Testing, Testing

Alright, first of all, I need these boxes unlocked right now during my stay here in Jinjin. Why? There is a good chance that The Blacksmith is gone by now and that these documents may have misleading information but the longer I wait to open these, the bigger the chance these document will have no meaning.

80% chance is better than a 90% chance after all.

There are only logistical problems regarding the testing for non-horned beings. Ergo, the humans, elves, etc. again, I can't use Karl since he's far too valuable for me but humans are free game.

Again, logistical problem where I'll find the humans but I'll find a way.

The easiest solution is to head back to Jinqiang and capture a soldier but the journey itself will take about 8-9 days just to complete. I start thinking about alternatives; to which there are sadly, none.

I resign my fate to waste 8 days of travel just to capture about 5 people for testing. It's absolutely annoying but The Blacksmith is too important to me.

Before leaving however, I make sure that the show goes on with Lyca running everything, Loren running the entertainment business, the women dealing and selling themselves while the mana tanks and Karl supply the various mosses with their fuilds.

I start my thousand step journey with one step and go on my way. Bringing only my food, tents, water and some essentials.

Honestly, I believe that I got really lucky right now. After only about 3 days of traveling, 1 day away from Jinqiang, I spot a small group of scouts returning home.

As a hero, they immediately recognize and trust me; big mistake. While they are walking front of me, I knock all 6 of them out; 2 by a swift neck chop and 4 by spell. Very fluid, very easy. Try it at home.

I carry them using their horses and after casting a haste spell onto the horses, they start running just as fast as me, even with the weight of 7 grown men on them plus some supplies.

Honestly, there isn't much to see on the way back since it's mostly dirt roads, bloody pools of recently robbed people and some equipment traders selling to passing by armies.

Oh yeah, the armies do buy equipment. The officers usually use it for entertainment and motivation for their men and the generals buy the higher quality ones for themselves. A great trade off.

Illegal? Oh no no no! You have it all wrong! This is war, and in war, there is no right or wrong, only winning. There isn't a Geneva Convention here in Calko, no UN, no demons rights or elf rights activists. Only cold-blooded, greedy businessmen and power-hungry politicians and royals.

Nothing here can protect you other than your comrades, your generals, your leaders, your weapon and yourself. Hell, you can't even rely on 3 of those things to even protect you.

The offers were tempting; 2 silver for sex equipments but I have enough for now. Maybe when the demon king is dead, I'll buy some more but until now, it's just Lyca, Loren, Karl, the mana tanks and the 30 something women under Lyca.

After about 3 and a half days of travel and constant need of knocking them out, I return home. I'm late by about 10 hours since my horse was caught in a trap set by some bandits who abandoned it; leaving me to carry the 6 men plus the supplies all the way back.

"I'm home~"


Just like Aya and Lyca, Loren and Lyca run up to me to hug me. Ahhh, what a nice life. I set the 6 men down and tie them up to chair. They soon wake up and start questioning how I got kidnapped.

Oh yeah, I also tied myself up next to them with the help of Lyca. Telling them that I think we were attacked, Lyca soon enters the room.

"You! Hero! Come here, you fucking hornless!" (Lyca)

Lyca quickly pulls me away so I can properly conduct my research from a better POV. The scouts start yelling about how I'm not hero and similar things like that. What loyal soldiers.

This is exploitable.

As I leave the basement with Lyca holding me, I hear her silent apologies and while I'm thankful, there are more important things to think of.

I start thinking about which one is more important; testing if it affects non-horned creatures or testing if it affects anyone outside of Wor and The Blacksmith's men.

"Uuuu, I'm sorry master!"

"No, you did good. Thank you, Lyca"

"Ahehehe... thank you master!"

Deciding on starting immediately, I make two of Lyca's girls bring one of the guys in a room where I can see through using some simple magic. Well, not too simple. Think of it as an interrogation room.

Since the scouts haven't eaten in about 6 days and I made sure to give them minimal water, they are extremely weak; not easily overpowered with Lyca's girls who don't even work out. Poor soldiers.

You will be useful though, don't worry.

The girls soon tell him to touch either of the boxes with his hand, making sure to put his palm on the box along with his fingers. With the promise of food and water for a day, the guy immediately cooperates.

He touches the box and...oh, shit.

He soon implodes, covering the girls and the entire room in viscera, human juices and brain matter. The girls are pretty used to death and gore with their experience in the wild. Obviously, they knew how to gut boars and such so this gore isn't too fazing for them.

'What the fuck...I took 1 hour cleaning that damn room after it was covered in jizz from the pillaging of Jinjin. What the fuck! Damn it damn it! This is the last time I do anything myself again'

I bring in the second subject, a demon male and surprisingly, he still blows up. This is annoying since I literally have no way to contact Wor or The Blacksmith...wait! The equipment sellers along the road!

'Jesus, my brain must be insanely slow today or something'

Like an idiot, I forgot about the equipment traders on the path. Obviously, for that quality of product for a street seller, they most likely had an established business and clientele in their areas but they had to relocate due to the invasion.

And to get clientele, you need quality. To get quality, you need a provider. Even if The Blacksmith isn't supplying their equipment, it isn't a stupid thing to try my luck with them.

So, I pack up the horse, bringing the 2 boxes along with me and make my journey towards the equipments sellers. I bump into a caravan of demons after 3 hours of travel who, at first were hostile but seeing I'm not like the other humans, weren't as antagonistic as before.

"Hey, where'd you get those equipment?"

"Huh? Oh, tsk...down the road, an hour or so"

I toss him 2 silver and go on my way, much to his delight. After about 1 hour, I arrive at one of the higher quality sellers. Obviously, they see a human, they immediately prepare their pitchforks and spells.

I hold up the boxes wrapped in cloth in my hands and raise them to the air so they can see I'm unarmed and that I have something they might be interested in. I unfold them so they get a better look.

"Oy, Sophia. Know what that is?"


Looking out the tent slot was a beautiful woman with a symmetrical face, blue eyes and blonde hair. I visibly see her eyes widen at the boxes. I hear some shuffling and then a panicked rushing.

"Oy Oy Oy! Where'd you get those, hornless?"

"Wor; one of The Blacksmith. I don't have a contact and Wor has gone missing"

"Wor? Oh, her...you a buyer?"


Hearing me, she obviously doesn't trust me and tells me to sit down in the tent. Entering, I see that this particular has almost sold his stock already; great job.

"So...you were a seller connected with Wor?"

"Yes. If she is still alive, do contact her and say that Michael is waiting for her"

"Michael Michael...got it. But obviously, my ser-"

I obviously know The Blacksmith's men's nature; they are incredible greedy. Everything has a price for them and nothing can't be bought.

"Yeah yeah. Here's 1...2..4...6 silver for your services"

"Ahaha. You make me more and more convinced, huh? Hand me those boxes and I'll be on my way"

"Got it"

I return back at nighttime, about 9:00 p.m and I return to see Lyca and Loren sleeping on my bed; what a cute set of secretaries.

I kiss them goodnight and sleep right in the middle of them, cuddling the pillow named Loren. What cute little pillows on their chest, they have.


(A.N) ahahaha! Another chapter, peeps! Sorry for the slightly late chapter, my wifi was really bad and I hope you still enjoyed this chapter despite the slight delay! Peace ✌️!