Feeling Horn-y

After walking for a while, we bump into yet another caravan of supplies. This time however, he isn't a demon. Well, obviously he is a demon; he just cut his horns then grew his hair out. After seeing to it that most of the soldiers passed by, I tell him his secret. To which, he accepts my ask of 10 silver.

Easy money.

After running back to my carriage with Anna, Ha-neul and another boy, the boy starts pestering me about where I went. Honestly, has been a pain in the ass most of the ride, constantly asking questions and bothering me when ever I talk with Ha-neul or Anna. Aside from the questioning my actions, he also interrupts me and in turn, interrupts the girl's questions.

From his disposition, it's obvious that he is jealous of my hogging the attention of these two women. Dude, have them. I seriously don't care if you take them by force. It's actually very simple: pry them off my lap first THEN you can do them.

"Oppa? Where did you go?"


"Yeah, Min-chul. Where did you go?"

"As I wa-"

"Can you quicken it up?"

Glaring at me while not noticing the glares from the girls, huh? What kind of dense material is this guy made of? Okay, let's play along with this. Motherfucker wanna play, I'll play.

"A-a-a-ahh.. I-I was p-"

"You can't even speak properly? Hurry up"

'Aiiiishhhh...look how Anna is staring bloody murder into your face while Hana is...much weirder. Why the hell is she smiling? Why is it so unsettling? Tsk tsk tsk. You even upset Hana my guy, leave it be'

"I was p-peeing"

Haahhaha! I'm sure Anna knows I'm messing with this guy, Hana knows I'm messing with this guy...sorry dude.

"So you were peeing? Why can't you just say that? Don't waste Hana and Anna's time"

'Waste their time? We are in a damn carriage you mutt. If you want to act like that, why not get on your knees, put your hands on your butt and spread your ass so Hana and Anna can spitroast you like the little bitch you are, you chair'

The next 6 hours were just this mob character bothering me as I tried to rest with my legs on Anna's lap, saying that I should respect women more. Obviously, I answered that my burying my face in Anna's thicc thighs and asking for a massage from Hana by calling her a "massage chair".

Obviously, Hana knows I'm just playing along so she responds with a:

"yes, master"

And starts rubbing my bare feet while mouthing the word "help" to the mutt of a man. Seeing this, he assumes that even back in school, the only reason they hung out with me was because I threatened them.

"Hey! Stop that! They deserve more than your foul treatment of girls!"

Ignoring him, I snap my fingers and ask for a neck massage from Anna. The only problem was that I don't think she knew I was messing with him. Yes, I don't usually mess with people but Anna seems to actually, truly enjoy taking orders from me.

...looking at Hana's disposition now, it seems she is the same way...is it because of the fact that I was lost for almost a year? Is because they like me? Who knows. I'll find out with more clues since assuming now is like only reading half of the question then answering the test.

It's idiotic and will get you 1 step behind you were previously.

"Grrrrrr...stop doing that to them! They obviously feel uncomfortable with you!"

"Do they? Anna?"



"N-no master"

Wow, she even answered my question with the fakest possible denial; even adding the little stutter. She is very skilled. Obviously, there is another reason I am doing this other than fun. It's to either make him turn against me and try killing me so I can fake my death and return to Lyca or so there is 1 less hero to split the demon king.

'Hmmmm...by now, Lyca should have found various foods and stuffs to eat from the forest as well as maybe even robbed a caravan or two for their food. I really hope she's ok. Her girls are the more important compared to the higher food maintenance of the mana tanks with her; it's fine to just kill and eat them.

Setting the tent up in a few minutes, Anna gathers firewood, Hana fluffs the sleeping bags and the mob character does the most important job of all, watching and criticizing my every move. No, not giving helpful feedback such as "that bit is nailed too near to the tent" or "I think it would be sturdier if you do this".

Oh no no no! You overestimate him! The only things he said were:

"No! Not like that! Put that over there"

"Ughh...why don't you let the women handle it for once! They will do a much better job than you"

"Hurry it up! Anna and Hana are getting tired!"

Finally, after 9 minutes of setting up the two tents, I crawl into the left one and take my sleeping out. Confused, he sees me put it in the girl's tent. You could visibly see the color drain when he realized I was going to sleep with the girls. Why? Isn't more room better for you?

"Y-y-y-youu....you are taking this too far!!"

"Huh?" (Hana)

"What do you mean?" (Anna)

Alright, the seed has already been implanted into his mind. The seed of hatred for me since I can't respect women by interrupting their questions every single time and talking about how beautiful you think they are.

Needless to say, this guy is actually by golden ticket to death. The only problem is that during the next siege, they need to find something that confirms I died. An arm...a leg. Obviously, my body is too precious to waste so I'm leaning towards just culling the competition.

Those damn horns are mine...

4 months earlier...


"Alright Min-chul, meet the other hero we signed, Isobe Mai. Mai, meet Min-chul" (Secretary)

""Nice to meet you~""

After taking a seat at the open air tea area in the middle of Wera Village, Gwanya, we see a door from the castle-like house open and 30 men step out before a beautiful women wearing a sundress-like clothing except it's made from the wool of the yalno, the most expensive clothing.

This woman is Rosé Danlia and we are her signees.

"Nice house"

"Thank you. It's actually my second"

'Huh...just like dad'

Making small talk and chit-chatting about trivia stuff like how our stay is, how the Danlia food tastes and about their quality of items. Then, she slowly eases into the harsher topics such as our training and how the instructors are.

She is good; understanding that humans need time to adjust. You can't just start off with a "how is your day?" and immediately jump to "what is the krabby patty secret formula?".

That isn't how humans work.

Seeing to it that Isobe Mai is comfortable, she starts whatever she really wanted to talk about. Honestly, I'm very intrigued since it's not everyday that the wealthiest woman on this continent calls you to her mansion to discuss work; much less at her private tea place.

"Do you two know what happens after you defeat the demon lord?"

'Nice. Avoiding harsher words such as killing and opting for the better connotation by saying "defeat; like we are defeating some sort of bad villain'

"Uhhh...the Archmage did say about some tradition of cutting and selling the demon horns?" (Isobe Mai)

"I heard that as well"

"Well, that is true. Those horns have amazing properties and the previous family that got it, the Bassets, are still benefiting 1000 years later"



Continuing on her talk about the how valuable the horns are she even gave an estimate for 1000 years ago. 1000 years ago, something like the modern day money was used for high-volume trading and VIP banking. It was discontinued since magic found a way to duplicate bills, crashing various economies from around the continent.

1 piece of this paper would be worth about 1-5 gold depending on the symbol written on the front. They were higher valued since most of the gold today was mined after the crash of the paper bill. And during the auction for the horns, the heroes that did the most work were hired under Argent.

That mean that Argent hosted the auction and had a 9% discount on what part of the Demon King they bought. The money is paid towards the other companies participating. That year, Argent paid an estimated 950,250,000 gold in today's money. The heroes get 10% of the total pay.

"Huh? That's insane!"


"So! You two have one job, and one job only. Get. Me. Those. Horns. Got it?"


After affirming our answer, we were escorted back to our respective countries with Mai staying in Gwanya.

'Damn. If the horns are that rare and that expensive back then...how much are they worth today?...'

my mouth waters at the thought and my pockets feel heavier.

Stretching my body, I now have a new goal in this world. Get. Those. Horns.


(A.N) hello!!! Another chapter for you peeps! I hope you had fun reading because I knew I had fun writing. Anyways, time to p-p-p-p-p-peace ✌️!