
Fulcrum's attitude towards me as a hero was much more respectful than before, but underneath that, I can see what he's actually thinking; what he sees me as.

'The key'

I am the key to all of his problems...or at least, most of them.

Disobedient wife or assistants? Hand the drug to them.

Something stressing him out? Take a watered down version of the drug.

Money? This will be an infinite supply of it.

There is literally nothing this drug can't solve. That is the extent of this drug; it's too powerful to possess. Any man or woman who has the raw version of this drug will go mad with their money.

With the right amount of time, you can enslave this entire continent to do your bidding. Though, you will probably need many, many years to do so considering the growth time and the amount of people.

Hard, but doable.

Anna and Hana are still the same; sucking up to me, both literally and figuratively. They are doing everything in their power to please me.

As of right now, I'm what I can with the moss that brought from Jinjin. If Lyca and Loren are following my introductions, they should be growing the business outside of Jinjin, expanding to cities outside and even some equipment traders.

That's right. We are selling M&CME through the various equipment traders scattered throughout the falling country of E Mo Zhi Di.

As I thought a letter from the capital arrived for me about 10 days after the Dunham incident. Everyone probably has an inkling as to why I got the letter, but nobody says anything.

I'm still a hero. If they mildly upset me, I could literally rip their arms out, shove them down their throats and anuses and make them shake hands.

As I take off the wax seal from the perfumed parchment, I start reading the letter.


Dear Master,

Please do come back to Jinjin. I miss you a lot. Also, "The Blacksmith" is trying to contact you, it's urgent.

- Love, Lyca

Me to. Luren loves master many for saving her lif. Pease come back :) :) :)

- Lureen wit luv


Opening up the letter, I can't help but smile at the little antics of these two girls. They may not like each other, but they do make a good team.

Lyca is the brains of the operation and Loren is getting there. Sort of a master-disciple relationship where the mater, Lyca, took in a very enthusiastic and smart disciple, Loren.

Just a few weeks back when I first took in Loren, she couldn't even write her name. Now, she can write a proper sentence, albeit with some grammatical errors.

Lyca is as perfect as ever. She was even smarter than Loren, always utilizing the library in the estate up until the downfall of Jinjin. She also wasn't afraid to ask me questions on things she didn't understand.

A very very cute duo I have. It's even better than Anna and Hana.

Oh yeah, Anna and Hana. Needless to say, they both weren't pleased by this sudden call to the capital. Why weren't they called to face the same fate as I? Was I just being blamed?

They only let it go until I told Hana I had a plan. She probably knows my real personality by now.

There is one slightly unaddressed problem...

A couple days ago...


"Papa! I missed you so much!!! Papa papa!"

Running up to hug me, Aya pounces and literally tackles me to the ground. All the surrounding heroes pause for a moment.

Right now, we are at a little meeting of heroes where the present heroes, about 10 of us, catch up and get to know each other to improve our synergy with the final siege.

In this group is Hana, Anna, Ha-neul, Yamasaki Kin and the most problematic for me, Kai Aya.

Trust me, I tried my hardest not to attend, but I was told that not attending meant that I should sit out of the entire siege. I'm a hero, but even then, 5 Generals all saying what to do means something.

So, very, very reluctantly, I went to attend the little meet-up.

"Aya! What is this about!?!?"

"Oh my~....."

"Y-y-you..hugging my Min-chul...my oppa"

"Huh...another plant of his?"

With Yamasaki screaming, Ha-neul covering her mouth in surprise, Anna...uhhh, freaking out, I guess and Hana mumbling to herself about "another plan", the entire meet goes insane.

After all, Aya, an 18 year old girl is hugging a 19 year old boy. Okay, I am older, but by a year. That's hardly a "papa" age.

Smiling wryly to myself, I just accept the hug, as pushing her away will do more harm than good. If my calculations are corrrect, she should been about 11 to 13 years old, mentally right now.

She should catch up in a few more months, but the odd thing is that she is still attacked to me. Isn't a female's puberty much earlier? If so, why is she so attached to her father?

Well, I can only guess that it's from the long absence, but even then, another question can be raised.

How did her social skills improve? Who was talking to her?

"You...so you did something to Aya, hero Min-chul-san?"

