Love From Gwanya

It's been nearly a week since I return back to camp from my little demon search party and the smoking out of the demons is working. By working, I mean substantially working.

Even from a nearly 400 meters away from their city walls, if you listen closely at night or when it's very quiet, you can hear the faint coughing and choking of some of their citizens.

Even without the audible confirmation of the smoking-out method working, you can tell that it's working by yourself.

All you need to do is walk a little hike all the way to about 150-100 meters to the wall, and you can feel a fraction of what they are breathing in. I'm sure they have wind mages, yes, but do they have hero wind mages?

I don't think so. Heroes are that insane. It's been mentioned before, but since humans had heroes, it's been a totally lopsided war for the humans against the demons.

If the humans had a quarter of the demon king's army, we'd still win by a large margin, if it were not for the accident at Bol.

That's the real reason some generals were suddenly promoted to handle more soldiers than they were used to. The dukes, counts and royals around the continent overreacted and sent too many men.

And since one country did it, all the other countries did it. They weren't afraid of a betrayal of the anti-demon king alliance during this time since it would easily turn into propaganda against that betraying country.

They will lose out on too much things for this to be worth it. It's a symbiotic alliance. You send troops, we send troops and whoever finds the horns keeps it. Nice trade right?

For the past week, I could barely sleep because of how stuffy it was even here in the human's camp. With all of the wind mages' work, it still reaches here. They can't control all of the particles, after all.

To counteract this, I thought of a simple solution. Towel soaked in warm water over my eyes and a little miniature closable window in my tent. The towel is for humidity and the window is for air flow.

It worked like a charm. So much so, that Anna and Hana both requested I do it to their tents. Even though I would have preferred to do it for free so they owe me something, they requested to pay with...their bodies.

They paid with sex. They insisted that I take sex as a form of payment and considering my enjoyment with those on different occasions, I'd take it.

As I was talking with some of the wind mages who were on their break to replenish mana, a loud whistle sounds out and the heavy wooden gates of our camp opens up to a stranger.

This stranger was wearing a green top with a specific insignia on his right breast, khaki brown pants, military boots, brown gloves and some light chainmail with a sword on his hip.

Even his horse had a little cute green skirt on her that covers her entire lower body with a comfortable and airy green cloth.

Seeing this made me wryly smile and feel some complicated feelings in my heart. Really, they are too early aren't they?

Obviously, this is a royal messenger from the capital of Destinasia. The green is a major part of the Remiér household insignia, with Remiér being Aria's household name.

"S-s-sir Hero! Sir hero, a message from the capital, sir hero!"

"I understand. Thank you. Go over there and eat something, you must be starving"

Hearing my offer, the young messenger looks at me as if I'm a godsent savior. So he was hungry, huh. Well, it isn't bad to befriend a messenger. They can manipulate what you say to the sender of the letter.

If they didn't like you, they'd mention that you cursed at their family name in annoyance, even when you didn't. Obviously, this is hypothetical, but completely possible.

I don't want the capital of Destinasia hating me, now do I?

So, with my nice gesture done to the youngster and the letter taken back to my tent, I start reading it's contents. It read:

"Dear Sir Hero Kim Min-chul,

We'd like to give you an update on your lawyer situation considering that the allegations against you are very severe. Your sponsor, Danlia Company, has decided to use your original lawyer for you trial.

On a side note, once you are done with this raid of yours, come back to Gwanya. You know the address: #069, Gruer Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya. Be there or be square, L.

Love love, Rosé"

'...damn. This girl is ballsy enough to impersonate a person of power? Much less the Destinasia royalty?'

I guess it would be better since they actually know each other and are close friends, but yeah. If she was caught, some of the more conservative nobles will request some cutbacks for the Danlia Company.

Well...unless the Danlia Company pays a "fine" to them. A fine, or a bribe, is what they really want.

I'm sure Rosé knows this, this madlass. I wryly smile thinking about the possible consequences for Rosé and even the scandal that would appear. Informal writing to a good looking employee?

Might as well call me Hero Toyboy.

That and the fact that she used a fake royal seal, the horse skirt thing and more. The bribe- fines that she would have to pay would cause her wallet to shrink quite a bit.

Well, the Danlia Company won't be affect mostly, but her personal pocket might take a low blow.

With that, I decided to send her a letter back to inform her of my receiving of her letter.

It read:

"Dear Big Boss,

Thank you for this information and for keeping me updated. I sincerely appreciate your informing me of this subject through your busy schedule and your hard work in the capital.

For this, I thank you and everyone who keeps the country functioning. I'd also like to thank Rosé Danlia for the continued support and for believing in me.

So, I'll be meeting you as you made a request for me to meet in your house. Thanks for the lawyer again.

Peace and blessing, KMC"

As I chuckle lightly, I fold it carefully, seal it with some wax, spray some perfume and add some calligraphy on the front to make it look as professional as possible.

I place it back into the wooden box and I return it to the messenger, who is currently chatting it up with some of the female healers. That cheeky little messenger.

I leave him for a couple of minutes and he tries seducing a woman. To add to that, he isn't even a real capital messenger! What a joke...

As he takes the heavily decorated wooden box, he solemnly waves bye to the ladies and hops back on his horse, some food in hand and a box worth more than his own like in the other.

It must be along journey from here to Gwanya, isn't it...

Oh well, not my problem. When I return, I'll be in a luxury carriage with some expensive cushioning and proper ventilation. God being a hero is so good.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful and handsome readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I sincerely hoped that you had or are having a wonderful day!

Another thanks to those who chose to consistently support this book!

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Thanks so much again and peace ✌️! Love ya and see ya when I see ya!