Mammals, Not Vegetables

After a long, long 5 days, I finally arrived back to the camp. The journey should have been only 3-4 days but on the way, I got attacked by numerous bandits, mercenaries and even stray demon soldiers that got lost.

All times, they asked for my money, mana crystals, food, etc. and every time, I was able to fend them off; obviously. I'm a Phoenix, damn it.

The camp, being a military camp in the middle of a war, obviously too many traps count. There were mana crystal land mines, false forest floors that revealed sharpened stakes with human waste rubbed on it and even tripwires that triggered crossbows.

Just to avoid this, I had to traveler using the thick forest and even then, it wasn't safe. Maybe they got ambushed from the trees before but even on the trees are crossbows and mana crystal mines.

This further slowed down my travel, making me arrived back to camp after a long 5 days and about 15 hours journey.

As I reach the camp, I see that the camp is much better set up than before; having a moat dug around it, 4 meter tall wooden walls with a lot of anti-flammable on it and constant guards.

I reach the front of the camp where there is a makeshift portcullis with stakes that drive into the ground when lowered.

The guards are weary of me at first but seeing my hands in the air, my head not contacting horns and my recognizable hero face, they instantly salute and let me in; to which Dunham comes out to greet me.

While Dunham's jello body was running towards me, all the soldiers in the way let him pass. The strange thing is that it wasn't the "make way for the king" type make way.

More like a "let's get outta here, he's weird" type of way. Sort of the way you'd walk on the other side of the street when you see gangsters or mafia in a shady neighborhood.

Seeing this, I can't help but smile like a hyena watching an injured antelope.

Why? Isn't it obviously why? There's only a positive whatever the reason for this change of behavior from his men.

The best possible scenario is that Anna took charge of his men and turned them against Dunham, making them feel more inclined to hate Dunham. This is the best possible scenario since that means I barely have to do any work.

The worst possible scenario is that Anna didn't do anything and Dunham just fui Ed up by himself. This is the "worst" but it's still a very good scenario. Either way, I win.

It is possible that some of the officers are the ones hosting the change but that can be rid of easily with the temporary partnership of Dunham and I.

"Hero Min-chul! How was the mission?"

He pays my shoulder and holds me closer to his body, showing a familiarity with me in front of the soldiers. This puts me a pretty bad spot but Anna and Hana could probably sort that out.

"Heyy Dunham! How was everything while I was gone?"

"It was great! Let's talk more in the tent, shall we?"

"Indeed! Indeed!"

I follow him back to his tent where there are multiple demoness equipment waiting for us wearing nothing. I show a look of happiness to Dunham for two reasons.

1, this alienates the soldiers even further, causing a rift between Dunham and them and 2, I'm quite pent up. Even better for me.

The girls are obviously heavily used, as indicated by the hickeys on their shoulders, the light bruises around their necks, the dull look in their eyes and their exceedingly subservient attitude to Dunham.

Usually, new equipment would do things with a slow pace, taking a s long as possible to annoy their owner, they'd have a little fight in their eyes and talk very sarcastically, making use of the loophole of the equipment contact.

These girls are the literally opposite. If new equipment are fierce wolves, these girls are tamed house pets. It's a shame Dunham needed force to make them subservient but I guess with a man of his stature, it's required.

"HAILEE!!! SASHA!!! Hey my guest some beverages, now!"

He yells with his outside voice to the two equipment standing there and to which, they both flinch and one of them has watery eyes.

They run off to get some mana water for me and Dunham apologizes for their rudeness.

'Heh. Rudeness? Yeah, sureeeee...'

The girls return with the mana water and I hand over a pouch of 50 silver to Dunham and when he unravels the tiny ropes that keep the pouch together, he breathes a relived sigh and looks at me with a nasty smirk.

He gives me one of the girls and leaves me to bed her in his bedroom.

'Is he stupid? This is a free spy you are giving me. Oh well, it's better for me I guess'

I look at her mental state which says 'Terrified, Anxious'. I guess it's warranted seeing the marks on her body.

I then undress and throw my clothes over to the side. She may not enjoy her job but if a woman is forced to sell their body to live, they would much rather a fit, handsome man than piggies like Dunham.

She sucks in her breath sharply and blushes lightly; showing her cute side.

"Excuse me, do you mind telling me your name?"

"A-a-ahh, it's s-s-Sasha"

I walk over to her and I raise my hand to eye level. Seeing my open palm nearing her face, she flinches and lightly whimpers like a beaten dog. Awwwww, how cute.

Contrary to what she thought I was going to do, I lightly caress her bruises and with my other hand, I pat her head, comforting her. I bring her to the bed and we spend about 10 minutes just sitting there.

About 5 minutes into my brainwashing session, she lightly sobs into my shoulder while hugging my stomach. She looks up at me and seeing my gentle eyes, she hugs me harder.

We then talked about what Dunham did to her for the next 30 minutes. Surely Dunham is getting a bit suspicious by now but I'm almost done; I can't stop right now.

She opens up about her past, her time with Dunham and how he abuses her. I do enjoy choking a bit but Jesus Dunham.

She claimed that Dunham would repeatedly choke her until her brain got hazy and when she was about to pass out, he'd slap her awake and repeat it all over again. That's how you make someone a vegetable, Dunham.

Humans are mammals, not vegetables.

After her talk, I look down at her with my gentle eyes and then lightly smile at her. Not a mocking one but a light one. Think of when a child comes out to their supportive parents and you get the idea.

"Thank you, Sasha. I know it's hard being in your position"

"...hic! T-th-thank you, m-mister Min-chul"

"Please, call me Min-chul"

Hearing me, she blushes until her face is all red and she lowers her gaze.


"That's good"

I pat her head one more time before I leave but I notice that her gaze isn't going away from my crotch. She sees that despite her rambling on and on about her life, my dick is harder than rocks.

She looks up at me with a lusty gaze and puts her lips around my cock, swirling it around with her tongue like she's tasting a fine wine.

She deepthroats me on her own and looks up at me with her puppy like eyes. Her hands are obediently on her knees and her kneeling position makes her look very proper and professional, like an oriental wife welcoming her husband home.

With the continuing deepthroating on her own volition, I know I succeeded; she's mine. I've stolen her from Dunham's clutches and now, whenever Dunham plays with her, she will forever remember my gentle and loving treatment of her.

Dunham will always be compared with me in her mind and she will begin to resent him.

It's like giving an uneducated person a book or showing the light to someone who lives in constant darkness.

Humans and demons are very greedy and once they get a taste of a better life, they will chase it until the end of days. Even though it could be much worse for Sasha, she will forever be chasing me and my treatment of her.

This is classic Stockholm Syndrome but instead, she gets attached to my contrasting personality.

This is my new spy and she will report to me on whatever the hell Dunham is doing or is planning to do. This is amazing.

Taking me out of my thoughts, Sasha goes faster and faster, making my penis start twitching in excitement. Seeing this only encourages this behavior and she goes faster and faster until I quickly feel myself cumming.


"Bububu...ahhahhh..haahhh, how was I, m-master?"

Looking at me with a gaze begging for praise, I pat her hair and kiss her forehead while calling her a good girl. She closes her eyes in bliss and while she's relishing in my praise, I leave the room.

By the time she realizes I'm gone, Dunham already entered the room with Hailee and started his perverted play with her. Sasha sees this and starts resenting her real master in her heart.

Meanwhile, I make my way back to Anna and Hana. Hopefully they haven't disappointed me.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter! I hope you enjoyed this chapter today and that you support with adding to library, reviewing, voting and even commenting can make my day! Thanks and peace ✌️!