I Have Avenged You All…


Chapter 79: I Have Avenged You All…

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Ichi.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


"No… You can pay me by taking care of these children and making sure they get their food, alright?" I asked with my most gentle tone.

She looked unconvinced, but nodded nonetheless. She then took the children and went to tell their friends.

I gritted my teeth at the thought of these children being abused like that…

Even in Hot Water, children were at least spared from such atrocities… But this DEMON!

affected me again as I calmed enough not to destroy Gato straight away… No… He deserved much worse.

'Pray to whatever God or Demon you worship Gato... Because no one can save you.'



Time: Continued from chapter 78

Location: Land of Waves



I whispered softly, "Tobi."

It didn't take long for Tobi to silently appear behind me.

"I had already told you how bad it was, Mitsu-sama. Now you see it for real..." Tobi said seriously.

"Yes… But reading about it on paper… And seeing it in reality…" I couldn't finish the sentence.

"It's not your fault… You couldn't have known things would be this bad." Tobi responded, but his voice was leaking killing intent. Not towards me… But one certain pig.

"What else have you gathered?" I asked softly.

"Gato, has procured most of the teenage girls for his brothel businesses. While the younger males are used as low paid workers. Which is a better word for slaves. They had little choice, as most went willingly to get food for themselves or their families.

He has command of around 300 thugs and has procured help from another crime lord. This crime lord isn't any saint either. He was a local tyrant in the Land of Water. But fled during your revolution and settled here.


Gato has hired an Akatsuki team…" Tobi reported with a heavy tone.

That set alarms off in my head.


Well, Zabuza, Haku and their minions weren't here in this timeline… So Gato must have looked for other missing Nins, and actually hired Akatsuki?

After how much I affected them. Their plans got pushed back a lot. I knew because of that Akatsuki needed money, so they have no choice but to do any job at the moment…

But still…

"So, who are they? I still can't believe Gato hired S ranked Missing Ninjas." I asked, my voice still calm.

"That's the good news… This duo isn't S ranked. Well, not yet. They are A ranks in bingo books, and their strength barely reaches that rank due to their specialties."

I nodded in understanding. Because I doubted Akatsuki would send their best to guard someone like Gato and help him kill flies…

"So, who are they?" I asked again.

"Rokusho Aoi missing Nin from Konoha and was supposedly a Jonin of Ame, and a new Missing Nin from Iwa named Kamizuru Korochi."

"Aoi? The idiot with Nidaime's sword? And a Kamizuru? Why in Sissy's name would a member of the Kamizuru clan become a missing nin?" I asked with clear disbelief.

After all, Kamizuru or the beekeeper clan are affiliated with 3 Tsuchikages well, 1 at the moment. If I remember right, both Onoki and Kurotsuchi are part of that clan.

"Apparently, this guy didn't agree with Onoki giving up the hunt for 'Phantom Blade' and wanted to get revenge by himself…"

"So driven by vengeance huh… Doesn't matter. Tobi, go to all of Gato's bases and start killing the thugs… Just leave Gato's personal guards alive… I will take care of them myself…" Killing intent washed over my body for a second.

Tobi didn't answer, only nodded. But before he went away, he seemed to remember something, "Konoha sent a team with the bridge builder you told me about."

"Oh? Is it Kakashi's team? Did they meet any obstacles?" I asked.

"No, it's not the mask man's team. It's the team with the bearded man, lazy boy, the loud girl and the fatty. And no, they didn't meet any resistance yet. But they are heading straight towards the trap the Akatsuki duo set."

So this time it's Asuma's team that got the mission…

No matter.

"They are? When will the two sides meet?" I inquired curiously.

"Hmmm, around tomorrow noon. The place isn't very far from here, only 10 kilometers or so." Tobi answered.

Hmmm… I will send a just to be safe. But I will not directly help them, this should be a good opportunity for their team to get experience.

I again turned to Tobi, "Very well, you go do your job." I ordered.

Tobi left without a word, and I started my journey towards the Daimyo's house.

I was calm on the surface, but in reality… I was planning Gato's stay in hell.

1 hour later~


My talk with the Suzu girl and her advisors went as I thought.

The old fucks tried to act tough when they saw my age, but failed miserably when I tore them a new one about their failures. While the daimyo… was just an ordinary scared little girl.

It wasn't hard to get rid of the advisors, as I dismissed them directly. They held neither money, power nor status. They were just some senile old fools dreaming of grandeur.

As for the Suzu girl, I decided to send her to Konoha, where my mother will give her a proper education, before she can actually take over her post as Daimyo. Her maids and caretakers will all be going with her, of course.

