Baby Crate

The next morning, I finally understood why the fire in the city kept burning, even though it seems as if they shouldn't have any but able wood left there.

That it's all been burnt to ash or the demos. Took it away or coated it with an intense amount of anti-flammable material. That's what a regular person would think, and that's what I thought.

And as such, I was right. The humans, my team, found out that their lobbing and tossing of flaming balls of fire and fuel wasn't working. As it turns out, all the wooden buildings were either demolished or covered in anti-flammable material.

All the wooden materials such as the broken ballistas and the wooden barracks were either dismantled and removed, or covered in a blanket of an anti-flammable roofing.

It's not a bad idea. In fact, it's the ONLY defense idea you could do that wasn't too radical.

However, for a few days, the flames weren't getting bigger. They were even shrinking and at most, maybe one or two demons would be killed.

After spying on the city for nearly a week, they found out what the demons were doing. They found the anti-flammable and the controlled areas where they catch and dispose of the fireballs shot by the mages and rarely, the trebuchets.

To combat this, the soldiers decided on a half-brilliant, half-obvious solution. That is, use the flying machine to dump massive amounts of fuel and mana crystals and after that, shoot the fireball from the mage's palms.

This is the reason for the ever growing fire. Because we aren't just burnin their city, we are burning their people, their services and streets. This breaks every single goddamned Geneva convention and most of the human's morality.

However, this is Calko. First of all, there is no Geneva convention. War is war and the winner is the dirtiest player. Second, even if there was a Geneva convention, it's for human rights, not the demonic rights.

They aren't protected by law.

As I start staring at the passing flying machines getting ready for their next carpet bombing, a messenger's feet tapping on the ground interrupts my little flying machine watching session.

"Ahhhhhhh, haaaaahhhh, S-sir Hero! Sir hero M-Min-chul! I have a m-message from General Fulcrum. He would like to meet with you in a hour!"

"Oh...then thank you, messenger. You can tell him that I'll be there in a few"

I wave the messenger off and he salutes before using his nimble feet and running off. Seriously, someone get that man a horse or something. While watching him run off into the distance, I return my gaze to the skies.

By now, the flying machines are blasting some eerie music and scary noises to do psychological warfare on the demons. Some light screams here and there, a pinch of horrified shrieking and you got the noises.

It reminds me of in Vietnam when the Americans played ghost noises to scare the superstitious Vietnamese. Hopefully the demons are also superstitious or else this might not work.

'Alright then...let's see what that man wants'

I start strolling back to the General's tent and after nearly 30 minutes, I arrive and greet him without knocking.

"Hey. You called?"

"I did...wheat were you doing with your men? I heard you came back with a great amount of ash on your face and such"

'I knew it. He's curious. I would be to, to be fair'

I make eye contact, fix my posture to look more relaxed, calm my moving eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Obviously, I'm about to tell a lie.

"We went all the way east to possibly look for the demon king. Sadly, my men were getting a bit unruly and we had to return

"You went east? Why the hell would the demon king be there? Isn't there a canyon that blocks anyone from escaping?"

"I was a reach. Where else would he have gone? He can't go north, there's the sea. He can't go south, we have some patrolling men there. So, I tried going east. Again, I found nothing"

With a straight face and a slightly slumped back and wider legs, I shrug my shoulders in a dissatisfied and disappointed manner, showing that what I was saying was most likely true.

"Then...when the city falls, lets check there again. It's much needed to be first"

"Yeah. Maybe my men wasn't enough to find them. I'm just hopeful"

Rubbing his chin, I can tell that he is very doubtful. After all, it's me. Thankfully, he doesn't know ME. He hasn't known me long enough to tell if I'm lying.

"Then...good luck to when we get there"

"Good luck"

As he stands up to shake my hand, he stares me down. Yup. Doubtful. Returning his stare with a friendly smile, I leave the tent. Immediately after I do, my face returns back to normal.

'Fuck that was quite nerve wracking. I'm sure he is doubtful, but he no basis to not believe me'

The armor that I brought in? It's hidden amongst my men and if any soldiers that don't work for me ask about it, they will say that they took it off of some demon soldier that they tortured and killed.

As for my baby, the alleged demon king, he is currently sucking his thumb in my tent, which is locked up and guarded by some of my men.

I've casted a spell to negate any noise coming from inside so that when he shits or pisses on the little crate I provided him, the sound of his crying won't leak out. Unfortunately, the crate is a bit small and hard to clean.

I swear, I'm going to drop him off with Lyca when I see her again. Babies are such bothers. Why couldn't he be a regular demon king and be a grown up? Damn it, it's annoying.

Somewhere in Destinasia...


"So...seems like you sent us a letter, didn't you Ulysses?"

"Yes father. It's about a business opportunity I believe can be insanely lucrative"

Standing in front of me now are my two adoptive parents, Lucas and Mary. Both of these peo0e are ins ally rich and insanely powerful.

"My dear boy Ulysses, are you really going to take what she says as real?"

"Mother, I don't believe that Rosé would lie to me like this. She also gave a some juicy information about the old man that nobody would know"

"Well,w hat if he is advising her to do all of this? To catch us and use this as a reason to drag us down?"

While father made a sound argument, I started thinking of a comeback to his argument. We aren't fighting, we are discussing business and at the end of the day, business is business.

We are adults and we understand that discussions may get heated. That's how the Lambert family has survived for a long, long time.

"I've met with the mole. The mole is giving us information too useful for the old man to give away. Like..."

After giving mom and dad some examples, their eyes go wide in surprise and fear. How the hell can that bratty girl who bullies their son have such a useful pawn?

"This...this is staggering"

"I know father. I would really love to help her out on this one, not because she is Rosé, but becuase she has a plan and the resources"

Putting her hand on her chin, mother starts humming a tune while thinking. She has had this bad habit since father became chairman and she was CEO. Ahhh, when I was younger...

"Then my dear boy, I'll leave it to you. I sincerely trust my little Uly's skills when it comes to Aria, don't I"

"Mom...whatever. Thank you for your time"

""Bye bye Uly!""

'God, how embarrassing!'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers! I hope you enjoyed and that you have a wonderful day!

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