
Sitting on the fountain situated in the middle of Jinjin, one man is smoking a Hero Herb and Poltergeist's Joy blend; acting like a merchant who just finished one of the longest days of work possible.

This man obviously, is Min-chul, better known as Michael. And yes, he did have a hard day today. He was just now recently informed of the upcoming invasion into his territory by one of his men, he sent away Aya to gather information about a group he is already heading to and most of all, he'll have to abandon the moss and the silver for now.

You think you had a tough day? Try giving away your daughter to benefit you, only for you not to need it anymore. Even more so, try throwing away around about 15-20 years worth of work of the average person and there you have it; Min-chul's very eventful day.

'Haaahhh... I hope I don't go bald before 40.....'

Thinking about trivial things; his ears start ringing as he focuses on the sounds around him; or lack thereof in this case. Absolutely desolate and everything abandoned to the streets; wagons full of goods, expensive clothing shops free to rob and yet the buildings are standing tall and proud, the fountain glistening like stars in the night sky and the cobble roads still in perfect condition.

The wealthier, powerful and higher-ranking officials with their families have already evacuated the city with the help of the royal guards and the sewage system. Yes, it isn't very aesthetically pleasing and yes it may smell but it's much better than hiding in their mansions or merchant shops, no?

In fact, there are people here, just not up HERE. They are all hiding in their basements, attics and the like as if the axis powers are marching through Paris, searching each and every house and to be fair, they probably do.

'Well... I guess Destinasia and the other human countries aren't too far from the axis powers in terms of beliefs and... heh, they are exactly like the axis powers back in WW2'

'...thinking about it now...this really looks like a movie set, huh? Yeah... it ain't too bad'

Trying to remember a song to fit the mood, he snaps his fingers are his eyes light up with stars. Grabbing the remaining mana crystals with him; about 3, he puts them around his body and lies down on the edge of the fountain.

Having 2 crystals next to him and another in his hand, he holds it like a microphone before singing...

"Istanbul was once Constantinople!

Now it's Instanbul, not Constantinople!

Been a long time gone, Constantinople!

Now time for Turkish delight on a moonlit night!

Every gal in Constantinople!

Lives in Istanbul not Constantinople!

So if you've got a date in Constantinople!

She'll be waiting in Istanbul!..."

Singing the rest of the song, he couldn't think of a better way than to go out singing one of the best songs he had ever heard; Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants, original by The Four Lads.

Finishing his cigarette, he pollutes the beautiful fountain with soot and burnt leaf; justifying it by saying that it will be destroyed anyways...

(Anna POV)



"For humanity!!!!!"

Storming the now broken down gates, we rush in; me in the front with the 2 other speed type heroes, the strength based heroes right behind, the defense heroes, the mage heroes then the regular soldiers.

Slitting the throats of the demons, I can't help but feel odd... this...fells good?

I can't right? Oh... maybe it's because the demons are bad? But didn't I just conclude that demons aren't all bad? Don't I only like killing bad people? Like father and mother? Like sister and uncles? So what is wrong with me right now...

Ever since Min-chul left, I've been fine but going into the battlefield made me feel all... tingly... I know I don't want to admit it because it would be wrong but...I don't wanna die.

'I don't wanna die for Min-chul. Anyways, isn't it what Min-chul would want? Me to live on and life a normal life? A normal where... I... get off on slitting the throats...ngaahhh~'

Fuuuuckkkk~ this is good. I don't ever want to stop... yes, this is it; my purpose. This is my purpose all along and Min-chul helped me see that. Just like with papa... just like mama... and sister and others... they need to repent.

'The more I give to Min-chul, the more sorry I become and the more sorry I become...the happier Min-chul becomes...hehehehehe...huhuhuhuhu...'

Snickering while rushing towards my last target, he drops his sword in fear of my previous display of talent and my smile and now, my snickering. I'm not that ugly, am I? Awwww... that really hurts my feelings, no pulse guy...

'booo!!! Don't you know better than to call a woman ugly?'

"You good, Hero Anna?"


"Great! Let's advance! Remember! Attic, basement then plunder! Got it?"

""Sir General Sir!!!""

Splitting up into teams of 5, the regular soldiers enter into different houses. Almost immediately, I see a soldier falling out of the 4th story window onto his neck, shortly followed by a woman throwing her baby then herself. Oooooo... that won't kill, numbnuts! Tsk tsk tsk!

And as I predicted, I was right. Yes, her baby died and the soldier was unlucky enough to land on his C4 bone but the woman was a different story. Her legs were all mangled up and her cries echoing through the barren streets. The dead soldier's teammates rush out of the house and start stabbing the woman in the gut; killing her and relieving her of her pain...

'Tch! Hey! I'm watchin' 'ere!!!'

Following Ha-neul into the slums area, we soon hear something yelling in our minds. Instantly, we knew it was Chung-cha from her voice and she is the only one who can do that aside from that Phoenix they met around 4 months ago.


'..... huh? Min-chul? Did I hear her wrong? Is this a joke? Min-chul is alive?.....Aya was...fuck...where is he... I NEED TO FEEL HIM!'

Running to Chung-cha's location, I see Ha-neul right behind me. I'm sure she realized that even Chung-cha would lie about this.

Reaching the center, I see and tall boy singing into a mana crystals; using boombox to echo his voice around himself; I hear the beautiful singing of my beloved... this is him. He smells like him, looks like him...even if this is a dream, I won't accept anyone waking me up.


'Damn it... I still stutter huh? Well, it is him... my beautiful, lovely, one and only, him... MY oppa... hehehehehe'

"Huh? Oh, Anna! How's it going"

'...why is he so nonchalant about this? Ah! He is trying not to worry me! Ahhhh~~~ how considerate'

However, in every party there must be a this case, 2 poopers...

"Hic!...hic....M-Min-chul!!!! Wh-where were you?!? We were so worried!!!" (Chung-cha)

"....." (Ha-neul)

I don't know which is worse; Chung-cha acting like a spoiled baby to Min-chul or Ha-neul not saying anything acting like a wife who just got news of her husband's survival in a war and wants some alone time; peace and quiet.

Joining in on the hug, I subtly push Ha-neul and Chung-cha aside for me to place my head right in his man cave, A.K.A that place between his rock-hard pecks.... ahhhhh~~ smells like home...'ll never leave me again... that I know for sure. And you will see how much repenting I have done for you to praise me and call me that one name I remember, that name that I cherish and loved for 18 years...



(A.N) hello! I got an idea for my new novel and it's beautiful! Masterpiece! I will unless the beast later in life however with a bunch of chapters.

The new book will be comedy about a failed swimming prodigy getting a second chance. There is a system, there is no gacha and the system is an absolute asshole.

There is NO HAREM. But the scenes of MC and his mildly yandere girlfriend will have you in tears... I know I am already....

Anyways! In case I don't see ya again, good afternoon, good evening and good night, peace ✌️!