Chapter 9

"Ouch! Let go of me Amadeus!" I yanked my arm out of his hand. "What are you doing here? It hasn't even been a week yet and I thought you were having fun with princess Elleine".

"I came here because I missed you! Do I need to have a reason to see my future wife?" I was star strucked at what he said. He made me speechless after he said that.

"Y-You can't just say that I didn't even agree to get married to you" He suddenly lifted me up in bridal style and he carried me towards his horse.

We rode towards my secret place and we went into his world and it was awkward and silent the whole time. He grabbed my hand and he walked towards his bedroom silently and when we got there a woman in this fancy royal blue dress greeted us there.

"What are you doing here Elleine" Amadeus asks the breathtakingly beautiful woman.

Elleine?! Isn't that the princess he was originally engaged too? I scanned her thoroughly and she had flawless pale skin, curly red hair, red eyes, and freckles. Damn she was beautiful. While I'm here being a damn brunette with just an average looking face how amazing.

"I followed you towards here Amadeus. I think you misheard the queen. She said a week at my kingdom and you've only been there for 5 days. I don't think it's fair in my part that I, a princess, kept you company for 5 days. How shameless". She smirked in a sassy way and at the same time she was talking to Amadeus with an insulating tone how rude of her.

"Well my schedule has been put together and Queen Victoria is kind enough to let me stay another week here. How fortunate. Very well, excuse me". Elleine exited out of the room and gave us a devilish smile.

Amadeus just sighs and just sits down on the bed. "I saw you and that Kian guy kiss on the Ferris wheel a while ago and you shouldn't do that!"

The audacity! "Well I'm sorry I think you're the only one who knows what we are because I don't think I need permission from you to kiss another man! Plus! You were with Elleine the whole tim-" he cut me off

"I'm jealous ok?! I like you Silva! Isn't it obvious? I've always made it clear that I liked you" I was flustered... I also like him... Just spit it out!

"I-i like you too Amadeus" He was stunned but his confused look gradually turned into a warm smile that melted me to my very core. He lifts me up and happily celebrates.

"Uhm... Silva I know we just confessed and all but I need to wash up and my cheeks are also red so I need to calm down". Oh okay my cheeks were also flustered I also needed time to cool myself.

He grabbed a towel and before he closed the door to the bathroom he said "Let's pick up where we left off last time at the beach house" he winked at me and closed the door.

ACK!!! THE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH! What's gonna happen! Ah I'm excited... I lay down on the bed and I think about how happy I was today. I actually got a prince to be my boyfriend! Ah happiness overload. As I think about these thoughts I slowly drifted off to sleep and blacked out.


I walk out of the bathroom to see that my princess was peacefully sleeping on the bed. She was smiling I guess she's having good dreams. After a few minutes of changing I finally lay down beside Silva and put her head on my shoulder. She suddenly moved and hugged me tightly. I whispered in her ear "Sleep well my love" and I kissed her forehead and I cuddled her to sleep.

It was 4am in the morning and I heard a small knock at the door, I look at Silva and she was still peacefully sleeping. I walked towards the door to see a servant relaying me a message that my mother wanted to see me. Hm, how intriguing of mother too call me at this hour.

I slip on my slippers and made my way to the queen's chambers. When I arrived there mother was awake and what a surprise, Elleine was beside her holding a book. She looks at me harshly until the queen says we must be left alone since we had important matters to discuss.

"Amadeus, I know your just doing a pretend relationship with that woman. So just marry Elleine for the sake of this Kingdom"

"Why mother? Among all of the kingdoms in this world of ours, we are the richest and the most powerful. So why do I need to give myself to that sly fox?!" I argue back

"The king of the East holds the second place for being the richest and powerful kingdom so in order to remain our status for being the most powerful you must marry princess Elleine at once!" she snaps back at me.

I mumbled to myself "When you were with father you always told me to marry the person that I love. Ever since he's been in a coma it's like you don't believe he would wake up. What a hypocrite".

"AMADEUS! You take those words back right now!"

"No mother! I guess I hurt your ego simply because I stated facts. Now, if you may excuse me" I left the queens chambers and on my way out I came across Elleine and she still gave me a glare.

"You will fall in love with me" Elleine says with confidence in her voice.

"Oh yeah try me?" I smirked at her and gave her an intimidating look. Her glare then turned into fear and I went back into my bedroom.

I look over the bed to see that Silva was quietly asleep. I layed on the bed and I wrapped her around my arms to find some comfort and I went right back to sleep.

What a day.