Breaking Dawn!

[A/N: Finale of the 3rd Arc. It's a whopping 3.5k chapter…. Sorry this took a loooong time. And I had to draw too. I honestly wanted to draw more. But welp time! Anyways. I might soon have a vote on the discord server for people to request for one proper illustration. Like an important part of the novel. Example, Mitsu and Hinata's talk under the stars… PS. If I was not going out to enjoy my new found break xD I would've drawn that… Ooops!]


Chapter 43: Breaking Dawn!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Yours Truly


[Previously on NaRUS?]

"Say Hina…

You can wait for me right?

It's just a few years… And I will keep sending you letters. So ummm…." He was struggling with his words. I have never seen him like that before.

It was a refreshing look.

'Maybe Mitsu-sama has those nervous moments too?'

I smiled thinking about it. I tried to answer him, but I was too shy.

All I could muster was a nod and "Un."

But I guess that was enough. Because I got to see the most radiant smile I have ever seen from him.

"Thank you." He said with a gentle voice.

Under a moonless night, witnessed by thousands of stars. A promise was made.



And Now~

Time: 3 Days After Making the Promise With Hina, early morning

In front of the Hokage Tower



It was a beautiful morning in Konoha. The villagers were getting ready to start their day.

But many were unware of the fact that the day was special.

It was the start of a new month. Meaning the important council meeting would be taking place.

But the odd sight was the extra security. The council meetings are important, yes. But it never requires so much security. It was as if all the available ninjas were called back for today's guard duty.

And noticing their serious faces, people could at least guess that something important was going to take place in the meeting today…



Soon, many important figures started arriving at the Hokage Tower, all the Clan heads and council members were the first to arrive.

But what caught everyone's attention was a luxurious carriage, with the symbol of fire etched onto its door.

Simply from the symbol, people knew that it was the Daimyo's personal carriage. Only the royal family used that symbol directly.

And just as everyone had guessed, the Fire Daimyo, stepped out of it with his 3 councilmen, and they too entered the tower.

But there was still one more surprise left for the observers.

Another carriage arrived, a bit after all the important people went in.

'Isn't that carriage…' People started guessing about the owner of the carriage. They already had a vague idea. As, they had seen that carriage multiple times, in the last two years.

And proving their guesses, inside the carriage was the third prince of fire, Kaneko Mitsu and his guards.

'Why is Mitsu-sama here?' Wondered the observing crowd.

They knew that today was the council meeting, so witnessing Mitsu's arrival baffled them. Because there was no reason for Mitsu to be attending the meeting.

It was common knowledge that only the most influential peopl, whom are mostly the clan heads and the civilian council that attend this meeting.

They wondered if Mitsu was here for some other reason, and waited for the guards to ask him.

But the ninjas guarding the tower didn't seem concerned, they already knew about Mitsu's participation, so they just kept to their posts.

This baffled the crowd even more.

'He is really attending the council meeting?' This was the thought in many people's head.



"Heh! Today should be fun, ya know. I wonder how my father would react after seeing me, hehehehe. It's gonna be priceless. Don't you think so too Fuzzy?" Mitsu asked for Fuzzy's opinion.

To which Fuzzy replied in concern, "Mitsu-sama… Please don't cause trouble… Your father might get a heart attack. And madam told us to keep an eye on you."

"I don't know what your plan is Mitsu-sama, but please don't make the Hokage and Daimyo look bad in front of everyone…" Added Itachi with a tone of worry.

"Booo~, You two are no fun… Faaaaaiiiineeee, I will behave… Probably. Now lets gooooo!" Mitsu happily walked in the tower, leaving behind his two worried minions…


Time: 10:03 the same day

Council Meeting Room,



"Why hasn't the meeting started yet? It's already 3 minutes past 10." Asked Shibi Aburame. He wasn't annoyed nor was he complaining. The Aburame clan, being too rational, were too focused on logic, so he couldn't help but ask for the reason for the delay.

If the reason seemed illogical, then he might complain.

But there was someone else who wasn't as…. Rational.

"Ora! Who is late? I don't see anyone missing. Hokage-sama, why hasn't the meeting started yet?! Grr.." Asked Tsume Inuzuka. Her wild personality made her too impatient at times.

