Close Call

"You didn't tell about this?"

"I-I-I was just I-informed today"

Rubbing my temples, I'm really getting a massive headache because of Jared's stupidity. He never questioned the increase of military personnel from the capital and some other militia and famous adventures.

Like any idiot could tell, more soldiers equals war. Even a damn baby could make this out yet Jared never cared to ask the city guardian about the increase since the increase was only in the middle-class areas and trading areas. What a damn numpty.

But right now, there isn't anytime to complain about Jared's incompetence. I have about a day. No, half a day before the human lock down this city and they start the economic siege. Blocking ports, highways, trails and other forms of travel. Plus, the military presence really scares me considering I'm built on illegal businesses.

Obviously, they will be too busy to deal with a small time pimp but extortion and blackmail is define possible. I start running back to my house, holding my 90 silver coat on my arm and start dashing using various speed enhancing spells.

"Papa?" "Is there something wrong, master?"

Seeing me rush in, they forgo the usually hug they give when I go home and seeing my angry and serious face, even Aya doesn't dare mess around this time. Usually, I am very soft on Aya but right now, this is probably the first she has seen me so frantic.

"There isn't anytime. Here, place all your belongings into this box and do it quickly. Tell me when you're done"

Nodding their heads quickly, they gather clothes, jewelry and every other possessions they were given. After only about 5 minutes, they finished and go up to me packing up the crates upon crates of silver.

"Master? I'd like to help" "Me! Help papa!"

"Alright... take these crates and bring them to the carriage outside"

Honestly, I knew this was coming but I didn't think it would come this quickly. In response to this, I bought 20 carriages from a woodworker and since I'll be moving everything out of the city, I'd better follow the rules and brand my carriages. On the side, the engravings "Michael and Chul's Mossy Emporium" are there.

Running out of the house, we pack all 5000 pieces of silver and copper in 5 different carriages to not weight down the horses. In 10 other carriages are over 100 cages for my equipment. Leading the carriages to the shop, I run to the back to get Karl.

Bumping into Cathy and Doug, I take of them with a simple slice of the neck when they were stunned. I can get new managers anyways and plus, the mana tanks are too expensive to leave here. There was a problem with mana tanks however...

They were too damn heavy. We have been feeding them 6 meals a day of high carbohydrates and they now weigh more than 120 kilograms each. Even with strength enhancing the carriages and the horses, they can't handle these behemoths. Hell, they barely fit in the cages.

'Fuck! I haven't been checking on the mana tanks for a while...'

Taking 50 mana tanks, I place 4 on each of the 10 equipment carriages and have two cages put into the rest of the carriages to fit these balls of mana. Remembering to enchant the carriages and horses, I go behind the store and take the sex equipment. Thank God they barely weight 50 kgs.

Killing the remaining mana tanks, I pull their hair, teeth and blood and place them in one carriage. Now, it's time for the moss. After filling the underground area with a concrete-like mixture of crushed cobble, limestone, clay, water and sand, I start taking the mosses.

Bringing the moss growing kits with Karl's help, I see another problem... we grew too big and we can't fit this all... haaahh... well, can't let this go to waste, no?

Taking two rolls, I start smoking them while squishing the growing kits onto the carriages. Seeing that the horses are neighing and having trouble moving, I stop loading the moss and start the next plan to get rid of the moss... burn it. It's a shame that we have to lose about 60% of our moss but it's necessary to monopolize this market.

Putting them in a pile in the middle of the shop, I add some fuel and mana crystals around the and on the pile of growing gold. I'll burn it later since there are other things I need to take of. I need to warn Wor.

To show my sincerity to our partnership, this required and will probably gain some trust from The Blacksmith. Leading the caravan to my estate to wait, take one of the horses and ride out of the city. Obviously, some other merchants with better connections and wealth were crowding the gates and lining up to get out.

It's utter chaos. It's crowded, hot and loud. Everyone arguing about who goes first and the occasional fight breaking out. Like some kind riot, they don't even care about the royal soldiers warning them to calm down.

"Get the hell out of my way! Do you know who I am? I'm the 2nd son of the city guardian of Tian!"

"Tian? Wasn't that the city that was destroyed last month?"

