Rosé’s Bud

As the Whittaker family leader and Rosé shake their hands, the surrounding people were watching them with slightly wide eyes. The place where they were was semi-hidden.

This meant that people pass by here, but don't notice it. However, if you were to do something here, you'd be noticed almost immediately. This is the goal of myself.

The Basset family leader leaves the auction house and witnesses Rosé and his loyal dog shaking hands and smiling, secretly. The secretly was the important part.

This was the perfect place for misunderstandings like this.

The Bassets family leader glances at us and pretends as if this doesn't bother him, but it does. He is tilted right now and is wanting for someone to take the blame.

He may be a very smart and cool-headed man, but he is still human. Much more, a human that is 900 something years old and is the wealthiest man ever to live.

He doesn't just ask for respect, his entire being is worthy of respect. He DEMANDS respect. Without respect, what is the point of being wealthy? He is also politically powerful.

So, again, he needs respect. If you saw your dog being per by a human and that dog liked being pet by the other human more than you, wouldn't you feel bitter? You'd be salty and want to be angry.

Sprinkle in the previous events that transpired in the auction room and you are brewing the perfect punching bag. If not a punching bag, Basset will be angry with their dog.

He snorts and walks away with his head in the air and his posse right behind him. I lightly tap Rosé's tight and perky butt with my finger and she breathes a sigh of relief as she lets go of the Whittaker man.

He was an old geezer who could be her great grandfather and here she is, being forced to hug him. What the hell has the world come to? She isn't a fan of ugly bastards too, so she didn't like it one bit.

She makes some obligatory small talk and basically runs away to hide away in our hotel room. I follow after her with a brisk walk and once I reached the door, I opened it up trying to be as quiet as possible.

I heard the quiet sound of glugging and chugging something. I have to assume it's wine.

When she heard my footsteps nearing, she held up one of the flowers up like a mage's staff and aimed it at me, ready to protect herself. I chuckle and sit down beside her, letting her head rest in my shoulder.

"Hmmmm...very wide and...tough"

"Thank you?"

As a drunk and lonely woman, she was mumbling some things about me being hot, me being ripped, me being a good hero and most importantly, me being a bad ally.

She didn't mean it,but she said that I gave her a heart attack every time she was told to raise the bid once more. I didn't tell her anything as it would just open up another rabbit hole to delve down into.


Hearing her affections way of calling me, I can't hold back anymore. All this time I was trying to hold back for her sake. Why? Well, won't it be troublesome if I took one of the wealthiest women to bed?

Nobody else might know, but she'll know. She'll feel embarrassed and maybe terminate our team together. That's the worst possible outcome from sleeping with her.

Obviously, the best is that she marries me and that she makes smart and adorable babies, but that's a long ways away.

I'm comfortable with sleeping with her now however since if she doesn't have the awareness to address me as my name, then it's fine. I'll just clean up the sheets and her, and it's like nothing happened.

However, even with myself rarely caring for others, this is a touchy subject for me.

"Rosé, tell me right now and honestly, do you want to fuck me?"

"Uhuh uhuh!"

" prepared"

I entirely skipped the blowjob part considering her drunken state. She might end up throwing up all over me or biting my dick unconsciously. That isn't something I need happening.

So, I opt for just taking some lotion from the bathroom and rubbing it all over my hard cock until it was shiny and chrome, ready for Valhalla.

And just like Valhalla, it was a hallway, but not for the slain. It was a hallway filled with pleasure and tightness. She didn't have a hymen which was great. It probably ripped during physical activity. However, I'm still happy she doesn't have one since blood is a bother to clean.

And whats so important about the hymen? What you want your girl to bleed and feel pain? Damn sadist. Well, I'm a sadist myself, but I don't like it when the blood gets on myself.


Ahem ahem, I lower her mature body down into my cock like she was a fragile load and I was a crane. She eventually hit the tip, but she was struggling and fell right on my dick.

Like a javelin, it impaled straight through her and she was stunned for a good minutes or two. I smirk and start thrusting my hips so as to get her going.

"Ahh, wait. Annhhh~! This is to-too much! I-it's too good!"


In between her moans, she was trying her hardest to reach over and kiss my face, but she was just out of reach. I was teasing her drunk self which made her cry eventually.

"A-ahhh...hubby meanie. Big meanie-bo-beanie!"

"Oh yeah? I'll show you mean"

I start round Teo as she was crying and immediately, it's like I made her laugh since a massive cackle was heard through you the room. Was a comedian or something?

She was smiling from ear to ear and started bouncing up and down and up and down to a rhythm that matched mine. At this moment, we were really in sync.

When she dropped, I raised up. When she rose, I pulled out a bit. This was to maximize the amount of my rod moving in and out of her.

After nearly 40 minutes of this fucking and changing positions from cowgirl to foggy style to reverse cowgirl and now to missionary while on the balcony table, I felt my dick finally building up pressure.

For the first few minutes, I literally felt nothing. My dick was begging me to stop for a moment, but I wouldn't show mercy to anyone, not even my cock.

I forced and forced him to feel something and begrudgingly, he decided to surrender and just cum already to get it over with. I was moaning louder than I ever did, but I was overshadowed by my partner...


Her voice had a noticeable lisp caused by her anégalo face, but it just made her cuter. When I finished pumping everything out of my cock, I pulled out to let it drip and for me to admire my art.

Finally, I decided to clean up the now sleeping drunk girl and she was fidgeting, but I held her down properly.

"Nhhhn, hubby...some more please"

"Heh. No way"

I responded to her sleep talking with a snarky remark and I laid her down on her bed properly while cleaning her up and making she wore all her clothes.

I left her room and returned back to my own so I could start thinking harder about this plan of mine and how I would adjust it. Basset is known for being unpredictable.


(A.N) yoyoyo! Another chapter for you beautiful and handsome readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Thanks so much, peace ✌️! Love ya and see ya when I see ya!