
As I start setting up a mini camp for the night, I notice that the air is too thick to even breathe now. I guess this is another form of siege warfare? Smoking the enemy out?

Whatever it's called, I heard the trampling of the demon boar and various cows that are running away from the ever growing burning forest. Even as a fyr mage with a resistance to fire, it's is too much.

So, I decide to leave this area and wait until it either rains or when the fire dies down.

While taking my supplies and running, I hear another group of trampling and some rocks being kicked out of the way.

"...humans. No, demons?"

The sound is very similar to when a human with boots kicks rocks. As this is the farthest point from the human camp, with simple deductions, these are demons.

"Holy shit! What the hell? We don't have enough water!"

"Fuck fuck! Where is Derrick!"

"Uhh, he is still a few kilometers back. He'll arrive in a few!"

As the soldiers are shouting for a man named Derrick, I promptly sneak up behind them and burn their bodies to a crisp so they can't intervene with this forest fire.

This is important to smoke out the demon king in case he is hiding in a cave here somewhere. The oxygen will run out and as far as I know, air mages can't create oxygen, they create bursts of mana mixed with wind to make a powerful attack or defense.

Soon, the man I assume to be Derrick arrives with his lackeys by his side. I already tossed their friends' bodies away and now, they are too preoccupied with the forest fire to care.

I decide that leaving them alive for a while to cull the fire might not be a bad idea.

And so, while I watched them try putting out the fire with their comparatively weak water, my men were trying their best to make their way to encircle this entire forest.

Thinking of it more now, I guess this is comparable to blitzkrieg. Fast paced encirclement? Hahaha...I guess this is blitzkrieg. I'm even smoking out the demons for crying out loud.

Back at camp...


With Anna and I, the demons suffered tragic losses while most soldiers got away with minor to medium injuries. Coming to think of it, I don't know what Min-chul is planning right now.

I understand that he is chased by the capital as well as needing a good performance, but why did he leave? Fulcrum never gave us an answer, which means Min-chul probably has him under control.

I can slightly guess that he is on the east side of the city, the opposite side from us, but I don't know the purpose.

Is it getting ready to flee from Destinasia? Is he trying to get credit for himself by going in alone? Does he think he'll find the demon king somewhere there?

I don't know.

All I can do now is to assist in whatever he needs. I start telling my men to go over to the eastern side. While they aren't as obedient as Min-chul's men, they are still willing to listen to me for "the cause".

Honestly, I lost even myself with this cause since some of the first soldiers I gathered were twisting my words. It wasn't all bad however, since this increased their faith in me.

After all, a set in stone belief or set of rules will unite the people who believe in the said rules. The crowd effect is real. Once people are together in a group, they stop being people and start being the crowd.

'Ahahaha, just some passing information Min-chul told me when I was 8th grade...ahhh, I miss those days'

Sometimes I do think what it would be like if instead of class 1, we were in class 2 or maybe even a different school.

Would we be together? A power couple perhaps? Well, dwelling is nice, but it won't help Min-chul's cause. Time to get to work...again.

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya...


"So...that Lambert boy is in favor of Min-chul right?"

"According to trusted sources, yes"

Jeffrey, a secretary, starts telling the important events happening within the final siege. Since this is what they have all been waiting for, everyone is anxious, including the old man.

If he doesn't get the horns, then he will literally die. This is a matter of life and death. HIS life and death.

The old man paces back and forth, back and forth across his office while rubbing his chest-long beard. Like a sage, he starts humming in a tune.

'What a show off...'

Jeffrey knew that the old man knew what he was doing. He was looking good in front of Jeffrey. He had to admit though, it made him more down to earth and more human than he really was.

"Alright then, this is what we are going to do: make sure that boy doesn't act rashly and tell Aria about the existence of Min-chul; she will find out when I want her to. Second, I want....."

While noting down the requests and demands of his boss, he starts encircling the important parts, boxing the bonus bits and underlining the summary. It's a simple but effective system he created.

Naturally, since Jeffrey is against his boss, he plans on using this against the old man. After the 30 minutes discussion of the plans for the future, Jeffrey leaves the room and heads over to his favorite brothel, Maddie's Mommies.

Again, he meets and meats with Marybelle before telling her everything that he heard today. The process which he isn't aware of is the way this travels to the importan ears of the operation.

As Marybelle gets off work, she arrives home to her shabby townhouse in the deep slums. She was a well-respected businesswoman back in the day that could afford many luxurious items until the old man took it away.

Well, he didn't target her, but more of her business sector. The loans of his increased by 15% just because of a bigger company in that sector.

She had immense debt and only after sacrificing her old life and her company was she able to be a debt free woman.

After kissing her little twin boys goodnight, she leaves the comfort of her home and comes to a dark alleyway. As most women, she was reluctant the first few times, but she got used to it.

Used to the fear of being used as a sextoy by some pervert.

She meets one of her idols: Rosé Danlia.

This woman is the role model for every aspiring woman who wants to be something. Sure she didn't come from humble beginnings, but she was full of wit and drive. That was enough.

"Hello, M. Mind telling me the sit'?"


Lightly nodding, she begins her little summary of the things that Jeffrey told her today. Rosé nods her head and contacts one of her assistants and sends Marybelle out.

Right as she was leaving, Marybelle hears a bit of the conversation between Rosé and her assistant.

"Contact Uly, it's been too long since I've teased him, that little boy..."


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers and I hope you throughly enjoyed this one! Please do consider supporting this novel with whatever you can!

Even commenting really helps me out! Again! Thank you and peace ✌️! Love ya!