A promise!

Edited By: Jetstorm


Chapter 42: A promise!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Yours Truly and Hina-bunny


Time: Afternoon

Ramen Ichiraku New Shop



Ramen Ichiraku,

Even after all the new delicacies 'invented' by the prince, Ichiraku was still in business. Actually they were doing much better than before.

Seven years ago, Teuchi was forced to move to the dilapidated parts of town.

The reason? Serving food to the demon spawn…

But he kept true to his passion. Cooking and inventing new flavors that always brought a satisfied smile to the customer's face.

That didn't mean he was well off. Oh, no! It was the opposite actually.

He rarely got customers. Only the people who were regulars in the past still dined there.

Most of the commoners believed the store feeds the demon. While the nobles felt it was beneath them to visit that part of town.

But even through all the hardship, Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame stood their ground and steeled their resolve. They never let Naruto, who was once regarded as a demon, turn away unsated.

This led them to face many accusations. Some even wanted to force them to close the store. But with the blessing of the true patrons, they managed to survive.

And after a certain figure visited their store 3 years ago, their situation could only improve.

Teuchi scanned around the store while reflecting back on the hard times.

Before, getting a few customers a day was a blessing. But now, business was booming! There was no lack of customers now. Most came in person while others ordered their food.

The new delivery system that Mitsu implemented turned out to be quite popular. Now, even the nobles could enjoy great food from the comfort of their pretty prisons.

'We really owe a lot to Mitsu-sama. Investing on my restaurant but not even changing the shop's name. His only request was,


~*Small Flashback no Jutsu*~

"Bossman, you will get famous now! Which is good and all, but I better get a sitting spot whenever I am here, you hear?!! Hahahaha." Mitsu said with a cheeky laugh.

Teuchi nodded heavily looking extremely serious.

"Of course, Mitsu-sama! After all you have done, you and your family will always have a spot open, no matter when you come. That's a promise!"

~* Flashback no Jutsu loses chakra*~


That brings us to an odd sight.

Inside the restaurant was an empty table with a sign that read, 'reserved'.

The patrons always wondered about that table. Because no matter when they came here, that table was always reserved.

Only a few knew the real reason, while others could only guess.

And this afternoon, seeing Ayame setting up the table, one of the customers couldn't help but ask,

"Ayame-san, why are you setting up the table? Will the reserved guest finally come today?"

"Yes! They sent us a message that their party will arrive shortly. Father wanted to close the shop early for them, but the guest rejected the idea. He is really considerate in that regard. Hehe~" answered Ayame with a cheerful giggle.

And right at that moment, the front door opened slowly and a young lady with dark blue long hair walked in slowly.

She looked around, seemingly looking for someone.

Seeing so, Ayame smiled and went to greet the young lady.

"Hinata-sama, it's been a while since I saw you last. Hope you are doing well. Your table has already been set up. This way please."

The customers started gossiping.

"So it was the Hyuuga heiress? No wonder she has a spot reserved." Said a customer.

"No, I've asked Teuchi before And he said that, none of the Clans owned that reservation. Hinata-sama was probably invited by that guest." Replied another customer.

"Then who could possibly be the owner of that reservation? It can't be the Hokage, can it?" Asked the first customer.

But before anyone else could get in a reply.

Everyone heard two loud voices entering the restaurant.

"Baka-teme! Why are you following me? Go stalk someone else, ya creep." Said a blonde boy with whiskers.

"Shut up, idiot. I am not following you… Who would ever follow an idiot like you? I might contact idiot disease that way…." Said a raven haired boy.

"Will you two tone it down? You guys are embarrassing me...." Said a sweet looking blonde girl.

Seeing this small group, the customers started whispering again. The people entering were all famous. The previously hated demon spawn, the Yamanaka heiress, and the Uchiha genius.

They all entered the shop together.

They looked around and after spotting a waving Hinata, they proceeded to sit at that table. The table was big enough to seat a few more people.

