Night With Hana...Again

With an allegedly extremely expensive and valuable set of armor with possible amazing horns and a demon baby, possible fetus demon king in my luggage with some air holes poked out of it, I enter the camp.

Well, re-enter the camp.

The soldiers that see me and my men coming up to them with intense amounts of ashes on our faces and butts, they obviously think that we aren't in the mood for pleasantries.

So, I go over to the nearby well and clean myself with water before returning to my tent. After all, this ash is all play to make sure that they don't suspect I was fooling around and such.

Maybe they will suspect that I was having a covert operation to sabotage the demon capital. That will make them thing this way due to my witnesses power.

Who WOULDN'T think that I, one of the stronger heroes, was fooling around? Preposterous!

After cleaning myself up with a little bucket and water, I start tossing a ball in the air and catching it while lying down. Playing this game made me more aware of my surroundings temporarily.

I hear the unzipping of the tent...door? Opening? Tent opening. From it, came a slightly shy and sad Hana. Ahhh, this girl. I almost forgot that I slept with them a while ago.

"Uh Hmm, Min-chul? D-do you mind if we...if we sleep together again? I would like that..."


Elongating my sentence and giving a sort of weird sounding "then", I start taking off my pants to prepare for tonight. How long has it been since I've seen a nude woman that I didn't kill?

Maybe....a week? Probably longer since I'm so damn busy all the time.

"Kyaaaaaa...then-the-then, I'll g-get to work"

When kneeling down on her hands and knees, she starts bobbing her head up and down on my cock with skillful technique...was this girl not a virgin? Maybe she was practicing on some sort of wooden pole or something.

Possible a male prostitute she hired taught her how to please a man with her mouth.

"Kssuurrppp...slllruuuppppp...haahhhh, haaaahhhh, th-thank you..."

While wiping the remaining spit form her mouth and swallowing it, she thanks me for some reason. Why am I being thanked? What did I even do? Have a penis? Have a big penis is something to thank?

Why the...well, whatever. She is Hana and I have no tucking idea who Hana is anymore. She WAS the sort of Ha-neul and Chung-cha of law-abiding and troublemaker. A chaotic good person who does what they want as long as it fits their fun times.

But now? It's a bit hard to judge what she is. Sometimes she is the same girl that I knew from the earth, but sometimes I see her as a mastermind. Like she wants to look stupid.

It's annoying and right now, I'll punish her for it. I'll punish her for...uhh, confusing me. Yeah, it's punishable by screwing to death.

As I start up with my erect cock right below her belly button, she looks down at my penis, at me and then back at me penis with a heated gaze. Her mouth was salivating at the image of my cock.

"Hey Hana"


Finally snapping her out of her heated gaze, I look at her eyes and see her mouth is slightly open. Unconsciously, I stick my thumb in her mouth, just to see what would happen.

She feels my thumb on her lips and instinctively, she, like a fish feeling some fish feed on her mouth, gulps it down her mouth while tossing I it around and savoring the flavor.


"Ahh...oh, oh yeah. I'm sorry"

Taking my thumb out of her mouth, a long strand of her saliva is sticking to my thumb from her tongue. Wiping my finger off on my cock, I lay her down on the sleeping bag and start inserting myself into her.


"Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry. Hug, scratch, whatever. Just don't damage my bed"

While telling her the rules of the tent, she starts nodding her head and then accepts my dick with open arms. As I'm pistoning back and forth, her womanly moans are slightly louder since the tent isn't too big.

Her pussy is a natural at taking me length and after nearly 10 minutes of fucking, we started to switching positions to get the most out of the night.

In doggystyle while she was lifting her head up high to try and kiss me, I felt my dick hardening up a lot. Usually, this means that I've snorted 1 kilo of viagra or, I'm about to cum.

I'm believing in the latter and so, I prematurely take my cock out of her mouth and flip her onto her back. While I'm still on top of her, my dick cums all over her face, giving her a cum face mask for the night.

I've heard that cum has some proteins, so that should be quite healthy for her.

"Aghh, t-that was nice, Min-chul...thanks so much. Love you"

While murmuring in her slightly intoxicated state, I start taking her clothes that were left outside and putting them on her. As a professional, I know how to redress a woman in this continent. It is a useful skill.

Once her body was covered in clothes and not cum, I carried her in a princess carry back to her personal tent before falling asleep at my very own tent. Thankfully, not too much of my fluids dirtied my mattress, so I can sleep just fine.

...unlike Aria on our first night. I swear, I won't ever forget how messy she was in that bed.

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya


I'm Vallie Basset, the wealthiest man on this planet and the patriarch of the wealthiest family on this planet. Right now, I'm at a dinner with my great great great great great grandchildren who are already adults.

I'm quite luckily to live until nearly a thousand and the plus side of this life is that I have enough life to spend all of my money on things that I want to buy.

While my...descendants start eating their food and start chatting about their handling of their respective branch departments, I'm sitting here with my food and am pretending not to care about them.

"No no, I think this way might be a more profitable method"

"Are you sure? It seems that the public might not be so receptive to this..."

As I said a couple of decades ago, I said that I wasn't interested in this squabble and only real problems were for me to handle. So, they took it seriously.

All this time, I'm listening to them and thinking only one thing...

'Thank fucking God, the devil and earth that I'm still alive. If these muppets were my descendants and ran my company, it would crash in an hour, the imbeciles. Can't even decide on a profitable plan?'

And just like that, another slightly stressful dinner happened in the mansion that I've owned since I was a wee little lad at only 103. Good memories...


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful readers and I hope you enjoyed this one!

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See ya when I see ya! Peace ✌️! Love ya!