Calm Before the Storm

Lying awake in the carriage, I know I can't get far. 20 carriages is too much for them to not notice. Knowing this, I stop after about 5 minutes of escaping and decide to hide the money and the moss in a pit.

Making the Lyca's girls, some mana tanks and I dig as fast as possible, we are able to fit all moss after taking out of the boxes. Destroying the growing kits and taking the planks, I lay them over the moss so any travels stepping over here won't suspect there is a treasure worth 100-500 gold right underneath them.

Walking 5 minutes from the moss pit, I start digging and digging some more; with help from the equipment of course. It's at these times I kind of regret not getting labor equipment but reminiscing won't solve my problems; I need to quickly adapt and adapt quickly I did. We threw the coins into the pit; suddenly making the pit worth about 60-140 gold.

Thank God I stored most of the money in my bank account. With a heavy heart, I make Lyca take all her girls and the fattest mana tanks to hide in a cave I stayed in with Aya when first traveling to Jinjin. With tears in her eyes and a twitching mouth, she accepts and we part; reluctantly.

It hurts my soul seeing her walk away... with my stuff. But it's fine.

'This is necessary...this is necessary'

Seeing them disappear into the forest, I sit down and meditate. What is the best course of action now? Run? Surrender? Fight my way out? Looking logically, fighting is the worst way to go about this situation; I'm a human and fighting would brand me a demon supporter.

Running and surrendering are both very plausible options. I do need to forecast the ramifications of surrendering; going back to Destinasia. Yes, I'll get a house, food and my access to my sponsor money from the Danlia's but there is Aria.

Even though I was only a plaything for her, there has to be feelings involved due to my resemblance to her deceased husband. Okay, if not surrendering, what about running?

Well, running would make me a fugitive from Destinasia and possibly any allies they have. Yes, there is the chance they don't know who I am since I used Michael's name but if they happen to take Jared hostage, which isn't too impossible, he is definitely going to talk; no doubt about it.

All they have to do is ask him about his boss and he will probably go on and on about his allies; eventually mentioning me. When he mentions a Michael, Yamasaki, with a grudge against Michael, will ask for his appearance..... I can just imagine it.

Fuck... I need to surrender, huh? But first, I need to get rid of my payroll. That means Ross, Lenny and Jared. Obviously, I can't go in there without being seen by a blockade but if I go in there on Destinasia's side... it is possible.

'.....I got it'

Thinking of my plan, I sneak out from my hiding spot and see multiple soldiers marching back and forth in front of the gates of Jinjin. This is most likely a psychological tactic; scaring the enemy shitless. Timeless.

Waiting for my time, I wait until they are about storm the city. If I go too late, they will notice me during the clean up; go too early and they notice there is something different about soldier X; most notably, his face, his manners and basically everything about him.

Seeing the multiple soldiers going to potty breaks alone, I feel like they know I'm here but also know that I can't hurt them unless I want to be caught. Fuckkkk, it's annoying. Stopping my scouting of their men, start with my sniper's house. Digging a hole near a tree trunk with a stick, I gather leav3s and long branches from trees.

Finishing the mini house, I lie down and use my ears while relaxing my eyes.... stomping, yelling, screaming and arguing... the march is moving from left to right, yelling various warcries while screaming their lungs out.

Falling asleep, I wake up at night time and based on the position of the moon, it's about 6-8 p.m right now. Seeing the torches being set up, the arrows dipped in oil, the siege machines like the ballista, battering ram and hwacha are having makeshift, wooden roof built; coated in a lot of candle wax.

It's time.

Getting up, I grab a soldier from a platoon that has spears; most likely a storming platoon. Not noticing their youngest member disappear from behind them, they continue walking while I replace him.

Lining up in a massive group of soldiers, I hear the general yelling a speech of some sort; talking about the things the demons will do if we let them roam free in this world. What a joke. If they really wanted to steal my wife, they'd have to get through my crotch...which they can't.

Hearing their wives might get NTR'd by demons, the soldiers get riled up and behind them, I see

them... Ha-neul, Chung-cha, Anna and Hana. Do-yun isn't there however... oy oy oy... is he actually dead? That's beautiful.

One by one, the present heroes, 9 of them, give their group speech about the demons and step down. Starting the siege, I see the various soldiers pushing the machines towards the gate. On the other side, I see the flaming arrows from the walls of Jinjin; ready to celebrate a belated Satan's day.

"Oy!! NEW GUY!!! Get that ladder and hold it!"

"YES SIR!!!"

Hearing my superior, grab the wooden ladder attached to the troop carriage and tie it to the other ladders; making a 15 meter tall ladder monstrosity. Carrying it to the battlefield, I feel the flame of the arrows pass by me; barely missing... well, that's a lie.