So the other customers were wondering if anyone else might join.

But they still didn't know who owned the reservation.

And after a few minutes passed, a chubby kid entered along with a lazy looking one. They were the Akimichi and Nara heirs.

"OI, SHIKAMARU, CHOJI! HERE, HERE!' Shouted a very enthusiastic Naruto.

"So the gang's all here? Where is he? Is he using that nonsense about the star 'arrives late' thing again? What a drag…" Shikamaru complained with an annoyed face.

"Don't be like that Shikamaru. Mitsu is probably late for some reason." Choji tried to comfort him, not understanding that Shikamaru only said that in jest.

"Y-yes, Mi-mi-Mitsu-sama, should b-be he-here soon." Said a very shy Hinata.

"He better be… Right after vacation started, he vanished… I wanted to challenge him again and beat him. I have trained with Otou-sama for this day… And yet he ran away." Declared a frowning Sasuke.

"Oi, Teme! You think you can beat Mitsu? You can't even beat me!" Naruto countered with a mocking grin.

"Says the guy who had to retake exams…" Ino interjected with a sigh.

"A...a…..a….." Naruto was speechless and couldn't say anything more.

But to save him from the awkward situation, the door to the restaurant opened. And walked in-

"""Mitsu-sama!""" Many of the customers spoke up when they noticed him.

Some of the lower caste directly tried to kneel, but some upward pressure was stopping them.

"Hello and good day, everyone! Please, no need to greet me and enjoy your meals. I am just here to spend some time with my friends, please, there is no need to take notice of me."

Mitsu said with a princely smile as he walked towards his table.

Now everyone knew who that table was reserved for. It brought a smile to most. Many people here were helped by Mitsu's endeavors, one way or another.

And as Mitsu has been more open to the commoners than the other pretentious nobles, and due to his involvement in the dire events a few years ago, he was well-received by the commoners.

As for the Ninjas, they all knew who and how incredible Mitsu was. Not just as a polite and hardworking Noble, but as a warrior. His Jutsu learning talent was unheard-of, and even Kakashi Hatake had admitted that no one other than Mitsu could learn Jutsu that fast without utilizing a Sharingan.

In short, Mitsu was well-known in Konoha and well-received.

And under everyone's watchful gaze, Mitsu joined his friends for some ramen…


TIme: Continuous



'We were all invited by Mitsu-sama. I was really hoping it could be just the two of us…

But umm… I am glad that others are here too...

Everytime I am alone with Mitsu-sama, it's always him speaking and I can barely say some sentences.

Why am I so shy…

I wanted to tell him how I feel for so long. And yet…

But I really wonder how Mitsu-sama will react when I tell him how I feel… Maybe he will reject a girl like me… Maybe he would prefer someone like Ino-chan, who is more outgoing.

Yes, I know that Ino-chan likes Mitsu-sama as well. I am really afraid…'

While I was in my own world thinking of all sorts of weird possibilities, everyone was having a heated discussion.

It was mainly about Sasuke-kun wanting to duel Mitsu-sama. With Mitsu-sama only ignoring him and chatting with the others, and Naruto-kun laughing and enraging Sasuke-kun.

I giggled a bit. As I remembered the break times in the academy.

After the initial issues Sasuke-kun had with Mitsu-sama, he kept on challenging him, but on a rivalry scale instead. But he, till this day, has never won a single duel, which gave Naruto-kun a lot of chances to make fun of him, which led to duels of their own.

And I have to say, Naruto-kun has come a long way. He still makes a lot of mistakes in his studies and fails the written tests most of the time.

But, his resolve to become Hokage has only steeled further. And given his natural talent with sneaking, he has become one of the strongest in our year.

'Everyone has improved so much. Yet, I still can't talk to the person I like so much…' I lamented.

When I felt a gaze on me.

I looked up to meet the bright golden eyes that I came to love since that day.