"Yes, Hiruzen, what's keeping you from starting the meeting. I believe all the members are here." Added the Daimyo.

Many agreed with the Daimyo's words.

As other members were looking at the Hokage for answers, Sarutobi felt he should speak up, but someone beat him to it.

"Please relax everyone, I am sure we are all waiting for someone who has a lot of say in the village.

Recently he has made many contributions to the village. At least my Uchiha Clan will respect his opinions and shall wait till 'he' arrives." Said the new Uchiha Head, Uchiha Shisui.

And just with that answer, many of the clan heads and influential merchants, understood the implication. They didn't ask any further. But it wasn't the same for everyone.

"Someone who has a lot of say in the village? Who could that possibly be?" Asked the Daimyo to his three advisors. But the advisors only smiled in reply. This made the Daimyo feel a bit awkward, but he didn't want to say anything out of line.

[A/N: Sigh daddy dearest….]

While everyone was waiting, the door to the room opened. And to their surprise the last person was none other than the third prince, Kaneko Mitsu.

The clan heads greeted Mitsu with a nod and smile, so did the Marchents, but a few people felt confused with his arrival.

But the most confused one was none other than the Daimyo himself.

He asked in shock, "Mi-mitsu? Why are you here, child? Did you miss father already? Don't worry... father will be visiting you soon. But, father has to work for now okay?" He ended his sentence as if cooing a child.

Most of the people in the room felt awkward. As they have witnessed the bearing of the young prince themselves. They couldn't believe that there was someone out there, who could speak to Mitsu like that...

'It appears that the Daimyo has no idea about the prince's influence…' Was the thought of the many present. Sarutobi coughed a few times to hide his laughter. While Tsunade was smiling in amusement.

At all this drama, Mitsu could only sigh. He then said with a radiant smile, "Of course I missed you father. But, unfortunately, I am not here to see you. I believe I am the last member you all were waiting for, I beg everyone's pardon for my tardiness."

Mitsu did a perfect noble's courtesy as he apologized, then he proceeded to take his seat. His seat was the opposite one from the Hokage and the Daimyo.

This made some people confused, while the more intelligent ones understood the implications.

'A nine-year-old having that much say in this meeting? This should be interesting.' Thought Jiraya in the back.

"Alright we are already a few minutes late, so let's not hold off the meeting any further. I now announce the start of this month's council meeting.




Many issues about the village was brought up, and everyone tried to solve the issues with what they thought was correct, while others only shared some of their insights.

But what surprised everyone greatly was Mitsu's intellect.

Mitsu had some comments on every civil issues. And his comments were either amazing or constructive. Nothing he said that could be thrown aside...

Mitsu's ideas on civilian management and urban planning, was ways beyond many of the veterans. His ideas were novel, practical and interesting.

People couldn't help but wonder, how a child that young could come up with so many ingenious plans.

But, after everything they have witnessed through the years, and the gossips they have heard, they already knew about his intellect, but this surprised them nonetheless.

There was a new rumor that the prince graduated from the academy with a perfect score in his written tests. And he absolutely dominated his teacher on the taijutsu one, beating him under 10 seconds.

That rumor was almost unbelievable for most, but the people that has actually seen Mitsu in action before would say otherwise.

'The prince is a monster... ' That was the only thought one had when they challenged him.

But back to the meeting~

The most interesting ideas from Mitsu, which impressed the leaders, was the ministry system. Where Mitsu proposed to create different ministries to handle different problems.

It would lower the work load of the leaders and also increase the efficiency of the nation.

The other interesting proposal was the Tubular design to create large buildings and skyscrapers! But that was something for the future.

The meeting went on for two hours. And just when everyone thought the meeting was coming to an end.

The Hokage stood up, and surveyed the room. He didn't say anything, only observed the people present.

His eyes landed on Mitsu, who was only smiling slightly.

He then looked at the Hat in the table. The hat that had the kanji for fire stitched on it. He sighed and stroked it. No one said anything, they were all waiting for the Hokage to speak.

After taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen, addressed the room,

"It has been 42 years since I first wore this hat. Then I again put it on, for the second time, nine years ago…

During my reign, I had made many changes. I had seen wars, some clans growing while others falling apart.

I have made friends and started a family. But in time, I lost my best friends, also my beloved wife.