One of them hit but it didn't do anything. Seeing me duck and weave, the lieutenant gets surprised and wants to applaud his new guy's performance. Setting up the ladder on the side of the stone wall, I kneel down and hold it steady while pointing my gaze to the floor.

Seeing me, the lieutenant knew what I was doing.


Using me as leverage, they get up the ladder much faster and more efficiently. This also provides 2 things: 1 is that my mentality is helping my teammates. 2 is to hide my face better. Looking over to the side, I see one of the team members in the ground beside me. His body is bent like an "S"; absolutely crushed.

Bones are visible, eyes are popped out, neck is visibly longer; like a goddamn son of Charlotte Linlin but more ugly and with bones sticking out.


1....2....3.... more bodies start falling; luckily not on me. Grabbing the ladder, I start shaking it vigorously; hopefully dropping more of my teammates. The lieutenant looks down and sees me shaking the ladder.

With a confused expression, he gets shot in the back of his with a flaming arrow, causing him to fall down straight towards me. Moving out of the way, his body makes a gunshot-like sound and is obliterated.

Climbing the ladder with speed spells, I reach the top of the wall in only 5 seconds. Surprising the demon soldiers with my speed, run past them and jump of the roof while using a makeshift rope I made from the leaves of my temporary house.

Having about 8 meters left of falling distance, I branch for impact and land on my 2 feet. Rolling forward to change the momentum, I luckily don't twist my ankle or hurt myself in the process. After standing back up and checking for any cuts or injuries, I start running.

Reaching Jared's inner city mansion, I bust down the down only to see Jared packing up his bags with his wife and 2 kids. Seeing me rushing in the house, Jared knows why and what I'm about to do. He knows this is his fault and just wants his kids to have a life; one more fulfilling than his own.

"Hey hey hey... at least spar-"


Burning him to ashes, I see the horrified looks his wife and kids are giving me. Mercy to the kids and wife? Why? Will they understand that me not killing them is mercy? Will they know why their husband and dad never even tried reasoning for his own life? Of course not.

They only know one thing; I'm the man that murdered their husband and dad. That's why there is no mercy for the family. Aiming my palm at the mother, I kill her. The kids try running but it's futile. One down, one to go.

Reaching Ross' house in the middle class district, I kick his door down only to find... no one. Fuck. Did he leave? If he did, it would be fine but I don't need them getting caught. Heading to his office, I finding him smoking one of my cigarettes. Unlike Jared, he knows that I'm doing this for my own sake.

He wants to fight but what can he do? He's a fat man who hasn't exercised in more than 10 years. Accepting his fate, he holds his palm in front of me and wanted to finish the roll before died. Obviously, I oblige.

*puff* "puuuahhhh... that's good, eh? Go on. I'm ready"

"Rest easy, Ross"


Silencing his last words with a loud boom, I then take off the clothes I stole from the soldier and head towards the capital. I then sit in the capital's fountain, waiting for my "saviors".

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya


"...what is it, Jeffrey?"

Hearing the deep and commanding voice behind the thin screen only showing a silhouette of one of the most powerful men in this country, Jeffrey, his secretary for 10 years still can't get used to how terrifying he is.

"Sir...It seems like a hero was found alive"

"!...alive? You mean... one of the heroes from Massacre of Bol?"

"Yes sir... it seems like the hero named Kai Aya was found about to be traded as... ahem, 'equipment'"

"I see... remind me who was her signed company?"

"It was the Avvine Magician's Guild"

Thinking deeply, he starts remembering about his previous deals with Avvine and its Archmage, Lily, and how she seemed very cunning. Using this event as an excuse to get rid of enlightened people would be perfect for him. Especially those who dare cheat him.

"Alright. Take the 10000 gold loan we gave back and file a breakage of contract"

"Understood... and sir, it seems like Madam Aria is acting unusual lately"

"Aria? I have noticed that... send some gifts her way. We don't need any other Morrigan situation again"

"Understood, sir"

Walking out of the dark room, Jeffrey breaths a sigh of relied before getting to work; planning meetings with the queen, filing a suit to the court of Darcy and comforting his boss' sick daughter, Janice, are all part of his job.

'Haaaahhh... well, let's get to work'


(A.N) Alrighty readers! I am giving a follow up on my author's note last chapter. I planned to write a second novel that's more lighthearted compared to this one to capture a wider audience base. Seeing my schedule really freeing up in terms of schoolwork and my summer coming up, I think it would be best for me to continue both at the same time.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, peace ✌️!