
Chapter 54: Bait?

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Zabuza


Time: 3 days after the meeting

Kiri ANBU Headquarters



In a poorly lit room, where one could barely make out the silhouettes of objects, a man could be seen sitting in a corner.

He seemed to be in deep thought, while holding a piece of paper on his hand.

Observing him closer, one could find him wearing the Kiri Assassination Squad's uniform. He also had his face bandaged, using it to hide his true appearance.

His appearance screamed of a killer.

Even from afar he gave off the aura of death. And in reality he was just that, a killer through and through.

He was notorious in the country along with a few neighboring nations.

Given name Zabuza, family name Momochi. But people knew him better by his moniker instead.

'Demon of the Hidden Mist.'

A sinister villain in the hearts of many.

A demon who slaughtered every one of his classmates to 'uphold' the tradition of the Mist…

But he also had another identity. The rebel leader that wants to commit coup d'etat.

Since Yagura had taken over the bloody mist and started his illogical rule, Zabuza had been exceedingly disappointed with the new Kage.

But he knew better than anyone else of the difference between his and Yagura's strength.

So he was biding his time. Recruiting potential allies who were strong and had shown dissatisfaction towards the Fourth Mizukage's anarchy.

His support has grown a lot, and yet he didn't have the confidence of taking Yagura down.

On the other hand, Yagura kept on getting worse, as days passed.

The situation was beginning to get alarming. Yagura's suspicions were getting wilder by the day as he started persecuting people ever so often.

Zabuza was in need of capable subordinates. Who were strong enough to take blows with Yagura while being loyal to him.

And in this dire time, a ray of hope in the guise of a certain Warlord arrived.

Zabuza thought that he could coarse them to work under him...

But alas.

"Tsk!" Zabuza clicked his tongue as he reread the letter on his hand.

The letter was sent to him just today. The sender was an important member of the Resistance force, Terumi Mei. So the content of the letter was that much important.

In the letter she had written every detail she had gathered from the Warlord and his companions.

And she has also put her own opinion at the end.

'Extremely dangerous. Needs to be handled carefully.'

"Ridiculous!" Zabuza muttered in anger once again.

He still couldn't believe that there was another party in this mess. And one that even Mei felt threatened of.

He trusted Mei's decisions, but he trusted on Mei's strength more. That woman was as strong as any other elite in the village, if not stronger. So he had to respect her opinion.

But this threw his plan in disorder.

After he heard of the Warlord, he thought that he could persuade them to join their cause and use them as his pawns.

But that plan backfired. He had underestimated that party way too much.


He never even tried to gauge their strength in the first place.

He only believed that the threat was only in front of him in the stature of Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage.

But now he realized how wrong he was. There were people as strong, all around.

He read again on the part where the Warlord fraction demanded him specifically. This gave him goosebumps.

As, many of the leaders of the Resistance didn't even know about him. Let alone some unknown stranger.

Many still believed that the ring leader was Mei, and she was simply creating an illusion of a mysterious leader.

He had done so deliberately so that he could stay close Yagura and gain his trust.

But things were not going as planned.

"Damn! If only these fools didn't act so high and mighty and joined quietly… Sigh! I guess I need to meet them in person… What do you think?" Zabuza asked while glaring at the letter.

It was hard to tell because of the poor lighting and also the person in question's skills, but there appeared one other person in the room, wearing a deep blue kimono and a hunter mask. He was leaning against a wall staring at Zabuza intently.

"I think we should meet them Zabuza-sama. But I think it will be hard to leave the village at the moment…" The hunter-nin replied.

"Has the lunatic announced another search?" Zabuza asked in annoyance. There had been too many searches recently. It was getting annoying.

The hunter-nin nodded slowly and after a pause said calmly,

"Seems like someone has leaked some information to him about a hidden base in Rokko Island."

"Rokko?..." Zabuza appeared confused.

The Resistance had no bases in Rokko Island. So this confused Zabuza even more. But apparently someone has told Yagura about some 'base' situated there.

This has caused Kiri to be under strict surveillance and Yagura should have sent a large number of his men to check on the intel.

This might be a perfect chance for Zabuza to take action.

But he wasn't hot-blooded enough to just jump on action after hearing some rumors.

So he ordered the hunter nin, "Go check and bring definite information on Yagura and his current guards. And don't get caught."

The hunter-nin nodded and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

After Zabuza was left alone, there was a crazed look in his eyes. It just showed how excited he was.