As you can tell, I have been through a lot, I have seen a lot.

I mightn't have been the best Hokage, but I always believed in the will of fire.

I have always tried to live by the teachings of my predecessors. And today, holding that belief, I would like to find my successor and pass down the same beliefs.

So a new flame can burn bright in place of the old to protect the village. Today I will be abdicating my hat as the Hokage.

Now we will hold a discussion with everyone present. We will decide on the next Hokage."

"""????!!!!""" Everyone was stunned hearing the Hokage's speech. They started whispering among themselves.

The Daimyo seemed a bit confused but mostly unconcerned.

Everyone else seemed a bit agitated. Except for a few people.

Among the calm ones were the Uchiha Clan head, the Daimyo's three councilmen, Fuzzy, Itachi, Tsunade and of course Mitsu.

The atmosphere was getting chaotic, when Tsunade slammed on the meeting table.


That got everyone's attention. Sarutobi sighed and said, "There is no need to be so agitated. I already have candidates in mind. You all only need to ask them their opinions, and vote on the candidate you think suits the position the best.

Alright, Shikaku read the list and their achievements."

Shikaku walked forward and started reciting the list. There were only 2 candidates at the moment.

Tsunade and Jiraiya. No one could deny either of their contributions to the village. Their strength was nothing to scoff at either.

They both were Sanins. Where Tsunade was known as the greatest medical ninja alive and Jiraya was a well-known sage.

And after Shikaku recited all their achievements, even the last bit of doubt was gone from the peoples minds.

But when it came to the opinion of the candidates themselves…

Jiraya denied straight away.

"Sorry, I am not fit to be the Hokage. I have an important mission, not to mention I am the spymaster of our village.

And I believe that everyone knows what a wonderful Hokage Tsunade would make.

So I want to resign from the candidacy for the Hokage election."

That made things simpler. And things would've ended right there, but…

Shikaku had other ideas. He had a cheeky smile and asked the room if anyone had any candidates in mind.

Sarutobi already knew of his plans, so he didn't say anything. He too wanted to hear 'his' opinion..,

Shikaku already knew that no one would actually nominate a new candidate. But his real target was to see what the 'young prodigy' has to say about this.

So he asked, "What about you Mitsu-sama? Do you have anyone in mind?"

Mitsu looked at Shikaku for a moment and smiled happily. His eyes weren't smiling though.

'I need to beat him in another game soon…' That's what Mitsu was thinking at that moment.

"I thought you would never ask. I do have someone in mind, well two in fact!" Mitsu said in a teasing tone.

This caught everyone's attention.

The Daimyo furrowed his brows and asked, "Who are you talking about Mitsu? And Shikaku, why are you asking Mitsu about this?"

It appeared that the Daimyo still didn't understand Mitsu's prestige. But the others didn't bother to inform him. As his own councilors were there whispering to him.

"Oh! Don't get me wrong! I believe with all my heart that right now the village needs Tsunade-neesama more than anyone. And she should become the Hokage. I will vote for her personally!

But the candidates I have are meant for the future. There are people in the village who have the potential to become amazing leaders..

They have an undeniable and unbreakable will of fire.

So, I, Kaneko Mitsu, The Third Prince of Fire Country. Nominate,

Hatake Kakashi, for his achievements in the third Ninja War, as an ANBU captain and also for retaining the will of fire from his teacher, the fourth Hokage.

I also nominate, Uchiha Shisui, for his pure genius, and for the love of his clan and village. Someone who was ready to give his life to keep the peace in the village. A ninja who has shown his prowess and leadership as he pulled the Uchiha Clan from the rabbit hole, dug by traitors..

I believe in these two incredible ninjas. And I hope the village will keep them in consideration for the future leadership of this village." Mitsu concluded his nominations with a smile.

He then looked at the shocked Shisui and felt a gaze from the corner of the room. He could feel Kakashi staring at him in confusion. But Mitsu only smiled and didn't speak further.

While everyone was pondering on the matter, the Hokage laughed out loud.

"You surely know how to think, Mitsu-sama. I didn't think when everyone was focusing on the present situation, you were thinking a few steps ahead..

For that I can only thank you.

And I will believe in your judgment. The village will keep your nominees in mind. I will personally test them myself, as I will be getting a lot of free time from now, hahaha."

