Horn-ting Season





"Then let's protect the people"


After the general finishes his motivational...speech? All the soldiers start pushing the siege machines with more vigor. Again, being the massive machines they are, some soldiers slip while pushing the machine and get absolutely obliterated.

Adding to that, it's raining, making my supposed powers useless; which is why I'm in the reserves. Honestly, I'm very annoyed because being the frontlines controlling the situation is what I do best and when that doesn't happen, I do not trust humans to control the situation properly.

The reserve heroes are all placed into a carriage that carries them all the way to the battlefield but still far enough that they won't be harmed by the bombs, flaming arrows and others. Watching over the battlefield is very aesthetically pleasing though.

The hard pattering of the rain, the muffled screams and cheering, the loud cranking of gears from the siege machines and the silenced impacts of the battering ram against the door. It's beautiful. Combine that with the massive fires continuing despite the heavy rain due to massive amount of fuel from the demons.

After using my enhanced eyesight, I notice the finer details of the battlefield; the massive amount of muddy blood splashing as the back up battering ram is pushed up close, the soldiers ignoring their fallen comrades to rush into the dead zone and the utter amount of limbs and viscera is disgusting; like some sort of fucked up stew.


"motherfucking dem- grahhh!"

The soldier's loud screaming is promptly interrupted by an arrow to their face; unlucky. Looking at the siege machine, it's different from the battering ram that it has a metallic tip and and already built in metal roof; how much did that cost?.

Again, it seems like Huotian was more prepared than usual because just after the leveled battering ram got a hit off the door, a section of the wall was removed entirely and a few seconds later, a massive boulder started rolling down the makeshift guides.


A loud, annoying sound was made from the impact of the stone to metal, absolutely destroying the battering ram and everything and everyone underneath it at the time. Making use of the confused soldiers baffled at the random boulder hole that wasn't said in the reports, more start dropping until some smarter ones use the siege machine as cover; smart.

Passing some pieces of metal plating or wood plank back to their fellow soldiers, they use them as umbrellas to bring the ladders without being shot and it actually works. Most are able to reach the side of the wall and start the climb while holding the umbrella above them.

When they reached the top, they pushed the umbrellas at the waiting swordsmen to surprise them and eventually, they overcame the soldier on the wall but were promptly caught and killed by more and more soldiers. It seems like this city had a lot of personnel.

"Alright! Reserves, go!"

Riding the carriage further into the battlefield, we soon hop off and run into the thick of it with the other heroes assisting the soldiers. When I arrive, I start shooting fireballs at the wall, all of which hit and all of which damage the walls severely. Seeing this, some other mages start coordinating more to hit where I was aiming and we eventually destroy the entire piece of the wall after 20 minutes.

After watching the giant wall collapse in on itself, the soldiers rush into the wall stupidly only to get absolutely destroyed by an immense amount of bombs, blocking the opening entirely with flames and fuels that would stick to your body and burn you black.

Annoyed, me and the other mages start aiming for the wall section right next to it and after 9-10 minutes, we get it down and the soldiers are much more reluctant to rush in, thank God.

Continuing the wall destroying, after 15 more minutes, we destroy a 20 meter section the wall, enough that they can pass in the middle in pairs of two with enough space to dodge and duck any bombs.

Anna then leads the charge by rushing straight into the enemy soldiers guarding the hole with her immense speed, slicing their necks.

The rest of the soldiers start rushing with the encouragement from Anna and combined with the mages assisting with shooting out spells at the archers and swordsmen on the wall, they are more confident than ever.

After just 20 minutes of rushing, battling and repeating, we were able to overrun them and capture the demon soldiers that surrendered; most likely to either be tortured or be sold for their horns. Again, equipment selling and possession is illegal, it's just that demons have a lower status than equipment.

We are like in an abusive relationship with the demons where we take them, mush them up into nothing every 1000 or so years and then act like it's tradition and the demons can't do anything about it because their economies have gotten so used to using Argent, Lambert and the other human companies that they can't breakaway.

We are their pillar and we are the earthquake for them at the same time. Hypocritical and weird but what can you do?

Taking over the city was fairly simple, gather the men and women into 2 lines and send them tot he puts to be either burned or buried alive. The bigger horned demons would have their horns severed and sold off as either a mantle or an accessory for the wealthy. It's hunting season...

Horn-ting season? Yeah, horn-ting season.

#111, Carri Lane, Gegan Auction House, Commercial District, Gwanya


"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome lot #009. Now, this is a VIP lot so only those with deposits or purple signs may bid. This is pair of 16 centimeter long horns, a girth of 5 centimeters and colored black with red veins"

Opening his palm and politely showcasing the set of beautiful horns, the attendees are in awe at the sheer beauty of it. Some of the wealthier individuals with purple signs watering at the site of the beautiful set that they can hang above their bed to brag to their wife or friends.

"Took off a demon city guardian named 'Daniel' , it is absolutely fresh, you can believe that much. Now, let's start the bid off with 400,000 gold. No kerfuffles, no slam horsey and absolutely no diddling"

Saying those three warning to the audience, the veteran attendees know what he means by that. Kerfuffles are fighting over the lot, slam horseys are coordinating your bets with others and diddling is price gouging for any reason. With this in mind, they understand a fair fight is necessary unless they want to be kicked out from the most prestigious auction house.




Immediately, bets sound out as the purple sign holders are bidding against each other in a war to get the horns. It's not demon king horns but it's massive for a demon. Hearing the yelling, an old man sitting on the row is watching, staring at the horns intently.

Noticing this, his secretary of 10 years knows what the old man wants; he wants those horns and when he wants something, he gets it, at all costs. Waiting for the bid to finally slow down at 900,000 gold, the secretary knows his boss' budget, none.

"1,500,000 gold, please"

"Ahh! Oh my!"

"What a bid!"

The auctioneer looks at the section where the soft voice came from and...he understands. He already knows who will out price who, he is just waiting for it to finish. Gegan Auction House was able to get this pair of horns by stealing it from another company and they are profiting dearly. Almost 10 times the original cost of the robbery, they will be swimming in gold.

And plus, the auctioneer gets a 0.5% cut on bids above 1 million gold.

Smiling widely while watching the scene of his paycheck rising in front of him, he can't help but smile. He knows his wife and mistress will be incredibly happy for him. Finally, after 20 minutes of bidding, it come to an end.

"3 million gold going once.....3 million twice....and sold! Bidder #005 gets lot #009 for a staggering 3 million gold! Wonderful stuff!"

Seeing that the auctioneer claps his gloved hands, the audience follows suit, understanding that a man who can throw around 5 million to get a damn pair of horns must be wealthy, stupid or both. Most likely both.

"Good going, Jeffrey"

"Thank you, sir"

Continuing on, the old man starts watching again, waiting for the biggest horns to bid on. He needs the horns, after all.


(A.N) chapter chapter chapter!!! Chapter is back for another chapter and I really hope you enjoyed your time reading this new chapter chapter chapter! Byby! And.... peace ✌️!