Partner In Crime

As I thought, General Fulcrum won't touch that food even if his family was threatened. I mean, he is the guy that killed off his first wife when her father lost his status as a Viscount.

Honestly, the pasta was a giant reach and if he ate it, it would have been good. If not? Then I better negotiate with this man properly.

The biggest advantage I have right now are possible richest that the moss can provide for a man. I have the only supply, meaning that I have something that nobody else can give him.

The great thing about moss however isn't the amount you can make or the addiction, no no no, my friend. Money is highly accessible to those with the talent and know-how while addiction is seen throughout the continent already.

The biggest luxury buzz maker, Elixir Brown, has millions upon millions of regular, daily people who buy their buzz for amazing prices. From nobles buying their Golden Brown Line to peasants buying their Shiny Line, they pull in profits that regular can only dream of.

So, with money accessible and addiction too easily gained, what is there to gain from moss?

Well, it's obviously the mind-altering effects of smoking high amounts of Poltergeist's Joy or Barked Woof. It may seem easy to just give the person a cigarette and offer him another if they signed but you need high, high amounts of the moss to change their common sense.

To put into perspective, you need to pack in 5 cigarettes worth of moss into one cigarette to alter their mind. That's a lot of money for one person, but the rewards after? Priceless.

Having equipment for so little is basically going to destroy the entire equipment black market everywhere.

However, there is no guarantee that he won't rat me out to the higher-ups and in that case, I'll hug onto Aria's leg. If that doesn't work either, then I'll go into hiding. There is a slim chance of victory here.

There are many choices but only so few can actually advance myself. A stupid situation.

"Are you going to sit down or...?"

"Ah, sorry"

As General Fulcrum snaps me out of my daze, I refocus my eyes onto him, with him doing the same. It's like this for a few minutes as a sort of "who will crack first" type thing.

Starting this negotiation, I understand that I'm in the disadvantage and so, it's my obligation to start the. At least right now, he has nothing to lose or at most, nothing to be blamed for.

Well, that is for now. I have ways for dealing with these types of negotiations.

"So, how are your men? Doing good?"

Smirking, he looks at, it's more like he's looking down at me. As if saying "I'm above you peasant, fear me". It's annoying, yes, but this is a very important time in my life.

"Your short term decisions now affect your long term future".

This is the perfect example of this.

"They are all obedient; strong"

A short answer, also containing a jab at me and possibly the dead Dunham. Who knows if he meant it as a joke or an intimidation tactic.

Smiling wryly, I take out my cigarette by habit and light it up in my with the fyr crystal. Fulcrum looks at me, curious, and continues watching my every movement.

After another long pause and me taking a long draw of the cigarette to calm myself and to rid the tension, I hold the cigarette in my index and middle finger while speaking.

"So, let's stop dillydallying since I know you love getting to point. Shall we?"

"Ahahaha, you know my character quite well; let's begin now"

Hearing his answer, I can tell that he holds this meeting to some regard. He made time for me because he thought I could benefit his cause or bank account; the former is the most likely.

"So, let me tell you. I want something from you and you want something in exchange, no?"

"Do you treat me as a fool? I know how negotiations go"

"No, in fact, you are one of the better Generals I am aware of. I am explaining this as sometimes, people believe they can ask for something without anything in return"

Thinking for a minute, he shows a wide, foxy grin.

" remind me of me when I was younger. So, I want to hear from the horse's mouth, what the hell you want from me"

'Huh. He was blunt from what I heard from Dunham when he was alive, but to be this blunt. It's not too good for me'

Blunt people have their advantages and disadvantages.

They are easily read during the meeting and usually say what's on their mind so you don't have to plan a stupid game of mind tennis.

However, that means that flattery and treating them like a royal won't work.

"I want your support, no matter what happens"

"Ohoh? And I assume that you can pay that back?"

Crossing my legs, I shoot him a mischievous grin. What can I offer him?

"Offer you? Well, I can assure your position as a General first of all"

Rubbing his baby face, he starts thinking if what I said is real. How the hell can a hero assure his position? He already got here with his own skill and is the youngest General in 40 years, being only 24 years old.

"...assure my position? So you will assure that I won't be fired if I help you out? I assume this isn't the only thing you offer me, right?"

"Obviously, do you treat me as a fool?"

"Ahahahaha!!! Good, good! Already, you gained my favor. So, what is this 2nd offer?"

Slapping his knee as if it was the funniest thing he's ever heard, he rests his face on him hand before looking attentively at me, waiting for my 2nd offer to him.

"I have a substance made from alchemy that can alter a human's common sense"

" what? Common sense as in..."

"Common sense as in what they believe in. During the time they are under the influence, they will listen to most suggestions given to them as long as they are offered more and more of the substance"


Fulcrum's joking attitude completely disappears and gets replaced by his real nature, a wolf. A wolf that is willing to kill his entire pack as long as he can benefit from it. A real bastard.

...Kinda like me.

He laces his fingers in front of his face while rubbing his knuckles on his stubble. Shaking his leg and glancing at me from time to time.

'Oh yeah, I got his attention'

As he knows, I can't lie. If I do lie, it's as easy as bringing in a subject to be tested on. He can trust my word for this and if he doesn't, I'll make him. I can't give him the formula but I can sell it to him.

"How accessible is this? How is the production cost?"

"Cheap like dirt. All you need is sufficient mana, water and some stones and you are good to go"

I take out a cigarette from my pocket and light it up. Being a smart man, he can guess that this is the mind altering piece of alchemy that I made. Well, he does need to clarify some things first.

"You are...what? Puffing? You are puffing the thing you just described to me, right?"

"Yes, in higher dosages, it will alter your common sense. You can water it down and it can relieve stress"

"Huh...give it here"

Standing up, he stretches out his hand to try this miracle drug that can, in theory, enslave an entire city with the right timing.

He takes a puff much too massive for a newbie like him and starts coughing wildly. His guards rush over but he stops them with a wave. He gives it another try, this time much more tame.

"Phoowwww.....aaahhhhhh, that is pretty good. Is this harmful in anyway?"

"Not that I know of"

"Do you have the proper methods for producing this? Where is the formula?"

'Damn it, I knew he'd ask for the formula. This is annoying'

"I do have the proper materials but not the space. I can sell these to you at a major discount, but the formula is out of question"

I'm sure he understands that and he knows he can't get the formula, no matter what he does. He can't grow it himself nor can he steal it from me with my insane stats.

Considering his ambitiousness shown from his past actions, I'm sure he will try to take the raw version of the moss to grow himself; this partnership won't last long at all.

But, it's just that...he doesn't know the full extent of what I am capable of.

The manpower is mine, I have money and I have a crazy amount of influence with Aria. I'm sure that she freaked out when she found out I'm alive considering her treatment of me when I was still in the castle.

Good luck, Fulcrum. You will need it, a lot.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers and I want to make a little name drop for my other novel. Please do read Swimming Prodigy's Return and please do support that book. You can support me by reviewing it, commenting on chapters, adding it to library and voting for it with powerstones.

Thank you so much to those who do so and for now, peace ✌️!