
Finally finally, with Fredrick sending my letter to Jinjin, me and Aya finally sort of learning how to handle this demon baby and Hana and Anna both continuing to maintain their personal armies, now, all I need to do is wait.

Hana and Anna already know about this demon baby of mine, but they don't know tha the's a demon baby.

"So...why do you have a baby in your tent, Min-chul?"

As Hana tilts her head with a confused expression, Anna by her side isn't taking things too well. Her eyes are tears and her feet are bouncing.

'...she is thinking that I knocked up a girl, isn't she?'

I wryly chuckle at their silent judging eyes that say exactly what I was thinking. It isn't true, but I understand why they'd think that way. I just can't control myself.

"Don't worry, he isn't my baby by blood. I just found him abandoned in the forest while on my reconnaissance mission. I saw he had amazing potential, and I took him in"

"How'd you know he was-"

"...he really isn't your baby? Right right! Not your blood?"

Hana looks at Anna with a baffled expression and a some what shocked one. Did Anna just interrupt her? That's quite rude...but a bit understandable.

If that baby was really Min-chul's, she'd find a way to kill it in a way that makes it look like an accident and then be there to comfort Min-chul, making him dependent on her.

That's the first thought that comes to mind. For Anna however, she believes that she'd find the woman, kill that woman, then kill the baby and then herself.

Both very different lines of thought from very different women.

"Min-chul, how'd you know that the baby is strong?"

"The monsters passing by him were afraid of him. Primal instinct monster we're afraid of this baby, meaning that he is powerful"

It's a very anime-esque excuse, but since I said it, it must be true. Even if that isn't the case, I said it in a way that brings in the insanity of this world.

After all, the monsters of this world are much more harsh compared to wild animals in earth. So, it must stand to reason that the more strong and scary animals here would be more primal.

And so, that's how I convinced these girls to take care of the little baby named Abbadon, nicknamed Abby.

Generally, both of them were in agreement on why they thought I wanted them to take care of the baby. Quite ridiculously, they thought it was "mother training for the future"

Exactly...who the hell would want to keep these beasts of women locked up wiping hair from baby butts and cooking fucking mashed squash? Not me, I'll tell you.

However, with this fake contest in mind, they kept competing about who could raise the baby better. It wasn't a bad thing, so I let them thing that way.

With Abby out of my way, Aya along side me watching the burning sky and Fredrick making his way to Lyca, I'm really done. All I have to do is wait for a while.

And by God was waiting more boring than I thought.

I'm not an anxious soul. In fact, I'd consider myself very patient with all my activities. It's something I learned from my dad and with this, I can usually keep a sane mind even when things go wrong.

However, even for someone like me who can wait for many many weeks, I still feel anxious when I'm not doing anything. As if everything will go wrong, so I started getting things to do for myself.

I decided on bothering Michael, but after 4 days, he told me to shut up. A reaction, but not what I wanted.

With that, the repetitive week passed and by now, Fredrick should be with Lyca and friends. Also, the capital hasn't contacted me in a while.

It's probably since the larger and more powerful corporations and people were prelaring for the upcoming auction. Trying a dead hero isn't something on their agenda.

After all, after this little campaign is finished, they will have no problem killing all of the heroes. What good would the heroes do? They would grow old and eat up resources.

I'm just a dead man walking in their eyes.

Somewhere in Jinjin...


"Hey, ladies! why the hell are you still here?! Get to work or not get paid!"

As I scold some loitering girls on the corner, I finish up my regular walk around Jinjin. During the walk, I decided to take some work off of Loren's shoulders by telling the lazy workers off while the on my walk.

Finally returning back home to my owner's house, I take a short shower by the well in the backyard and head off to the library. I'm sort of excited to think about master's coming home.

From my several sources, it appears that master's war is about to end and he will return home. I didn't want Loren to find out, but she did anyway.

She started working extra hard, so

that's a plus.

Once in my personal library that master gave me, I pick up a mothering book that I stole from one of the tattered houses. It's a sino,e book about breastfeeding, preparing diapers and demon-human hybrid babies' favorite foods.

It's a very nice book with recommendations for other helpful books. Currently, this is the 3rd volume and I have all 13 books waiting in line.

While adjusting my reading glasses, I hear the loud and recognizable footsteps from a certain uneducated woman who wants to steal master from me, the first of his secretaries.

This was naturally Loren, the carbon copy of me.

"Lyca! Lyca! There's a man who says that he was sent from master! He has a little letter from master he says!"

This is stunning news.

Master himself is sending a letter without anything from me or Loren. This is so so so so great. Ahhh, my face is red. Ahhh, it seems that my ears are also red.

Feeling embarrassed with the steam coming out of my ears, I perk my eyes above my book and ask Loren some questions about this man.

"!!!...a-a letter? From master himself? Are you sure he is really from master?"

"I don't know! But he says that he can be searched and that you can have the letter"

Putting my finger in my chin, I'm obviously a bit suspicious. No, to say "a little" would be an understatement. From looking outside the window, he doesn't have horns, making him a human or a disgraced demon.

The top of his scalp is too clean, meaning that he is a human. I start running down the stairs with some light armor and my weapon. Despite not being as talented as master, I'm still proficient with the spear.

For Loren, she a muscle head who can wield the heavier weapons such as a club or a bat. She takes her dusty trusty baseball bat that she used for extortion.

Since all of the girls are out and Karl is busy with the farm animals, it's only Loren and I to defend ourselves. As we open the door, the figure of an extremely malnourished man comes into view.

However, we don't let this lower our guard. He could be a talented monk or mage of a black religion. Who knows?

"You...who sent you here?"


The man feels anxious with all of the sharp weapons pointed at him and takes out a cigarette, a cigarette that we made.

Seeing this really relived my mind from any possible threats. I don't think this man is a hostile, considering his shaky hands and desperation in lighting that thing.

...he's just like me, until master saw something in me and saved me from that never-ending well of despair.

"Right then...come on in, it must be scorching"


"He's one of master's men. Look at his hands"

The slow Loren sees the cigarette in his hands and after 4 seconds of thinking, she realizes it. He"s a buyer!

With the letter delivered, I and Loren open it up in the bedroom that we sleep in. In it, it was well-wishes for both of us that led us to tears and a request.

A request for a messenger. Something so simple, and he decided to use one of his men to ask it of me...I feel so valuable! Such a nice feeling.

So, I found one of the girls with higher stamina and sent her on her way with a "borrowed" horse with some storage space on its back.

Leaning back in my chair, I feel satisfied with my service to master.

'Ahhhh, hopefully he praises and rewards me'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful readers and I hope you are having a great day!

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