I also got the Land of Waves completely under the shadow of Land of Fire.

For the time being, I will use one of my clones to be the acting Daimyo. There won't be any resistance, as soon the people of this land will start accepting me.

After all documents were signed and plans were made, I ordered Suzu and her caretakers to start preparing for their new address, as they will be escorted to Konoha in two weeks' time.

I took a stroll around the town or village, whatever you wanted to call it, and saw that in many places, my maids and minions had already set up food and relief centers, where men, elderly, women and children were standing in lines as they were given packages filled with daily necessities.

My servants bowed to me when they saw me, but I waved at them to get back to work.

Then I noticed something in each center, many of Gato's thugs were tied to poles, where the angry citizens were allowed to throw rocks at them.

'One hath no knowledge of a peasant's anger till a peasant's back breaks…'

I watched the scene of elderly women throwing rocks, cursing and crying as they dumped out all their sorrow. Some lost their children, some their daughter-in-laws, some saw their grandchildren get beaten in front of them.

I saw children shout and cry at the thugs, as their little hands clenched, tear and snot covered their face. Asking to bring back their parents, siblings... Family.

I witnessed a father kill a tied thug with his bare broken fists, to avenge the murder of his 3 year old daughter.

All the grief that accumulated in the last year, was being let out. And no one was going to stop them.

Certainly not I.

It was at this moment, a child and his mother came to me as they did a dogeza.

I was confused at first, but that was quickly solved when they introduced themselves.

"My name is Tsunami, daughter of the bridge builder Tazuna, and this is my son Inari. Thank you, thank you, my lord. Thank you for saving us." The woman sobbed as she bowed low, tears streaming down her face.

The child named Inari did the same, and bawled like the child he was. As he cried for the loss of his hero… His father.

Many of the villagers who saw the scene did the same.

"We thank you." They repeated.

But I…

I wasn't happy.

I took a deep breath and said, "Please get up… I don't deserve your thanks… I should have come here faster… For being 1 year too late… I apologize."

I looked at the sky with melancholy written on my face. As I continued, "But I promise you, on my name, honor and life, you will be given justice. Those who were lost shall be avenged, and the Land of Waves will prosper."

They only bowed in acceptance.

Most probably didn't believe my words. After all, I was not one of them. I was not a commoner who went through what they did. But after my actions here today, they would still choose to have hope.

And that was enough for me.

3 hours later~ Mitsu's cabin.


"It is done." Tobi reported.

"And does Gato have any idea?" I asked while writing down some letters.

"He does not."

"What about the Akatsuki duo? Did they notice something wrong?" That was a concern after all. I did want to help Asuma's team get some experience.

"No, they are in Gato's main camp, so no info passed to them either. I sent in fake reports and imitated some of the lowlifes we captured to make everything seem authentic."

I nodded.

"What did you do about the captives?" I asked in a low tone.

"Freed most of them and told them to stay put for the moment… But some… Death was a blessing. I made it as painless as possible..." Tobi's voice was low... He was more upset than he let on.

I took in a deep breath. I didn't need to know. I could already guess what kind of condition these select few must have been in.

I nodded before asking, "Did you get the documents and locations of his accounts and secret stashes?"

"I did get most of the stashes, and put the money where you told me to. But for the accounts, Gato keeps them in his safe, and checks them every day as if they are his trophies. Other than that, his other assets are in the form of his ships and some small companies around the elemental nations." Tobi replied.

"It's alright, most of his money should have been in his secret stashes, after all, he would do everything he can to evade taxes.

As for his assets and bank statements, I will be ceasing them legally, so no issues there… And that should be more than enough to revitalize this country." I stated.

Tobi didn't say anything, only nodded.

Silence ensued between us, as I kept on writing and fixing the documents while Tobi… Well Tobi did Tobi things…

Next day, before the break of dawn~


"Master, can't I come as well?" Haku plead anxiously. I knew she wanted to avenge the people of Wave as much as me, but I didn't want her to see what I was going to do. I can't bear to let her see me…

"No, I need you to stay here to protect the ships, while Fuzzy keeps watch with his clones around the village. So, only Ichi will accompany me." I said firmly.

She could only nod in acceptance.

Without wasting any more time, Ichi and I flicker to the designated location.

It was then Ichi asked me, "Mitsu-sama, you didn't want her to see what you are going to do... Am I right?"

"Was it that obvious?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you are protective of her. Remember the Hot Water incident where you ordered to obliterate anyone who hurt Haku?" He chuckled, trying to lift the mood.

I appreciated his effort, so I laughed softly.

"Who knows… But I don't want her to look at me like I am some monster… I don't want to be seen as a monster when I hunt down supposed monsters." I replied, my voice even.

