Heart Eyes

Currently, I'm about 10 days into my vaca- surveillance mission in Jinjin and I have amassed a wealth of 300 silver. Mostly because of the rolls and the girl's services.

The demons have no use for silver right now so they are just throwing it around, living like it's their last days on Calko and to be honest, they are most likely correct. Humans are known to be ruthless when it comes to war.

No surrender. Only defeat or victory and defeat means you obligate their population. For demons however, it's very different because if they absolutely annihilate the demons, there won't be a demon king.

No demon king means no profit so why would you kill all demons? You gotta leave some alive. It's just like farming but if the plant was worth 1 billion gold and there's only one.

Back to my surveillance mission, it's very unfortunate but I still haven't heard back from that blonde chick. I never did get her name but it's too bad if Wor is dead; I did like her company.

It was very funny to humiliate her, anyways.

'...I wonder how Anna and Hana are handling Dunham. Are they already taking care of him or are they just silently hating him? Anna is a person who acts on her emotions but I don't know about Hana. Hopefully they follow accordingly'

Just as I was counting the day's earnings, I hear a loud knocking from the doors of the estate. I never bothered to fix the gate since if I did, it would be obvious to any real scouts and there isn't any reason to.

All the people in Jinjin know not to mess with me and the only people who are brave enough to knock are the hard junkies and my own men. The rest are shaking in their boots.

I look through the peephole and lo and behold, it's that blonde chick again. Thank God she returned. I open the door up and get some women to prepare some beverages for her.

"Lovely home"

"It has seen better days"

"I'm sure. Anyways, let's talk Wor; she isn't dead, she is handling The Blacksmith's affairs"

When she mentioned "The Blacksmith's affairs", I knew that I shouldn't pry deeper. Obviously, "affairs" are pertaining to damage control on his business. But as a bonus, I now have a connection to The Blacksmith's inner circle.

Granted, I won't get any information from her but I didn't plan to. Just having a relationship is enough to be placed higher above the average client.

"You will be send a representative to place orders and as thanks for returning the boxes, for 5 purchases, there's a discount of 30%"

'Tsk, hell no. 30%? I can afford an increase 70% for Christ's sake. Do they think I'm an idiot to pass this opportunity up?'

"I'm sorry but I would rather not accept your kind gesture. I understand that times are tough and that you are just being kind. It really isn't such a big matter"

'Ahahaha. Got her. This "small matter" is not just a small matter. In fact, this is the biggest of matters. In that box possibly contained very valuable information that I could have earned thousands upon thousand of gold from.

Wor knows this and knows that I'm cunning and smart enough to test the box. This is probably the reason for the discount; to make it seem like the favor has already been repaid. Well no, this isn't over and I decide how much that box is worth.

"I see... what about a 50% discount?"

"Look, I'm not looking to rob from my seller. I'd rather you keep this small favor rather than waste a bunch of gold on me"

".....Alrighty then. Well keep this in mind"

She sighs with an annoyed expression and starts unrolling the documents she brought to show our new partnership. Obviously, I read over it and found no loopholes, signing immediately.

She rolls them back and stuffs them in her backpack where she hands me another copy of the contract. She gulps down her entire drink and wipes the stains with her hands like a cute college girl.

"Huh, this was a good deal. Then I see we are done here. Would you like anything else?"

"I'm fine. I need to return to my client. Adieu, Michael"

'Oh? You won't be seeing me? That's interesting. Is her client moving away? Whatever, I don't need to mind her too much as of now'

"Have fun, I guess"

I see her off and return to my room where I return to storing my cash in a hidden closet and call in Loren for some de-stressing. Honestly, her mouth is getting better and better by the day.

She squats in front of me as Lyca walks in to do her daily report. Lyca isn't too fazed nor is she jealous since we had our session yesterday.

"Master, the girls brought an extra 4 silver just now from their services"

"Huh? Oh, let them keep it. Tell them to keep up the good work and use the silver to buy something nice"

"Oh sir...they didn't request to keep the money. In fact, they wanted you to have it in exchange for some more rolls"

Hearing the reason for them not wanting the money, I slap my knee and rub Loren's head as she sucks her heart out. They want more rolls? Seriously? That's very good that they would have more rolls than keep the silver.

"Ahahahaha! Seriously? Give each of them 2 but remind them that this is the first and last time they get that big of a discount"

"Understood master"

'Seems like my system worked, huh?'

Indeed. Despite all of Lyca's girls being equipment, it doesn't guarantee the utmost effort into their services and selling. So, I made a system for the girls.

Make enough money, you get a roll. The top girls that got the rolls initially were hesitant to try it but seeing their clients free of worries, they got curious and well...curiosity killed the cat and in this case, it killed any chance of rebellion.

The other girls caught on that they can escape their painful existence and even sometimes enjoy their jobs using the rolls they get as rewards and eventually, they started trying their bestest to make as much money as possible.

All for that roll they have the privilege to buy at a 20% discount.

"Sslllurrppp...sssklluuppp...mashter? Are you okay?"

Loren cutely tilts her head in a curious manner while resting a finger on her spit-covered chin. As if she hasn't been choking on my cock for the last 5 minutes, huh?

I pat her head, stroke her horns and pull her back; I'm not done, after all. She continues her sucking as I start fondling her boobs and playing with her pussy with my foot.

After a while, I grab her squishy face and lift her to sit on top of me. Aiming my cock right into her, she moans as I slide it back and forth, back and forth, teasing her.

"M-m-mashter...you tease me"

"That's the point, Loren"

Hearing enough of her whining, I insert it inside, much to her pleasure. She then starts grinding herself into my crotch, rubbing her clit and vagina walls at the same time causing a mind breaking sensation.

"Annnghhh~~ hooo, hoooh... haha ehehe"

As she collapses into my shoulder a laughing, sloppy, crying and cumming mess, I continue my assault into her body, making sure she can accommodate all of me. And boy did she.

After a while, she start convulsing and cumming for the second time, much to my delight as her tightening help my in my endeavors to cum. And cum I did.

"Annnghhhh~~~ mashter! My insides!"


As she moans into my ears, I paint the walls white as she finally loses the all of the strength she had in her legs and arms, just resting on my lap with her arms around my neck.

I wonder, if I did this in my old world, is this considered sexual assault? I mean, she did have heart eyes but I doubt that testimony would hold up in court.

I cast her with Anti-baby and clean her sweat and body up with water, making sure to keep my dick covered in my semen and her pussy juices. This is for her dessert and the main course.

"Hey, get off please"


She slides off of my body like some sort of snake and rests her head on my lap with a blissful expression. Her legs are in a 'W' shape and the floor beneath her is darkened with her own juices even after I cleaned her up.

"Oy Oy, don't fall asleep on me yet. You haven't finished your food"

"Huh? Oh...thank you for the meal"

I slap her face with my cock and she immediately goes out of her daze. She stares at me and after hearing me, she start the cleaning process. The balls, shaft, tip and repeat until shining.

She is a very skilled woman. Worthy of being secretary #2. What a happy life I live.


(A.N) woohoo! Another chapter, my beloved readers! I hope you enjoyed his chapter and are looking for ward to reading further! Peace ✌️!