Chapter 10

As I was wondering around in the fancy garden after an interesting event that happened with the queen and of course my soon to be husband Amadeus. I, Princess Elleine will be the next queen of this Kingdom, I chuckled to myself.

I will make the prince marry me for I am the diamond in all the kingdoms. I have lots of suitors waiting in line for me so sooner or later I will definitely have the prince to kneel down and beg for my hand.

As I walk around the garden to lounge around I suddenly felt a chill and white light came right into my eyes and as I slowly open them I was in a forest...

But I was in the garden a mere moment ago! I scan my surroundings to see a small treehouse and I look at my arms to see that I have dog paws!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING! Ok calm down for a second Elleine breath in and breath out.

I bit myself and closed my eyes to see that I was still a dog. Ugh!!! What the heck am I supposed to do?! Just lounge around waiting for someone?!

After a few minutes of pondering whether I was actually sane or not, I have come to the conclusion that this is real and I think I somehow died while I was walking around the garden and now I am reincarnated as a dog. Nice.

I was scanning myself and I was a big fluffy dog with golden fur so I guess I am a golden retriever, off we go then. It was a while when I finally got out of the forest because its a bit hard for me walking around with four legs.

I finally saw the road when I got this sudden itch on my neck. I looked over to see a collar! Oh I guess I belong to someone then. I tear off my collar slowly and the small circular metal indicated that my name was Glyzy hmm what a peculiar name and I looked at the back and it said I belonged to a person named Kian.

Hmm... I wonder who was that? As I walked along the street to find my owner whilst carry my collar I came across an old woman who gave me lots of treats.

"Oh well if it isn't Glyzy oh you sweet dog have some treats" the old woman said with the tone of the sweetest voice I have ever heard. I look away from the treats but when my nose got a small whiff if it I can not stop myself from ravishing in its delicious taste!

I ate it up right away.

"Oh that's a good girl come now Glyzy, Kian is still working at the coffee shop and its for the best that you stay there" The old woman said.

After walking with the old woman for a couple of minutes I realized that I, a princess ATE A DOG TREAT! I HAVE DISHONOURED MYSELF! Ugh I shudder at the thought of that I, princess Elleine of the East Kingdom would eat a dog treat. Ew.

We arrived at the coffee shop and everyone was seemingly casually petting me and where is perhaps this Kian who is supposed to be my owner. I look over the counter to see this tall man with fluffy dark brown hair, hazelnut colored eyes and pale white skin. He was extraordinary! Way more handsome than Amadeus.

I must get this man for myself!!! But first I must find a way to return to my old body. The first plan is to go with the flow and follow my routines as a dog, learn this life as a dog, explore the area well enough so I can go about on my own and finally find a way to get back to my body and I shall not waste any moment.

A few hours pass by after a busy day in the cafe. It was also rather tiring when I need to entertain people to do tricks like sit or speak I sigh to myself. I went outside first while Kian was still closing down.

A group of stray dogs suddenly went down the path and approached me. They suddenly started sniffing my butt like what most dogs do to breed with her. I was scared so I harshly barked at them and suddenly Kian was running to me fast and scaring the stray dogs away.

After that incident occured, Kian put a leash on me and we we're finally walking home. It was a bit awkward for me since the silence between us was so deafening but thankfully we made it to his apartment.

I went inside his house to assess his current living status at the moment. Hmm he was actually a medical student that's nice. He was very neat in terms of arranging his things, I also went to his bathroom which was basically spotless and it smelled like lavender. What a nice smell.

I got into his room and it was also clean except for the desk. He was studying and I guess he forgot to clean up, I mean he is working in s coffee shop so its a bit hard to find time to clean your desk.

"Glyzy!!! Its time for dinner" Kian called me out and I sniffed out a wonderful smell in the living room and when I got there I can't believe I was aroused by the smell of dog food that were tuna flavoured.

Ugh! Kian signaled me to go eat and I just decided to go for it. It wasn't as good as the dog treat but I guess this will do to sustain me for now.

After eating dinner and watching a bit of soccer with Kian we finally decided to go to sleep. At first I was wondering around to see where the dog bed was but Kian called me over to his room and I guess I should sleep there.

Kian called me over to his bed and he cuddled me to sleep. Aw that was sweet.

Now I must devise my plan for tomorrow.