Adopted Son

While carrying the armor on my back, the baby curled up in my arms while suckling my thumb is shifting his weight which slightly throws me off sometimes.

It's a bit annoying, but his cute face is a little offsetting for me. For some reason, I can't just harm him. I know it's because of the horns. When he grow up, those horns will be amazing.

But... I can't help but wonder what his brain will be like. As a demon KING, will he be strong? Will he be smart? I'm thinking both. Kings aren't called kings without reason.

You need your palm to hold down your subjects and your brain to make sure that they don't get the right angle or strength to push back up.

That's my hypothesis with this little man. To be honest, I'm a bit unsure about this armor's horns.

The demon queen didn't have her horns and they looked like they were removed pretty crudely. This shows that it was done in a rush and maybe, it was done when she found out the humans were coming to her home.

Perhaps it was to hide? No no no, she would have hidden with this little baby and she would wear an armor set with massive horns on them. Not to mention how flashy it was. So that's a no.

What I think is that she cut her horns out of spite for the humans. Not to hide herself, but to not let the humans get what they want. It's very understandable.

I wouldn't want anyone taking some body parts off of me. It doesn't sound like a pleasant experience to die without my entire body intact.

So, if it was in spite that she took her horns away from herself, doesn't that mean these horns aren't her's? If they aren't her horns, whose are they? Are they even real?

Again, Lyca should have the answer, but I'll need to hide this armor set from the others until I'm able to send this to Lyca.

The baby should be an even bigger problem. What the hell do I say to explain this? "I killed the demon queen and took her son as my heir to inherit my drug empire"?

It's not a good look, I'll be honest.

So, I decided to just...hide the baby. No, really. I'll do what I did for Loren to this baby. Poke some holes in a luggage, take him out to feed, drink, etc every few hours and I'm good to go.

So, after walking for a while, I finally make my way out of the cave. The entire cave was insanely long, especially when you're tired from a fight while carrying an armor set.

Really, how did that woman run around with this fucking tank on her body? Did she have one of her goons cast a strength spell on her or something?

Anyways, lamenting on the weight of this thing isn't going to help me make it out of this damned place faster.

I walk for about 2 minutes into the woods in the direction we came from and over there, all of my men were waiting for me while kicking rocks, chatting and doing other things.

"Oh! It's master!"

"Boss! that a baby?"

It's their confused voices, they switch their eyes from my face to the heavy armor set on my back to finally rest on the baby in my arms, suckling on my thumb.

It is a bit embarrassing as a supposedly strong and manly man to have a baby sucking on his thumb, but it is what it is. My image to these men don't matter. If I were in front of other soldiers however...

It would be a different story.

" haaaahhhh, haaahhhh...yeah, I'm back and yes, this is a baby. Don't ask any questions and you won't ever talk about this to anyone, got it?"

""Yes sir!""

Hearing their affirmative answer, I smirk knowing that they can't disobey me. They are my equipment, after all. I don't need to say "please" and they will hand their life savings over to me.

While passing by the groups of men who were previously talking, I toss the helmet to one group, the torso piece to another, the legs to another and finally, her massive arms and shield to a final group.

They see me throw the expensive looking armor to them and rush over to catch it. The torso group just catches it naturally, but they squat down from the weight.

The helmet and the legs group weren't so lucky as they had to rush over and almost tripped over themselves and hurt the armor.

Ignoring their little antics, I carry the baby in my arms and with my men behind me, I make my way back to the camp. On the way, we encounter many many things.

Some stray kobolds from the destroyed nest, some loner goblins and some other lone survivors from my men and I's massacre of the caves.

As we make our way back, it's still a two day journey. The city is now burning down to the ground.

It's gotten so bad that you can barely see the smog from all of the flames from the wooden buildings. Of course, I was a major contributor with my forest fire, but the ongoing fire is much larger.

As it seems, I think that the western side of the city is burning, the side that is under siege. Possibly, they stated hurling fireballs and such from the trebuchets or maybe dropping fuel bombs from the flying machines.

Whatever it is, it doesn't look good.

Somewhere in Gwanya...


As I sit up on the side of my bed for the 2nd time in a row, I lace my fingers together while rubbing my chin with my thumbs.

'...this is a predicament'

From what Rosé told me, there are quite a few people on her side already. Rosé has got the favor of Aria due to her taking in that Morri- Min-chul hero, she also somehow got Jeffrey.

How she did that, he'll never know. All he needs to do, according to Rosé, is to just sit back and when she needs his backing, back her up. It seems simple enough.

Is Rosé really going to give him all these various benefits for just his words? It's not that simple.

Words and actions carry an immense value, this is especially true for the higher net worth individuals and people with high amounts of power.

Your words will determine your and your company's future.

Finally deciding on a choice, I finally start writing an official letter: one to Rosé and one to my family, the Lamberts.

My first letter read:

"Dear Little Prick,

I truly appreciate your offer to partner up together and I accept this offer from you. I will back you up with my words and to an extent, my actions, so that you will be able to complete your goals.

In the meantime, please stop writing to my residence on your daily updates. I have no need to get a live time view of your daily life. My wife is getting jealous and the sex is tiring me out.

Thank you and fuck you, from U.L"

After I spray some average perfume on it, I seal it with my wax seal sloppily and place it in some cloth before pushing it to the side.

This is the most important letter I'll ever send in my career...probably. If I still keep my career that is.

Taking out my "Royal Garden" esfume that costed 570 gold, my beige parchment with some aging done that costed 300 gold for 10 pieces and finally, my fountain pen with ink, both costing 1,000 gold combined.

"Whoooo....let's do this"

Finally stating my letter, it read:

"Dear Father and Mother,

I have received official news from the Danlias about a potential partnership we could have. I am highly considering taking this and I will shortly list the details about this partnership and how this will benefit us.

There is a hero named Min-chul who supposedly died in the Bol Massacre. By god's grace, he survived it and was found in the demon city of Jinjin. This Min-chul character greatly resembles the late Sir Morrigan.

This created a bond between Aria and him, making her obsessed with him.

All the Danlias want is our word to back them up on what they say and we get great profits. I prefer to tell you more details in person as this letter may be intercepted.

With love, U.L"

'Hopefully they aren't as conservative as before...'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Thanks so UCB and I'll see ya when I see ya! Love ya and peace ✌️!