'So pretty… So warm…' I thought to myself as I got lost in his eyes. He was peering into my eyes with such a gentle gaze.

But my spellbound state was broken with a nudge from Ino-chan and a cough from Shikamaru-kun.

I blushed a bit, realizing what I was doing.

But we all heard Mitsu-sama chuckling.

He smiled as he closed his eyes. Then slowly opened them with a hint of longing, as he surveyed us all.

Shikamaru-kun being the intellectual he is, sighed and asked Mitsu-sama,

"Alright your 'highness', care to tell us, why you actually invited all of us like this? Are you perhaps going on another trip?"

We all were surprised and looked at Mitsu-sama for answers. My heart was beating fast.

'No, not again. He just came back a few days ago, and I heard he was almost kidnapped. Why does he want to go again?' I couldn't help but get sad hearing Shikamaru-kun.


You are sharp as ever, Shika. Keep honing your brain!

And yes, you are right. I will be leaving soon." Mitsu-sama replied with a sigh.

"But you will be back in a week or so, right?" Asked Ino-chan.

Mitsu-sama smiled a sad smile.

"Unfortunately no,

I always wanted to see the world. There are so many different Nations that I have no idea about. So many things to see, so many cultures to witness, so many people to meet.

I always wanted to travel and find new hobbies for myself.

So, I will be taking an early graduation. My test will be held tomorrow actually. And after the Council meeting on the new moon, I will start my travels.

But don't worry,

I will write to you guys. I promise."

Everyone turned silent. Everyone already knew that Mitsu-sama wasn't going to become a ninja like us. The prince of our nation doesn't need to be a soldier…

But still… I hoped to see him for at least three more years…

I really couldn't help but ask this question, "How long?"

To which he answered while looking at the ceiling, "I don't know…"

"....." I didn't know what to say anymore. The others seemed dejected with the answer as well.




Everyone started going back.

I didn't want to stay back either. I was sure that I would cry if I stayed here much longer.

But Mitsu-sama tapped on my shoulder and said, "Hina! Mind taking a walk with me?"

'He called me, Hina…'

There was no reason for me to refuse. But…

I didn't want to let him see me cry. That would be so disgraceful. So I just lowered my head. I didn't have the courage to look at those golden eyes.

"Sigh! Don't think too much Hina. Just walk with me." Saying so, he grabbed my hand and started walking. I could only follow with a red face.

'Noooo, I feel like fainting… And he called me Hina again…' My mind was in chaos.

When I heard, "Don't you dare faint on me, silly girl…"

Hearing that made me smile. 'He understands me so well… His hand... So warm…'

I was thinking of all sorts of things, when we came to a stop.

I looked around. The place was very familiar.

It was The Senju Park.

'Isn't this where...'

But my thoughts were cut short.

"The place where we first got to know each other…" He smiled as he said that. I felt shy to look at him…

I didn't know why he brought me here… But I was about to find out.

"Say Hina…

You can wait for me right?

It's just a few years… And I will keep sending you letters. So ummm…." He was struggling with his words. I have never seen him like that before.

It was a refreshing look.

'Maybe Mitsu-sama has those nervous moments too?'

I smiled thinking about it. I tried to answer him, but I was too shy.

All I could muster was a nod and "Un."

But I guess that was enough. Because I got to see the most radiant smile I have ever seen from him.

"Thank you." He said with a gentle voice.

Under a moonless night, witnessed by thousands of stars. A promise was made.


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!!! Ummm.. I know this chappie might be a bit different.. But it was needed for the character developments. So a ship doesn't just occur out of nowhere, ya know?

And PS. At the start Mitsu was like a deprived perv in a fantasy world. But with time he integrated into the world. His feelings developed at a genuine rate, since the first meeting when he got lost in her lavender eyes.

Yee many only wants the lemons xDD, but for Hinata and maybe one more there will be an actual backbone to the story.

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