Little Uly

The forest fire to the east of E Mo Zhi Di's capital was started at somewhere between 6:00 p.m and 7:00 p.m. while continuing even further. At 5:00 a.m the next day, the forest as was mostly destroyed.

The animals that were stuck there were either burnt to a crisp or somehow burrowed underneath the ground. The demons soldiers sent there were all burnt in the fire by the arsonist.

According to some mages in the capital, the forest fire was caused by "an irregularity in the mana field in the forest, most likely caused by either the ongoing siege or some powerful animals fighting".

The former was more likely however.

As he knows, the cause of the forest fire wasn't the war or fighting animals; it was a little spark made from his hands. "He, Him, His" is the main character of his own life, Hero Kim Min-chul.

Since he was watching the water mage Derrick try to put out the fire, Min-chul couldn't sleep and had to stay up all night. By the end of it, at 4:00 a.m, Min-chul killed Derrick without remorse.

While looking at the ground coated in a blanket of ash and the occasional pile of black bones and little pieces of fur or clothes, Min-chul breathes out a heavy sigh.

'It smells worse than I thought'

As he kicks some bones out of the way in sheer boredom, he starts slowly walking back and forth, trying to figure out how he is going to find the demon king now. His men will arrive today.

During the afternoon, they will intensely comb the area for the demon king. He knows that the demon king, even if he left the forest, couldn't have gone far.

Going even more east of the forest, you will find yourself in a canyon that nobody can climb out of. It eventually pinches off and forms a dead end after around 150 kilometers according to the maps.

Okay...then what if you go east and right before the canyon, you go north or south?

Well, unless you think you can swim through rivers that are nearly 50 meters wide and reach speeds up to 60 kilometer an hour, then go for it. The demon king was forced into a trapped position.

The demons aren't stupid, they just ran out of options. Maybe he was supposed to wait this out until the humans gave up. Maybe he was supposed to stay here for the rest of his life.

Who knows...

After only 3 minutes of hard thinking and smoking some Barked Woof, he formulates his plan to find the demon king.

First of all, he needs the capital to fall first. This is the catalyst that would make this plan possible. If the capital is still up, there is the minuscule, but possible chance that the demon king is hiding in the city.

If they don't find the demon king, it's safe to say he is in the east.

By then, Min-chul's men would have been all over this place, searching it like mice looking for cheese or a cockroach looking for trash.

While smoking his cigarette, he sighs and throws the burnt out cigar into ashes and covers it with his foot. He leaves the area to prepare to help his men.

And by help his me, he means that he is setting up a mini base for them composed of cleaned ground and...that's it. All the wood is gone and he isn't a craftsman.

Well, ashless ground should be good enough for true moss addicts.

#075, Yvonne Street, Whittaker Village, Gwanya...


"Hmmmhmmm~~ lalalaluu~"

As I start my daily bath, I start humming a traditional song that I learned when I was younger. As a count's son, I needed to know commoner things so I can be a better leader.

Usually, bathing even once every 5 days is a luxury, so daily baths are only for the rich.

Luckily, the Lamberts took me in. I've been their CEO for 13 years now and the chairman and my half-brother, Cristian Lambert, is on fairly good terms with me. least in person. Whatever, I'm still making them money, meaning there is no reason to hate me.

As I finish my shower, I look down and smile wryly. I used to have fully chiseled six-pack abs from my knight training, but I guess it's worn off.

While in my pajamas, my wife, a beautiful woman named Francesa, hugs me with her legs wrapped around my legs. I am truly lucky to have a happy marriage at my status.

Most of the people I know are in secretly open marriages where they are together legally and politically, but have a mistress or man on the side who they fuck with.

"Sir? Sir Lambert, this is an important message"

"Uurrrnnghhhh...honey...anburs da booorrr~"

While looking at my wife trying to articulate words as a sleepy head, I chuckle and pat her head before answering the door with heavy feet and a solemn expression.

As the CEO of the largest defense manufacturer, I replaced my noble etiquette to gain the temperament of a CEO. It wasn't my choice to not be a noble, mind you.

Depending on what part of a country or state or empire your family rules, you are even more powerful than the largest companies CEOs.

Granted, they have more money than you can dream off, but you can cut off their supply of materials depending on your location and political clout. It's a symbiotic relationship of sorts.

So to be able to interrupt I, Ulysses Lambert's lovey-dovey time with my wife, Francesa Lambert, you need to be either stupid, powerful or stupid. I'm assuming the second option however.

"Is it really important?"

Slightly opening the little peephole in the door, I ask the butler one last time as a last hope. Maybe it isn't important...however, we both know that's not true.

The butler doesn't respond and waits there for me to open up the little hole to slide letters and gifts inside. I groan in frustration and unlock it, allowing him to slide his letter inside.

As is the custom for sending letters to powerful people, it's a light off white with some flowery calligraphy on the front that reads "To Uly" and a little wax seal with the Danlia family logo.

'...damn it. It's Rosé isn't it? Ughhhh, I've already avoided her for all this time and yet she contacts me all this time!'

We both grew up together and she was like a teasing older sister... in a bad way, obviously. Due to this, I regularly avoided her and since our businesses didn't clash, there was no need for cooperation.

In the letter, it read:

"To, Little Uly

Hi! It's me again, your bestie, Rosé. So, I heard some rumors about your stance on the hero Min-chul and I thought that we could help each other.

You don't need to do anything, you just need to voice your support for Min-chul and the Danlia Company. It's very simple and if you do this, you will be rewarded.

Rewarded with what? You ask. Well, you will be rewarded with my body~~~ yadaaaa~~ just...kidding!

But seriously, I plan on helping out, seriously, with your annexing of Restinasia's pie. Got it? Goodie! Respond when you're done dry humping Francesa perky ass.

Much love from, Rosé 🌹"

Finally finishing the letter, I wryly smile before placing the letter inside my drawer. It is an important letter from a more important person, but thinking about this with a sleepy mind isn't good.

I crawl into bed again and Francesa, feeling my slightly fluffy body, hugs me closer while purring in my ear.

Dozing off, I smile before thinking about this new cooperation with Danlia. It is a very fortunate letter from a valuable ally, ignoring the fact that I don't like her personally.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoyed and please do consider supporting this novel! You can support this novel by voting with powerstones and even commenting helps out!

Thanks so much and for now, peace ✌️! Love ya!