His laughter lightened the mood of the whole room.

And with that concluded the meeting on choosing the next Hokage. There was no need for a voting to take place.






Time: 2 Days later.

Outside the Hokage Tower



Today was the inauguration of the new Hokage. Almost all the villagers were in attendance for the new Hokage to address them.

And soon, it was announced.

The new Hokage, Senju Tusnade stood in front of the crowd.

Wearing her emerald green Kimono and the Hokage's Hat with the Kanji for fire stitched on it,.

She surveyed the crowd from left to right and slowly took her hat off.

Everyone got to see her beautiful blonde hair and her sculpted face. As she began her address.

With resolute eyes and a strong voice she started, "From today I take the hat of Hokage, and promise to protect the village as my predecessors have..."





Time: About Dawn the next day.

Mitsu's Bedroom



'I think this doesn't look okay… I mean I should look like any generic dude in the world right?

I don't really wanna wear a disguise… I mean, even using the transformation, jutsu feels icky…

I guess…

It's time… To change my hairstyle?…




I kept the ahoge, as you know… ummm. Protagonist things… Though I don't have plot armor… But it's fineee, who needs plot armor *Cries inside*.

I changed my hair to the most generic Asian color. BLACK. I thought about changing my pupil color. But ummm, Hina said she liked my eyes a lot sooo, NAHHH! THE EYES STAY! These beauties are subscribed forever!

So basically, I just changed my hair color and style to a more generic one, ya know. I don't really know the name of the haircuts but mehhh.

I will simply use my last name as my first from now, Kaneko is famous in the Fire country as the Daimyo's family. But as a given name it's common…

Welp time to be a commoner, yey!...."

[A/N: New character design for Mitsu, dw it's just for this arc. Might not even last the whole arc.]

I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, ' Damn I look handsum in any style…. Umu, umu, when I build the Ninjawood here I will make sure to star in a movie or two. The current movie quality isn't that great. I need to improve the entertainment industry soon. These people are missing out on a lot!'

Being satisfied with my new look and making sure everything was in place, I walked out of the room.

I still needed to talk to one person before leaving on this journey.



I went outside where 2 carriages were waiting for me. And my minions and maids were already there, giving a final check.

I surveyed the people and found the person I was looking for.

So I approached him to speak my mind, "Yo, Aki da Baki! Hope your old back is alright this fine morning!

Let's skip the greetings.

I have something important to say."

Aki was about to say something, but stopped midway when he noticed my serious look. He kept staring at me weirdly, but that was my cue to speak further.

"I want you to stay behind. I trust the village and all, but I still don't want the safety of my family to be on the hands of some stranger.

You have sworn to serve me, so this is your order. Protect my family. Let no one, and I mean no one, even touch a hair on them.

Am I clear?" I said with a serious look on my face. Unknowingly some of my chakra was leaking out, pressurizing my surroundings.

Aki stayed silent for a bit, but he soon nodded and replied, "As you wish, young lord. But I can't let you go empty-handed…

I have personally taught you Kenjutsu. And witnessing your improvements till now, I believe that you are ready to wield this sword."

He took out his sword with its scabbard and handed it to me. It was the legendary sword of the Aki clan, the sword of Iwanaga…

I took the sword from his hand and surveyed it… The scabbard was made of some blackish brown wood. And it reflected the subtle sunlight coming from the horizon.

[A/N: This chapter took way too much timeeeeee. @@ But here is one more illustration…]

'The sword is heavy… The scabbard gives me the feeling of home… Damn I am getting goosebumps just holding it…' I thought as I looked at the beautiful sword with a smile.

It was then that I heard Aki da Baki say,

"Mitsu-sama, please be safe. And I believe it's time for you to stop holding back….

Farewell, and good luck on your journey…"

I was surprised by his words. But I didn't say anything. I only smiled in reply and borded the carriage.

I then looked out the window… Towards the still rising sun.

A new dawn was breaking, a new story I shall write.


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!!! With this chapter the third arc comes to an end. The next Arc will be taking place in the Water Country. And, no, this isn't filler xDDDD the story is following its own plot after all. Canon was shot out the window ages ago. I hope you all will like how I plan the story.

See you all with the next chapter.

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