"Nobody care who you are! You aren't even the first son!"

"Calm down!!! Be orderly!"

"Fuck you! Go to hell!"

"...thank you"

"No problem"

Riding past the heavy carriages, I throw 3 silver at the guard who immediately lets me through seeing my identity. Witnessing me just pay my way through, all the wealthy merchants start offering 10 and even 20 silver to let them through. Sorry, guards.

Reaching the forest, I take out a roll but the bouncing of the horse trotting made me drop it and so, I bring out a new one. Smoking it, I see Wor sitting on the porch, reading a book.


"Oh? Is there something?"

"Did you know about the siege happening?"

"Siege? Of Jinjin?"

'Heeh... seems like she didn't see the papers or the increase of patrol'

"Yes. There is an exponential increase of royal soldiers patrolling. I also heard from a reliable source that they'd come here by today, night"

"I see... thank you. I'll be sure to warn sir Blacksmith"

"That's great"

Going back to the city, the guards let me in since I'm crazy enough to go back in and plus, it's more money for them. I attach the ropes to the horses and place Karl on the driving seat of the front carriage since he looks the most human amongst my subordinates. Not counting Aya obviously.

Lining up, even with Ross' men's assistance to get through the crowds, we can't possibly fit and we ended up sleeping in our carriages. With Lyca with most of her girls and Aya and I with one of the mana tank carriages, I fall asleep fairly quickly considering all that is happening.

Waking up the next day, I see that we are right near the front of the line. Going out at around midday, I see the various blockages and some hung demons on trees as a sign of fear for Jinjin. The soldiers are plundering the captured demon's caravans and stealing loot for themselves, ignoring that some demons slip away.

How stupid.

Reaching out trail, Karl does his piece perfectly and we get through without any problems...

"Papa! Di-"


Getting grabbed by one of the mana tanks with a grudge, I instant kill him and feel that our caravan stopped..... FUCK! Thinking quick, I decide to use this a way to gain information.

Hearing the crying, stomping and running getting closer, I take out the fat mana ball and burn him to ashes then spread him on Aya. Aya, being confused, starts tilting her head cutely.

"Listen, Aya. You will be away from daddy for a while and when you are with your new friends, you will send your papa update letters about the important events you hear people talking about"

"Away? Papa? Why"

Seeing her crying face, I tell her that it's a secret spy game to which she instantly agrees. Getting into the cage, I quickly push her cage to the front of the different cages and I pray that they don't see the mana tanks in crates that are actually cages.


'oh, it's Yamasaki'

Dragging her out of the cage and bringing her back to their camp, I sneak out and see Karl being detained. Pulling him away using the chaos of finding a supposedly dead hero, I leave 3 silver for the lucky guard who finds that Karl is gone.

Going as fast as we can, we are barely moving since it's a hill... shit...

Clink! Clank! Kshhhhhh...

This is fucking horrible... I need to throw out the copper coins to go and from what it looks like, we threw out about 10 golds worth of copper into the forest... this hurts a lot but it's worth it. Looking out the back with a hood covering my face, I see her again... Anna... the crazy girl.

Come to think of it, I wonder how the others are doing. What is Ha-neul doing? What about Do-yun? He better be fucking dead.

'Haaahhhh...reminiscing won't do anything. The next time they see me, they will be my customers, I guess'

Going off into the sunset, I make my way over to Restinasia and I better get comfy since that's a 4 day long journey to cross the border and another 3 days to find the nearest city. Time to sleep.


(A.N) ALRIGHTY READERS! I have something to say and this concerns the future of this novel. I really love this novel and love how much success it's gotten. Despite this, I've recently gotten interested in trying for a light-hearted novel with Webnovel.

I understand that this type of novel would never get a wider audience base and I am considering writing another novel. I'll try to continue this and see where this story takes me since this is my baby but I don't know anymore.

I could really use the extra cash and writing novels really makes me happy. I really don't know anymore. Maybe I'll write 1 chap per day for this and the other novel, maybe not. Don't worry however, I don't plan on dropping this novel just yet lol. Aight, I'll have to think my decisions through and see where my decisions takes me.

Anyways, peace ✌️!