Ally Searching

After 3 nights of almost destroying the ballistas' shields, we finally finish on the west side, were we are attacking from. The other ballistas are all either out of range or have a blind spot on where we are raiding.

After our...actually, it's more MY hard work, I requested to help out in the scan around the area, to which the General in charge of my behavior and actions, General Fulcrum, allowed.

It was under his request that I be put under his care. What a good ally...for now.

I set off on my own, under General Fulcrum's instructions of course and start my scanning of the land. I know that the most likely situation is that the Demon King is running away.

If the demon king is smarter than a banana, they are absolutely fleeing the scene, maybe cutting their horns and trying to disguise themselves as a human in a small village in the middle of nowhere.

Well, unless they believe the captain should go down with the ship.

Honorable, but stupid.

I get my 600 something men who are still loitering around and have them help me search for the demon king. They will definitely help with the large amount of land I have to cover.

Again, with the help of General Fulcrum, they aren't facing prosecution just yet and are being "heavily monitored by trusted individuals who have proved their loyalty to the state and royal family".

Basically, he bullshitted his way to protect me and my lackeys.

Unsurprisingly, the first day of searching didn't find anything. They are probably leaving the city through the eastern point, the furthest from us.

So, on the next day, the same day as the first raid day, I had my men start the 2 day journey to go to the other side of the city.

Meanwhile, I was already there in under a day. I started searching and searching but again, nothing. Deciding to leave it to my men when they arrive, I decided to quicken the raid.

As we start completely destroying the ballistas, the flying troop carriers and flying bombers start flying over the city, covering any citizens leftover in a dark shadow.

All the while this was happening, Anna and Hana were on top of the walls and massacring the soldiers who think it's smart to defend.

I started getting a bit annoyed with waiting and after 6 hours, I decided to help my men. I started my journey BACK to the eastern point of the city.

I arrived at night and started my clearing. Starting a spark with some mana crystals around a tree, it lightly blew up and burnt the surrounding trees.

As fire does, it spread and after a few more minutes of waiting, too many trees were on fire to stop now. Ahhh, this is beautiful. Demon king~~~ I'm coming~.

Lightly humming, I turn my head away so as to not ruin my eyesight. I walk away and light up a cigarette on a flying piece of ash...damn that was cool.

I'm sure if someone was watching, they'd say that I'm ruining the environment and then compliment me on that cigarette lighting.


Somewhere in the capital of Destinasia...


As the last meeting attendee arrives in the room, a butler promptly closes the metal doors shut and makes sure nobody can enter. Right now, there are 20 men sitting around a mahogany-like table.

The chairs are made of luxurious marble and is covered in cotton cushioning. The people present in this meeting are wearing clothes and jewelry that can feed a regular family of 3 for 5 years if they spend normally.

This is the epitome of wealth.

Right now, they are 30 meters under the ground and are about to discuss one particular thorn in their sides; the hero known as Min-chul, code named "Morrigan".

Most of these people are in favor of keeping Morrigan alive as he is a means to guide Aria to do their bidding, but one particularly powerful person needs Min-chul gone.

This man the 41st CEO of Lambert, Ulysses Lambert.

This man is in charge of a massive proportion of the military equipment of Restinasia and Destinasia.

He needs Min-chul gone since he took time out of his day to get try getting Aria over Min-chul. Seem he was Aria's childhood friend and when his father was a count, they hung out regularly.

Now, he uses this to his advantage; as any businessman would do.

" you mind explaining WHY we shouldn't keep him? Aria will be like clay!"

"I believe we shouldn't keep him. Aria was more unstable with Morrigan around. What the hell do you think will happen when she finds out her replacement for him is alive?"

"You make a good point, but I can't help but think about a few years back..."

"Ha! Goddamn, Cristopher. How many fucking times will you bring this up?"

A few months after Morrigan died, Ulysses was in a drunken state when he accidentally revealed to his abused wife that he still loved Aria. The wife, sick at his cheating antics, told most of the business world using her connections and they got a divorce.

This prompted a small circle of businessmen who refused to do business or partner with Ulysses since they believed he might get emotions in the way.

It was a ridiculous rambling that costed him millions of gold.

"I'm just saying..."

"Don't you think we should at least consider this possibility? What if this backfires?"

"A worrywart I see. Don't worry, he is a lowly hero. Even more so, he came from the wretched other lands. As we have known, they aren't too...educated"

"That was 1000 years ago- you know what? Fine. You guys may continue this discussion on how you will use this Min-chul fellow. Just pretend I'm not here"

Crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, Ulysses starts formulating a, a plan for WHEN this goes wrong. By far, he is the most powerful at this meeting while having the lowest reputation.

It's ironic but true. After he was adopted by the Lambert family and became CEO, only they truly understood that what he said was really drunken ramblings.

With his power comes connections. With connections, he obviously knew that Min-chul was most likely behind Dunham's assassination. He feels this is a good time to crash the weapons market and eat up more pieces of the pie.

All he needs to do is get Min-chul to be an ally, not a pawn or a tool to use. An ally. He understands that the other world is not so stupid. They are cunning bastards, just like Calko people.

It's just that they are few and far between.

Min-chul is the perfect example of these "few and far" and boy does Ulysses enjoy this era.

'Thank Bumi that I'm born in this era...I'm about to become a fucking wealthy asshole'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers and I sincerely apologize if this chapter seems not too up to par. I recently attended a relative's funeral and am pretty bummed out.

However, with consideration to you guys, I decided to push out a chapter for this novel and my other novel.

So, as usual, please consider supporting this novel if you enjoyed it. I'll try getting my groove back but..yeah, sorry again.