Little did he and the hunter nin know, they weren't alone in that room…




After a few hours had passed, the hunter-nin returned with exciting news.

"So you mean to say that more than half of Yagura's guards have been dispatched? And very few of our men were among them?" Zabuza asked while narrowing his brows.

The whole ordeal sounded way too convenient.

The whole scenario had fishy written all over it and it wasn't Kisame.


This… I feel like it's a-" The hunter-nin wanted to say something but was stopped by Zabuza.

Zabuza put his hand up and said with a crazed laugh, "It's a trap. I know. The deal is so sweet that it has bait written all over it.

But what I do not understand is… what the trap actually entails?

The people are actually out of Kiri, you made sure of that right?" Zabuza asked.

The hunter nin simply nodded in confirmation.

"Has there been any foreign force entering Kiri lately?" He asked again, to which he received a negative as an answer.

This made Zabuza ponder. And he soon realized what the trap is…

"Zabuza-sama…" The hunter nin was worried as he had also figured it out.

"So you have understood it as well, haven't you, Haku?" Zabuza answered with a crazed laugh.

He continued, "That bastard is so confident in his strength that he even made it easier for us to attack him. So that he will have all the rebels in one spot to take care of…


This is excellent.

A lunatic indeed. He really overestimates himself, doesn't he. HAHAHAHAHA. He doesn't even have the Hoshigaki and Kaguya clans support right now. And yet he thinks of himself as invincible.


Zabuza appeared to have gone crazy from excitement and his laughter had gotten the attention of the others in the ANBU HQ.

But Zabuza didn't care. Because all that was left in this floor were the people of the Resistance.

He really started to feel that this situation was a godsend for them to strike at Yagura.

But Haku was feeling worried. Something in his heart told him to back off. But after seeing Zabuza's determination, he decided not to interfere.

And as all these were happening a certain shadow was observing them intently. He didn't show any movement or signs, and simply dissolved into the blackness of the night.




Rokko Island



The four members of Akatsuki were still in Rokko Island. They were mainly in there to gather intel on Yagura. As Yagura was a part of the grand plan of Akatsuki.

And the second reason was... A special individual resides here on this island. Who till recently was very favored by The Mist village but decided to defect.

And after judging the strength of that said individual, Akatsuki had decided to recruit him among their ranks.

So the four Akatsuki villains were making their way to the territory of that said individual when they were stopped by a tremendous wall of water.

Orochimaru smirked hideously at the sight and said, "Well, looks like we have found our guy. Now who wants to persuade him? Perhaps you want to try, Juzo? After all he should be one of your former comrades. Sssss"

Juzo got angry at the remark and shouted, "The hell! Who the fuck is my comrade? I have nothing to do with that fish bastard. And what's with pain gathering snakes and fishes in the group… What's next? Will he recruit a cow?"

He started grumbling. And before Orochimaru could make any other snide remarks, the person who used the Water Wall Jutsu showed himself.

"Why have you come here, Juzo? Didn't you run away with your tail between your legs before?

Ah, are you perhaps here to take back Samehada?

Then you will have to take it from my dead body." Saying so, he took a defensive stance.

"Calm your titties Kisame… We aren't here for a fight. We are here to ask you to join Akatsuki…

Madara said that a few years ago he told you about it and you said you will think about it.

Now that you have deserted Kiri, there can be no better time." Said Sasori.

[A/N: The timeline here is botched. Naruto can really make one bang their head against a wall. The actual time of Kisame disserting and joining Akatsuki almost doesn't make sense like many other things. So with the power of an author and with the changed timeline due to Mitsu, I will write this as what happened in this timeline.]

"Heh, I would be more convinced if you didn't bring so many of your goons with you." Kisame cackled as he wielded Samehada and took a battle stance.

Of course, the four of the Akatsuki had also noticed the hundreds of ninjas surrounding them.

"Umm, Senpais? When did you call for this party? Why didn't you tell me?" Deidara asked with crazed eyes.

"Seems like we have been played by someone. Sssss. Doesn't matter, one or a thousand, ants are still ants." Orochimaru interjected.

"Sigh! And here I thought we could end this quickly." Sasori complained.

In the depth of the Rokko Island near a certain mountain, five people took their stance to guard against hundreds of ninjas.

The result of this battle?

None of the surrounding ninjas made it back alive.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

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