
As my men and I have many more hours until we finally reach back to the camp, we are kind of chilling out and resting.

I am not greatly needed, as from the visuals that the city is currently producing. If a bird were to fly by this area, they fall from the sky after suffocating from the intense smog.

In fact, if the city keeps on burning a the rate it's going, we might not be able to feel the afternoon sun on us after maybe a week or two.

After a month, the entire area around this place with me layered in a blanket of smog, maybe killing off some of the bugs and smaller animal life. However, it should be good fertilizer.

...huh. I should take some of this back to Jinjin to test this out. Maybe it'll be useful for the Michael's Fyr and some of the other more intense mosses. They are accustomed to the more intense places after all.

As I lean back in my self made hammock connected to two upstanding trees, I take a puff of some Pureple Octagon before closing my eyes and thinking about this entire situation I got myself into.

From being the literally hero of humanity, the one who is supposed to save them all from the horrible demons, I became someone wanted by the highest court in the land and I even killed a general.

I enslaved nearly a thousand army men and have them under my control, I used to have the queen dancing in my palm, I have more connections than my fingers can count and I'm still plotting on expanding my drug business to human cities.

A hero I am, that's for sure.

Well, I guess you could call me a hero. I'm alleviating some of their worries with a temporary fix. What? Elixir Brown does it, why can't I? I got the Danlia Company behind an extent.

As I slowly fall asleep in my hammock, I doze off while dreaming about Lyca and Loren making me money. Ahhh, so I have a dream today, do I? It's a good one too.

...the next morning, everything seemed in order. Everyone woke up and took their sleeping bags, mini tents, food provisions and such and then left. We all started the final trek to the camp.

The camp is only 16 hours away and with some rest in between, we can make it by either midnight or maybe early morning tomorrow. This is the ideal situation.

There are some variables such as bandits, but that's very very unlikely. The demons are too focused on the humans and bandits would have left a long time ago. Monsters are a no factor considering my power too.

So, no virtual threats in sight.

After walking to the camp for about 4 hours, I witness two soldiers were pleasuring each other, two other were comforting each other after one broke his foot and another one is jacking off on his own.

Seriously, these depraved motherfuckers.

What is this? Brokeback Mountain? Get back home to your wives and make more children!...well, not like I discriminate against gays, but why in public?

Is this my fault? Probably. Do I care? Ehhh. I think everyone knows the answer to that. Well, if you somehow don't know me, I don't. I DO NOT care about there sexuality, gender or species.

If they are profitable people, they are good people.

As I continue on the path back home, there are some peculiar sights.

Some cannibalistic animals, stray goblins who are scared of us, kobolds who are submissive, demon boars who breath out ash and the corpses of demons. There are even some puddles of slightly aged blood, have a light skin on them.

Like an onion soup or something.

More than that, the skulls of the already decomposed animals are fascinating. Weird shapes all around.

"Boss! Boss! Uhhhh, I don't want to be rude, but may we have an early reward? We will do an extra task for you! Please please!"

While walking and chewing on my brunch, a sad soldier drops to his knees and begs me for cigarettes while crying at my feet.

Seeing him begging me with his pitiful expression and looking around, I see that all the attention is now focused onto me and what I choose to do.

I really really really want to stomp his head in into the ground while yelling about his disobedience, but I can't. These men need to be on my side to make my future plans work.

Loyalty through whatever means is useful. Whether it be slight blackmail or maybe you have something they don't. Anything you can do, make sure your men are loyal to you.

Right now, I didn't bring any cigarettes, so this could be a good motivation to reach home faster.

"I sincerely apologize, dear follower. However, all of the smoke-smoke is left back at the camp. The faster we reach the camp, the faster we can enjoy the cigarettes!!! Let's be faster!"


"To the camp!"

With a new found enthusiasm, I am able to raise their spirits by a lot. Like, if they were gloomy before, they were now like new recruits excited to go the frontlines and contribute.

However, even though I was smoking some cigarettes last night, they seem to have completely forgotten, or won't dare mention it to my face. If they do, it's like treating me as an equal.

Which I'm not. I provide, they consume. The provider is the richer and more powerful while the consumer is forced to obey to their every whim.

It was like this on earth and it will be like they wherever there is some sort of capitalism or some sort of economy with a clear hierarchy. Aristocracy is one of the worst examples of this.

Which...literally most country here is following. There is only Gwanya that doesn't follow this trend of an aristocratic system. Save for Darcy, the holy nation, but they call their nobles different things.

Bishops are viscounts and on and on.

Again, another few hours pass and we take another rest. It is quite annoying to take rests every few hours when I don't need it personally, but it is what it is.

So, after a long long 1 day and 20 hour journey, we finally arrive back to the camp at 4:00 a.m. while some of the other soldiers are still sleeping.

From here, the smoke looks much more manageable and the sun is even visible. This is probably due to the wind mages pushing the smog over to the east side to show sun and maybe suffocate the people over there.

It is a small tactic to be honest.

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya


As my boss, Vallie Basset leans back in chair, he olds up a glass of buzz and while sniffing it, he starts looking at some documents I put onto the table.

As usual, he is silence for the most part, but this is just him calculating his most valuable call or the call that gets him the further east in life.

" mean to tell me that that little Rosé girl isn't planning anything right?"

"That is what I believe sir. She doesn't seem to be making any noticeable actions or movements. Should I continue my surveillance of her?"

"Obviously. Make sure some very very reliable and trustworthy subordinates are helping you put. That girl should not know this is happening"

After giving out his instructions, I take my leave after a respectful bow. As I walk through the hallways, the maids and busters all make way for me since I just came from the most important room in this estate.

When I told this story to Marybelle, she told that Danlia girl and I heard that I should be vigilant.

Well no shit, dumbass. If anyone knows that Vallie guy, it has to be me. I'm that man who literally takes his errands and does it for him. I'm his man.

But honestly, I will be more vigilant. I'm sure that he isn't doubting me, but he is doubting that Rosé isn't making moves. She is definitely making moves.

He will think that the network he gave me is flawed and thus, I'll hook myself up with my very own network of men to do my bidding. Sounds fun.

Let's get to work...


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter for today!

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