
I start wandering in the direction where I last remember Anna and Hana's tent was. Hopefully, they are still there.

I then see a group of maybe 200 soldiers gathering around a center and as a man in need of soldiers, I'm more than interested.

I start trying to squeeze my was through the crows and once I reach the front rows, what I see brings immense joy to my eyes and I start even feeling all tingly down there.

It's Anna talking to the various men about the better war plans with Hana sitting in the background. How fucking beautiful. I start wiping my tears and approach them.

As a hero, the men around know who I am and let me through. Even though I haven't been fighting with them throughout the war, I immensely helped in the siege after Jinjin and that was enough to earn their respect.

"Huh? OH! Min-chul oppa!"


Anna gets confused by my barging into the center but seeing my face, she stops her preaching and rushes towards me with open arms, wanting to be carried like a princess. Hana also runs, wanting a massive hug from me.

It has been about 20 days, after all. Well, 19 days and 20 hours to be exact.

I reciprocate their hug and sit down with them as I start listening to Anna's ramblings. Apparently, they were able to predict the faulty siege weapons and predicted that filling the moat by the wall at night would be dangerous.

'Not bad, eh? I wonder how they got their information though...'

I look around at the soldiers staring at Anna with star-struck eyes. They are intensely listening on how to survive this siege and occasionally, she throws in the "Dunham bad" joke or something similar, gaining the laughs of the men.

This is so beautiful. Honestly. Everything I do goes to plan but the worst variable is relying on other people. For this situation however, my hand was forced; the moss was too important to leave behind for now.

I wasn't too enthusiastic about Anna and Hana persuading the soldiers but the truth could definitely be more unbelievable than fiction. This is a case of such.

Not only did Anna plant the seed in their minds that Dunham is bad, she is actively bringing them over to her side while pushing Dunham down.

I can't help but show the biggest smile I've had in a while before returning back to my tent. Being neighbors with Anna and Hana, I hear them return to their tents at around 9:00 p.m after their preaching session.


While I'm still trying to sleep, I hear my tent's zipper door open. I don't feel the need to prepare for a raid because I definitely know who this is. Anna?

Most likely Anna, eh? I guess she can indulge as much as she wants since she followed me so perfectly.

"Min-chul? Min-chul? Heeeyyyyyy, are you awake?"

'Huh? Hana, eh? I guess if she wants to start then she can; she probably helped Anna somehow.

I keep my eyes closed as Hana crawls into my sleep bags, forcing us together in a cramped, tiny space. She wraps her arms around my body and snuggles her head into my chest.

"Sssnnnnffff....haaaaaahhhhh, Min-chuullll...did I do good?"

She breathes in a very deep breath She takes a deep breath of me and starts rambling about her day to me. Thanks to my father's training, my heart is always calm no matter what; never exceeding 95 bpm except for working out and physical activities.

Also thanks to father's training, my fake sleeping is indistinguishable from real sleeping. Hana shouldn't know this even if she wanted to.

"Ahhhhh, know? Dunham men's don't like him anymore all thanks to Anna...and me"

She starts listing down all the things that happened while I was gone and honestly, it sounds like a blast. When they first arrived, there was a massive moat, making the siege weapons unusable.

Then, Dunham decided to send men at night to fill the moat but from what Hana said, the demons were ready and killed two groups of the men. They decided it was too dangerous and sent in Anna and Hana.

Anna and Hana were lucky and didn't get ambushed and they gained the trust of the soldiers. That's from what Hana said and it sounds a bit fantastical and decidedly, super convenient.

This is most likely the case with Anna's previous behavior and her distorted view of people as tools.

After Hana stops her 30 minute rambling, she takes on big sniff and...oh. Oh okay.

It seems that she has started to lick my lips...this is, uhhhh okay? Yeah, she can so whatever since she followed plan more than perfectly. I then feel her gaze looking into my closed eyes and she kisses me again.

" still haven't done me yet"

She focuses on my penis and start rubbing it through my sleeping clothes. Huh. I was planning on sleeping with her right before the purple Octagon now that I think about it.

I guess this is just a delayed version of that. Well, let's see what can do.

She starts teasing my chest with her nails, giving me goosebumps. I can't sleep forever and I decided that after she takes my penis out of my pants, I'll "wake up".

Turns out, she took a very long time taking my dick out. It was even starting to hurt being stuck in my pants for so long.

She took 10 minutes. 10 minutes of teasing to be exact and it wasn't pretty. I kept on moving about in my sleep to mask my jerking and twitching. She was touching my stomach, chest and neck.

She finally reaches down and takes my dick out, giving my a sensual handjob.


As a groggily open my eyes, I stare into her face before looking down. She has a look of shock, nervousness and anxiety.

To sell this, I open my eyes wider than usual and stare at her with a gaze that says "what are you doing".

"Uuuhhhh...You woke up"

"Yeah. So? Whats this?"

"A-a-a-a-a...w-w-well you see"

She starts muttering and stuttering over herself while I just lay there and stare at her. She does this for a few more seconds until I get annoyed and ask her the big question.

"You obviously want to have sex. How long has this been?"

"E-e-eh...maybe 4 years? Ehehe"

I grab her hair and pull her deeper into my embrace. She feels me hugging her tightly and laughs a little before reciprocating the hug back.

'Time to punish her for the teasing'

I stand up from my sleeping bag and while she is still on her side, I pull her to her knees abruptly and put my penis into her mouth. She, despite having it forced in, doesn't resist and even starts sucking it like a lollipop.

"Ugugguguguguuu...haahhh, that was fun"

I don't answer her and I carry her in a princess carry while she's still wiping the saliva off of her chin. She looks at me with massive puppy eyes before holding onto my neck for support.

I slowly lower her onto my dick and as it's entering, she starts making relieved sounds and heavy sighs; as if a massive weight has been lifted off of her.

I start bouncing her up and down on my cock and after her grinding, my dick feels as if it's a blow up. I look in her eyes before kissing her and bouncing her even harder than before.

"Ughhh...Hana, I'm gonna cum"

"D-d-do it, please. Inside"

Getting her consent, I let her entire body rest on my dick with a tiny bit of support from my arms. Right now, if someone were to see us, it would look like some sort of weird hentai where the girl is suspended into the air with the guy's dick.

Hana starts convulsing on my cock and loses all of the strength in her body before trying her best to hold onto me, making sure she doesn't fall off my dick.

When I finish cumming, I slowly kneel down and take her off of my dick. After a bit of disappointed groans and sad sighs, she stops struggling and lets me take her off of me.

While looking at me with the cutest eyes she can muster, she starts scooping up the cum from her vagina and starts eating it. Awww, what a good girl; cleaning up after herself.

I help her using anti-baby and I bring her out to the well to wash up the sweat from our body.

"Thank you, Min-chul"

"Yes, thank you as well"

She gives me a good bye kiss before heading back to her tent. Ahhh, what a good girl. She's probably smart enough to not brag about this to Anna.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter and I hope you enjoyed this one! Please do support with commenting, reviewing, voting with powerstones and adding to your library! Thanks and peace ✌️!