Fredrick the Dead

With the messenger "from Destinasia" gone, most of my current problems sorted out, all I had to do was wait. Well, I still needed to take care of the nuisance I had.

Again, I requested a recon mission from Fulcrum, to which he unsurprisingly denied. If he just let me run a mock and kept feeding me the food to make my lola s fall into pieces, he wouldn't benefit.

I'm sure that he knows that I know that he knows that his relationship is symbiotic in name, but it will break apart at any given moment.

If I show a weakness, it will snap. If I show my nape, it will break apart. If either of us gives too many advantages to the other, this turns into something like a "boss-worker" relationship rather than the "friend-friend" relationship.

With that complacency comes weakness, and with weakness comes losing. Nobody wants to lose, right?

So, instead of going there myself, why not fake one of my men's death's and send him there instead? So that's exactly what I did.

I went up to my men and when one of them had some reconnaissance mission very close to the wall, I hatched a plan with him in the middle of it.

As I followed their group of 50 something men watching the walls and patrolling, my man starts the plan off with a signal. We devised this signal so that he'll be alone.

"Oy. Imma piss over there. I'll catch up, right?"

"Yeah yeah. Go ahead, mate"

As my man, named Fredrick, runs off into the bushes to do his business, I meet up with him. No, not so we can piss together. It's so I can kill him.

Well, I guess I shouldn't say kill him. I'm meeting him to "kill him". With me is a pale of demon blood, some horn chips and for Fredrick, I'll have to sadly cut off four of his finger.

He doesn't mind too much as he is getting four cortare tres form me as a reward to do this. One cigarette for one person is rare enough, much less four. It shows that I value his services and that he should do a good job.


"Shit! That's Fred!"

"A demon out here? They must be fucking insane..."

Some of the soldiers were in disbelieve, some were already rushing over, but most of them were confused. They were confused as to why a demon would be out here killing non-important soldiers in a massive army.

Is it spite? Is this some sort of last ditch effort to cull their numbers?

Whatever it is, they need to focus on the thing at hand, and that is to save their good friends, Fredrick. Fred wasn't a good soldier by any means, constantly cheating on his wife and regularly drinking.

However, he was a good friend and most of the time, reliable when you were in danger. This earned him the respect fo his comrades.

Many times when he was drunk during a break from the constant wars and sieges, he would ramble on about how much he hates the demons and how much he wishes he could eradicate all of them.

With this in mind, they knew that no doubt was the screaming man their friend Fred.

When the group of men all heard the phrase "demon scum", they know something bad must have happened.

All of the rush over with adrenaline pumping, hearts racing and their weapons at the ready. Their team leader pushes the brushes aside to reveal the four fingers of Fredrick and some dark red blood.

It's either Fredrick was stabbed in the liver and that explains the dark red blood, or it was a demon with naturally red blood. Remembering the short cut off scream, they believe the latter

The leader of the group, a long time friend of Fred, sends out all of the men to search for Fred. So, they split into groups of 3 and start walking through the forest, searching for Fred.

They aren't stupid enough to call out for him, as that mind alert more assassins. So, they are forced to go in the quiet.

Most of them are aware of the fact that Fred is dead. There is no way around this. If Fred is alive, he isn't alive for long or he will be alive, but barely.

So, the soldier who were searching start doing a half-assed job of finding Fred. They all love and respect him, but not more than their own lives.

Like all animals, creatures and most especially humans, we are all cowards in nature. Those with brave souls are those with stupid souls. Bravery is very different from stupidity.

For example, if a hero plunges into a fight against 10 men, that's bravery since the hero will obviously win. The only disadvantage for the hero is the psychological warfare that 10 men can have.

As another example, what the soldiers are doing is stupidity. They aren't brave, they are being stupid people grabbing onto an invisible string that wasn't there in the first place.

Unknowingly to them in their panic, they missed a couple of details. Details such as the small broken shards of glass by the demon blood, the lack of a blood trail from Fred's body or even footprints.

They are blindly looking for something they don't know.

With them distracted for the next few minutes, I cast Fredrick with a spell to enhance his speed and his longevity. The speed is self explainatory and longevity is so that he won't starve too quickly.

After all, all he is getting for this 10 day trip is 5 days worth of food if he rations, 4 cigarettes and 3 changes of clothes. That's it. A sleeping bag and a cooker are mandatory, but no other amenities.

No actual tent and no flint and steel. He'll need to do it the original way. The oonga booga way.

I also secretly cast a spell that will tone down his emotions. From studying Fred for a while before this mission, I knew hoe much he hated demons. Apparently, his mother wouldn't have died if it weren't for demons.

I repeat. His mother who was diagnosed with an incurable disease died because of demons. Did they curse her? Who knows, who cares. All I needed to know was that his hatred ran deep.

In the letter that I handed to him, it read:

"Dear Lovely Lyca and Loren,

I am sending you this letter as a sort of update for the situation and for a request of support.

As for the situation, it's going well. My calling to the capital will happen any moment now, and I am extremely proud of you girls. Lyca for you drive to learn and Loren for your support.

As for my request, I'd like it if you sent a messenger once every 3 or so weeks to deliver anything that I wanted to and fro from here to you.

For the messenger, make sure that they don't have any visible horns, have a similar looking uniform and horse gown as the Destinasia capital, can fit some luggage and has food to last for a while.

Lyca, I really miss you and I hope that you are taking care of Loren.

Love, Min-chul"

With that, I lay back on the tree branch, just waiting for the soldiers to disperse and leave the area eventually so that I can be gone without a trace.

'Ahhhh, hopefully they are quickly finishing up with this farce. They and I know that he is truly gone'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful and handsome readers! I hope you're having a great day and that tomorrow is even better! Thank you so much to the regular supporters of this novel.

It really means so much to me.

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I love ya! See ya when I see ya and peace ✌️!