Chapter 8

Its been 4 days since I last saw Amadeus I miss him. All this time he's been keeping me company so I'm a bit lonely but during the past few days Kian has been with me.

We ate, hung out, ate some ice cream together and just had fun but it was always different when I was with Amadeus. A week feels like an eternity too me, can't we just fast forward the time? I miss him.

"Silva!" Kian calls out to me.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked in confusion

"I've been calling you for like the past few seconds and you were just staring at the air like you were pondering about something. Is there anything that's bothering you? I'm always here if you need me".

"You know the guy that you saw at the cafe named Amadeus? I haven't seen him for a few days". I guess I'll just have to patiently wait for him.

"Oh your boyfriend?"

"No he isn't my boyfriend Amadeus was just playing along to trick you" I mean I can't just say he was really my lover, I didn't even agree to get married with him. I sighed to myself.

"Well if that's the case I'll finally take a step!" What? My thoughts were confused. What does he mean about that.

"Silva... I've been wanting too tell you this but I can never bring myself to say it to you since our friendship is precious and I don't want to lose it but I'm ready to risk it all so Silva... I have liked you since we met and would you like to go out with me?" I was stunned at what he said.

I never expected this to happen, I should have just said that Amadeus was my boyfriend I hate this. What am I supposed to tell him now? I just acknowledge him as my brother.

My face clearly looked like I hesitated. Kian suddenly made an offer to me.

"One date! Just one date and if you don't feel a single spark then I'll back off and we can go back as friends".

I just stared at him in confusion and shock when I finally got up and said to him "I'll think about it" and I went home afterwards.

After a few hours of just laying on my bed, it was 1 am, and I was pondering if I would accept Kian's offer because if I don't go on a date with him it'll be awkward but if I also go on a date with him it will still be awkward either way. I sighed to myself. My life is such a rollercoaster.

How about I give it a shot? I mean Kian is a really great guy and all and I'm in the right age to be dating so I guess I'll accept his offer. I immediately called Kian and he picked up after a few rings in his groggy morning voice.

"Yeah? What is it Sil?"

"I accept your offer"

"What really?!" he had excitement in his voice.


"YES!!! YESSS!!!" he was celebrating and I was just laughing on the other end of the phone.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow by 2 pm and where something your comfortable with I promise you won't regret it".

"Okay okay see you tomorrow good night"

"good night" he hung up.

Crap! What am I gonna wear tomorrow?! Ugh why didn't I think about that how stupid of me! Well I better get some beauty sleep.

I woke up at around 10:30 in the morning deciding what I was gonna wear. I didn't know where we were going so I don't know what to wear for the occasion!

I just picked a white sundress with blueberries on and paired it with white sneakers. That should be fine right? Yep this will be okay. After that I blow-dried my hair, brushed my teeth and had a bit of mental preparation since this was my first date. Oh! I'm nervous.

It was finally 2 pm and Kian was there on time. When he arrived in front of my house he was wearing a blue sweater with a collared polo underneath, he was wearing denim pants with white sneakers. Wow we looked like a couple who went with the theme of blue and white it was hilarious haha!

Kian suddenly looked at me and said "You look beautiful" and I just smiled at him.

It was an hour after we finally got to our date destination and it was actually the amusement park! How I missed this place, it's been over years since I've been here.

"Well are you ready?" Kian says in a competitive tone.

"Heck yeah I'm ready" I argue back at him.

And for the whole afternoon we were just playing at the booths, rode almost every ride that was there, ate a lot of ice cream and cotton candy. This was an unforgettable day! I love this but the problem is... I still acknowledge Kian as my brother and nothing more. He's a great guy but from the very start maybe he isn't really for me.

I love him very much I do but only as a best friend. I know he has put a lot of effort for this date but I need to be straightforward about my feelings so I can't let assume that I'm going to return his feelings to him.

"You know Silva we rode almost all the rides, the rollercoaster, mad swing and many more but I saved the best for last" we were striking a conversation while eating Tacos and takoyakis for a snack.

"What is it then?" I curiously asked.

"The Ferris wheel. We'll ride that one next and we'll finally go home" I nodded at him, finished our food and quickly went to the Ferris wheel.

We finally rode in one of the carts and while we were going higher I could see the sunset over the horizon.

"Hey Sil... I just wanted to say that I fell in love with you cuz....."

I couldn't hear the rest if the words. My mind instinctively didn't want to hear them, because it knows that once I hear it this friendship will be broken and I don't want that.

"Silva were you listening?" I snapped back to my senses.

"Uh yes" but our faces were closer and I could feel the tension in the air that he was about to kiss me but I stopped it before it was too late.

"Look Kian... I only acknowledge you as my brother and I want this friendship to remain the same so please don't make this awkward for me" I pleaded to him.

Kian just looks down and it was silence until the ride was finally over. We went down the ride and I was stunned to see Amadeus standing at the entrance of the ride with a mad look on his face.

"Let's go" He took my hand and grabbed me.

It hasn't even been a week what's he doing here?