
Phoenix POV:

"Elianna, wait for me. You have to wait for me. I'll be there in a minute. Don't give up. Just a moment. " he said to himself while driving his car as fast as he can to reach the hospital.

He passed the vehicles in front of him several times as if he was in a race.

His eyesight went blurry because of the tears that where falling from his eyes, while praying that he can still see his beloved alive and breathing.

"Please God, don't take her away from me. Just for one day. Just... Just one day. Please. " he prayed over and over again.

He was about to reach the hospital when a car suddenly appeared from the other side of the intersection, he was unable to dodge so he hit the middle part of the car, causing the car to flatten.

He lost his hearing for a moment, and hold his head that's been hurt because of the collision. He barely went out of his car and check the other one. He saw two unconscious people inside. He immediately get his cellphone from his pocket to call an ambulance. While waiting, he tried to help the victims.

"Sir, sir. Wake up, can you hear me?" He said as he continues to knock on the window but the driver did not respond. Until he saw the lady at the back moved her body, He was surprised when the woman looked up and exposed her bloody face to him. He was about to approached the lady when he heard the siren from the ambulance.

It stopped in front of him. And the paramedics got out of the ambulance immediately. When he noticed that they are helping the casualties inside the car he talked to the driver of that ambulance.

"Excuse me, here's my calling card. I'm such in a hurry, I need to go to the hospital. Can you please give this to the police so that they can call me when they need my statement about the accident.

I'm so sorry. " after that he run as fast as he can straight to the hospital.

He was at the entrance of the hospital when his cellphone rang.

"Phoenix where are you? Why are you not still here?" Said of the person from the other line while sobbing.

"I'm here already. How's Elianna? She's still there right? Tell her I'm here. Just a moment. Just talk to her for me." He said while running towards the elevator.

"Phoenix... (Sobs) Phoe...nix... She's gone." The girl couldn't stop from crying. She was also sobbing while she is still on the other line.

Phoenix on the other hand couldn't believe what his sister told him.

"Impossible. You're just kidding right? She said that she'll be waiting for me. She promised she will wait. I'll be right there. She is waiting for me. " He believed that he was right.

He reached the hallway where his beloved's room was. He almost had no strength to run. He was at the front door and hesistantly opened it. He saw the people around her bed. They turn around to see him while giving him a space to walk towards her. He felt that he lost all his energy to approach her. All the apparatus on her body was gone. He sit next to her and immediately hold her hand and put it to his cheek.

"Elianna, I'm already here. Wake up love. I'm so Sorry. There was an incident earlier while I was on my way here. Please open your eyes. Stop joking around. You're playing with me again. It' not funny anymore. Look,here's a deal. I will not bring you again to your favorite place if you're not going to open you eyes." He said while caressing the hair of his beloved who is now lying on the bed with no heartbeat.

"Son, Elianna is gone. You're late. "His mother said and touching his shoulder.

"She will wake up mom, her hands are warm. And I can still feel her warmth. I know she is still alive. " He insisted while crying.

"She said that she will wait for me. She is not the kind of person who broke a promise so it's impossible that she is already gone. She is still alive Mom!! Love wake up, don't do this to me please.. I can't... " He buried his face next to the girl while repeatedly saying that she was still alive.

"It's too late Phoenix, she's already gone. You have to accept it. Will you please set her free! "His bestfriend and also the older brother of his girlfriend. shouted at him

He angrily stood up and grab the collar of his bestfriend. "Take back what you said Elliot. That is not true, she loves me. And she will never leave me like that. "He said with an angry glare.

"You are not the only one who lost someone Phoenix. She is my sister and I love her so much. But there are things on earth that we can't get. Even if we tried everything when the time comes. We can't take her back. Just be happy that she will not be able to suffer from pain anymore." And then he hold his hands and put them down.

"She already did her part. So please just do your part also. I'm not telling you to forget all about her, because I know it will be the hardest part. But please little by little you have to accept the truth that she is now with God. You can cry and cry until you shed no tears. But please, for her sake and peace set her free. "Said Elliot.

Phoenix looked away, not knowing what to think or what to feel for all the words that his bestfriend said to him.

He didn't notice that he is now walking outside the room and continuesly walking outside the hospital. While walking he saw a patient on the stretcher filled with blood all over her body and is reviving by the doctor. He turn around and slowly walk outside the hospital.

When he get outside, he slowly sit on the stair. And then he cried over and over again.

"Elianna, why? You said you will wait for me? You said you will let me stay by your side until your last breath. Why did you broke your promise? I believed you because you always kept your promises. Why is that of all the promises that you can not make, how can it be this one? I don't think i'am capable to move on. " He said calmly while looking at the night sky.

And then a strong rain come along without notice. He smiled.

"Is this your answer? Tsk! Could you please just visit in my dreams while I'm sleeping and tell me all that you want? How can i possibly know what you want to tell me if you are going to use the rain?. Until the end you never stop teasing me. " He Shook his head. And stand up to search for a cover. Or waiting shed even if he is now soaking wet. All of a sudden someone called him.

Unknown number calling....

Heaven's POV:

"Where am I. I can't feel anything. " I felt something warm flowing down my face but I can't distinguish what could it be. I tried to lift my head and saw a man knocking on the window of the taxi which I rode awhile ago.

He looked at me with a shocked face then suddenly he turn around and an ambulance came then it all went black out.

"Your hairclip look so pretty. Who gave that to you?" a little boy ask me.

"Yup it's pretty. My mommy gave this to me" I said in a baby talk way.

"Really? I'm sure that's expensive. I saw there are diamonds in it." he asked me.

"Yes it is. I love this very much. You know, my mommy made this for me. She said, It will protect me while she is not around." I said.

Then he chuckled.

"What's funny? You think im not telling the truth?? My mom really made this for me look, my name is engraved under this clip." I took off my hairclip for him too see my name in it.

"Heaven? Your name is Heaven?" He said. Amazed.

"Yes. My mom said that I am from heaven. Given by Papa Jesus, that's why my name is Heaven. " I explained to him.

"By the way, What's your name? " I asked him while smiling.

I'm about to say something. But suddenly, I hear some voices.

"My dear heaven, please open your eyes." I can clearly recognized that voice. It was from my mom.

"Stop crying honey. Heaven is in a stable condition now. We just have to wait for her to wake up. Don't stress yourself. I know Heaven will overcome this one. " another familiar voice said. It's from dad.

And with that I slowly open my eyes. I saw the two of them next to me. Hand in hand as my dad continues to comfort my mom as she is still crying.

"Mom, Dad." I said weakly.