reach up on a whole new level

Grabbin' the light on the run from the devil

Been downtown for too long

I feel the sun risin' all up in my bones~"

Meanwhile in the capital, the ecstatic demon-kin hear the word devil and go crazy. They start jumping up and down, yelling "I'm 'bout to blow up!" and "On the run from the devil". Further masking the sounds of the roaring fires and distracting them from the explosions happening just a few hundred meters away from them.

""Woahhhh woahh!

Woahhhoo woahhh!""

Being caught in a branch that stabbed through his foot, he collapses onto the ground, screaming and writhing in pain. Catching up to him, Dorian and 3 other equipment take him and simply kill him. Digging a six foot vertical ditch, they throw him in and cover it up.

Finishing their job, they meet up with their boss, Michael and follow him back to his estate where Ross and his superior, Jared are waiting with a bottle of the finest demon alcohol already poured out. While paying Ross, Michael managed to get Jared as well for a connection to the royal capital quickly. Luckily, Jared was the benefactor and the person who taught Ross how to do his job so he was much more corrupt than Ross.

Showing the tied up Paul Demm, George Pillar, Toothless and the unexpected right-hand man of George, Zachary Mills. Seeing Zachary, both Ross and Jared immediately jump out of their seats and cheer as loud as their fat throats can. With Zachary, it's basically guaranteed for a promotion within 3 months and a second class merit for both of them no doubt. Both of which, will help in advancing their careers.

Drinking wine with his new ally, Jared, Michael or rather, Min-chul feels really good. He recently made a lot of profit from his brothel that is managed by Lyca and from his employees selling his product to celebrate the joyous occasion. He made near 1.5 gold today us basically secured his standings in the police of E Mo Zhi Di with Jared. Though tiny, he still has a connection to a City Guardian, someone who regularly visits the capital.

Waking up the next day, Michael sees Lyca lying next to him while snuggling in his chest. Seeing the dried up semen on her thighs, he instantly knew he drunk a little too much. Taking a step out of his room, he seems a latter on the dinner table written by Jared saying:

"Me and Ross are thankful for your help. We have gone home and you don't need to worry about us. Your maid, Lyca, took you to your room after which we started hearing moans louder than my wife nagging me. Anyways, cheer!"

Sighing, Michael feels embarrassed about last night. What kind of person gets drunk before his guests? Well, it's most likely since he's an Asian and his tolerance for alcoholic drinks are literally none existent. He only drunk so much that night since it was warranted. I mean, his two men are being promoted, his only competitions in the slums are gone and he has one more important thing he got from Toothless: connections.

He now knows the connections of Toothless and where he gets his equipment from. Before blowing up the tent of Toothless, he had one of his bombers take the documents from his office and personal home vault. All of it was there; names, meeting places, prices, etc.

Before making use of this information however, Michael needed to do one more thing..... kill Dorian and revive Aya. Yes, it was a shame he had to kill his daughter but it had to be done. After all, it's not his fault that the sl*ve capacity for Phoenix Hybrids is only 1.....

[[...what!? What do you want? It isn't my fault, dick!!!]]


[[SHUT UP, DUMMY!!! It's not my fault!]]



Ignoring the yellin Michael, Min-chul sends out Lyca with 10 silver to buy whatever she wants including expenses like lunch and water while digging out Aya's temporary grave. Filling in the hole and patting it down with jumps and throwing heavy stones onto it, he revives Aya and after 10 minutes, the scar is healed and hair grows over it, not leaving a bald spot.


" pa bu?"

'Fuck..... I forgot she would lose her intellect...'


".....yes... come here, little girl"

"Baba papa, ahaha!"

'My hard work... down the drain...'


(A.N) Wooooo! Another chappy!!! Hope you enjoyed, peace✌️ !