Ahh, so it was Yamasaki? Yeah, from her expression, I'm sure she went through a lot to train my little Aya about little bits and bobs of social skills.

As a human with a brain, I already came up with an excuse.

Ahem ahem...if you may?

When Aya and I were captured by the demons to be tested on, we were kept in separate rooms until they "broke" Aya. I was able to make her talk again after a few months of nursing, but her mental age significantly regressed to that of a toddler.

Once we escaped, I let her run free in the direction of the soldiers before waiting in the city for my own rescue. The reason I didn't run with Aya was to slightly delay the demons and maybe even kill them.

A perfect story that nobody could disprove.

Yamasaki was initially suspicious but after her interrogation disguised light questioning, she dropped the subject and even thanked me for saving her.

'Well, I guess that I DID save her. Just not from demons...'

Present Day...


"Papa? What are you thinking about?"

Looking up at me from snuggling in my chest, she has her little worried, puppy eyes that she shows only to me. She initially was angry with Ya as Ali for a while after she grilled me, but she dropped it after I told her to.

Nevertheless, I am still her number one most important person, earning me the ire and envy of Yamasaki.

Strangely enough, I think I just discovered a very peculiar trait about Aya, and that is that her boobs are somehow growing.

It may be due to the estrogen released during the puberty stage, but does that mean she is going through puberty again? Can I keep on killing her and reviving her so she can get the famed G-cup breasts? Are JJ-cups possible?!?!

Anyways, I digress.

I plan on taking her with me to Jinjin and knowing that she is much smarter than before as a genius, I can't wait to test out her moss growing skills.

Whilst packing up my traveling materials with Aya, Yamasaki Kin comes over to bother us for the nth time. Seriously, you helped raise Aya and now you want to sever that relationship?

"Aya...are you sure you want to go with Min-chul-san? It might not be safe"

"Yes! I'm sure that I can handle this with papa's help!"

"Haaahhh...sorry, Yamasaki-san"

Wryly smiling, rub the back of my head in an embarrassed fashion, as if I'm the one in the wrong for raising Aya to the women she is today.

"No no, this is my fault. I guess I might be a bit overprotective of Aya"

As a Japanese person, she is too kind. She immediately puts the blame onto herself and apologizes in a roundabout way. They are too kind, I swear.

Taking off, I wave Anna, Hana and Ha-neul another goodbye while Aya happily waves Yamasaki goodbye. Walking off, we make sure the nobody can see us before she gets on my back and I sprint off...

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya


"Uhuh...uhuh...uhu- what? Morrigan did what?!?"

Hearing the panicked voice of his boss, Jeffrey wryly smiles before explaining the situation one last time. This wasnt a part of the plan, but it will still hurt the old man in a roundabout way as the supporter of Dunham was one of the old man's lap dogs.

"Again sir, Dunham was killed in a rebellion, believed to have been started by hero Min-chul A.K.A "Morrigan""

"What a little rascal..."

After thinking for a bit, the old man starts massaging his temples. Recently, he realized that something is going on with his plans. He is spending more money, wasting more time and even though they work, they aren't as effective.

"Jeffrey, who is Dunham's supporter again? The Roscoe Family? Yeah, tell them I'd like to talk"

Jeffrey knows what this means. This basically means "give an explaination on what the hell happened to make Dunham's soldiers hate him so much".

"Understood sir. I will contact their head, Jimmy Roscoe"

Walking out of the manor, he goes to the red light district once again to rid himself of the stress and for now, information.

"Mary, this is urgent; no sleeping around right now"


As he tugs her into the private room, he start walking and pacing while thinking about something profound.

"Roscoe's man, Dunham, was just assassinated. You know what this means right?"

Mary immediately stops her little charms that didn't seem to work on Jeffrey. Dunham? The guy who knows most counts and countesses? That Dunham?

"Alright. You know what to do and I assume that the pig spoke the usual. Make the Roscoe's mad and once they are unpleased, they will have something say about it"

"I know I know. The other houses follow after Roscoe gets their confidence. I'm on it"

"Wait!...to look convincing?"

Showing her cleavage, Jeffrey smiles wryly before jumping in bed with her.

This isn't a convincer per say...more like a "celebration".


(A.N) yo! Another chapter back at it and I hope you readers enjoyed this one!

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