"She will never think that, Mitsu-sama. None of us will… After all we have been through together, I doubt anyone would see you any less than a saint." He interjected as he watched Gato's base carefully.

"Ichi... I am no Saint, nor do I wish to be one. But I will purge my nation, my world, of this kind of filth." My voice firm, my determination unbreakable.

Ichi nodded. But I could see a smile on his face.

"We attack at dawn?" He asked.

"Yes. When the Akatsuki idiots leave, we attack… I am glad… Tobi managed to drug the thugs and Gato to sleep… If I came here and saw that ugly piece of filth during his debauchery, I doubt I would have held myself back." I stated.

Ichi nodded with a serious face. He knew what I meant, after all, he had witnessed it all himself.

Silence descended between us. As I prepared myself to not back out. While Ichi... I pray, this will not affect how he saw me.

Half an hour after the sun rose, Aoi and the Kimizuru guy left to wait for the Konoha team. Most of the thugs were sleeping, including Gato.

When I sensed the Akatsuki was far enough. I tilted my head at the base, and Ichi vanished.


Uchiha Itachi, in this life, who was spared from the massacre of his own clan, was killing the lowest of lowlifes without remorse...

I know… They deserved much worse for what they did… But… They weren't always goons…

Most of them were poor peasants who joined a filthy Mongrel.

But it was their choice to do what they did... Those who weren't part of the atrocities did nothing to stop it...

So, no, I won't forgive them, but I won't make them suffer either. I will only send them to hell faster.

It didn't take Ichi longer than 10 minutes to take the life of all these sleeping mobs.

As soon as he was done, I appeared before him and said, "Tobi should already be releasing the prisoners. You go with him and make sure they are returned to the village safely. Come back here in… 1 hour."

Ichi seemed to struggle, knowing what I was trying to do.

But he complied. He was loyal to a fault after all.

Though his eyes... looked sad. Too sad.

Before leaving, he finally said, "You are not at fault Mitsu-sama. You never were… And you are certainly not a monster."


I watched him go and muttered, "Thank you my friend… Thank you…"

A small smile graced my face, before it turned impassive as I started walking towards a door.


I didn't even care as I kicked the door away and saw Gato in a large bed groggily waking up.

"HUH? HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT?" Gato shouted, I only stood there, not saying anything as I observed the filth.

Hearing no answer, he rubbed his eyes as his eyes fell on me. Not recognizing me, he was a bit guarded as he asked.

"You? Who the hell are you? Where are the guards? GUARDS!" He screamed.

But I only stepped forward, my eyes cold and glowing in anger as I replied to him in a deep voice,


[A/N: I decided to omit the torture scene. It didn't feel appropriate. Might affect some reader's mental health. *bows* So instead, here is an illustration. Check chapter comment mobile users.]

1 hour later~



Itachi hurriedly returned and went directly where Mitsu was. He didn't want his master to go through this alone.

He knew that his master was one of the strongest people in the elemental nations, if not the strongest.

But he was at the end a 12 year old.

So he rushed and found the room with a broken door. And shuddered.

The room was thrashed, there were small blood stains all over. And in the middle of the room, a sobbing mess of Gato was fallen like a sack of potatoes…

Itachi didn't want to know what happened. But he braced himself and looked at Gato.

He observed the villain and saw that there were no visible cuts or wounds in his body.

'He must have healed him every time he cut him… How many times did you break him, Mitsu-sama?' Itachi said in his head.

Mitsu, who already noticed Itachi, turned, "You are back… I am done with my part of the physical torture… Now for the finale."

Itachi took a deep breath, and Gato, who heard Mitsu, started whimpering like a scared rat. He couldn't even open his mouth to beg... to say something.

"I… Understand, Mitsu-sama… What... What do you need me to do?" Itachi asked carefully.

Mitsu said in a calm voice, "Your Tsukuyomi can make the victim see what you want, right?" He asked.

Itachi nodded.

"Then throw him into a space void of anything but whiteness. Take away his sense of smell, time, touch, hearing, taste. Only leave him with the sense of pain and vision. So when he feels that he is losing it, he can inflict pain upon himself to keep himself sane.

As for the time limit… Just pray he wakes up in some hell that I have no reach to."

[A/N: White room torture, but even more extreme.]

Saying so, Mitsu walked away, and Itachi looked at Gato. He wanted to feel pity, but then he remembered all that had happened and all that this worthless excuse of a human did... His eyes flared.

Mangekyo Sharingan activated, and Gato was trapped inside his mind of endless agony.


Mitsu got out of the base and looked at the sky, as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I have avenged you all."



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]