Weavering Heart

At the usual room, Yusa sit on his chair and Beatrice standing giving him a report. She's reporting the condition of the sanctuary and other thing that seems important to be reported. In the end of her report, she said, ".....It seems, Princess will attending a party this week."

"I see, so the information is credible," Yusa said.

Hearing Yusa's answer, Beatrice tilted her head and asking, "What's the matter, brother?"

He's smiling with a closed eyes, "Nothing, it's just a habbit,"

Beatrice still make a wondering face but instead of asking she continue her report.

"This party seems to be a gathering with the intention of obtaining a network inside the goverment. With the presence of Duke William from Rosenberg household and Marquesses Normandhy from Haileye household, our access to the party is secured,"

"But, the problem is, Duke Andrew will attend the party. It seems he will make contact with the ambassador," she said.

"I see, it seems the ambassador trying to get some network inside the military division. Execute the plan which was already planned, but keep an eye to the ambassador and Duke Andrew," Yusa said with his eyes stering at the document.

Duke Andrew is a person that in charge of military division and part of the faction that didn't want any change. He is the one that standing at the top and one of the most influental, with his hand in the military, anyone who have a network with him will be safe in smuggling and bussines.

After that, Beatrice continue her report. But at the end of her report, Yusa called her name.


"Yes?" Beatrice staring at his brother.

"How the Princess condition?"

Beatrice who was staring at Yusa began to averted her eyes to the ground. In her eyes, there's a little sadness installed.

"She's fine, however, when we have a conversation her eyes seems wandering to somewhere..."

"It seems the encounter few days ago make her thinking about something," Beatrice said.

Yusa know that it is necessary, but a guilt still lingering in his heart. He know hurting someone is wrong, however he already resolved himself to do this and go down the dark path alone. The plan proceeding to the right path, and the final push will be given later.

"Beatrice, at the party, we will execute the original plan for the princess,"

"You will accompanying Princess as her aides. You do have her invitation right?" Ask Yusa.


The plan was simple, the chance that the ambassador will be in contact with Duke Andrew is high. So Beatrice will lead the princess to know what happen and that will the final push from the organisation. With the lost of trust in the goverment, she will began to search another ally outside the goverment. At that time, the organisation will take a move to the second phase.

Before the sun began to peek from the horizon, when the others already leave to their own mission. In the middle of forrest where the entrance can be found, Beatrice walking down the forrest with slow step forward to her own dorm. Even though there's a hidden passage that connected the hideout to her room, Beatrice are walking through the forrest to the another hidden passage.

Slowly, her tiny step sweep arround the grass and passing the tree surrounded her with such an ease. Sound of leaves that rubbing each other can be heard, suddenly an air of melancholy surrounded her. Beatrice halted, she closed her eyes and let some cold night breeze carresing her whole body. Even though she know that night wind is not good for her health but, she still want to feel the cold wind as if to sweep her melancholy.

After a while, she began to continue her walk. However, she halted again at the old school building. Beatrice and the Princess is a good friend, even though Beatrice wear a mask, she's still hold dear Princess like a normal friend do. Before the mission began, she didn't have a slightes feel toward the Princess. However, as time went on, her feeling to Princess are began to develope like a normal friend.

"Sister Bee?"

A soft voice rung through the air, calling Beatrice her nickname. She's turn around, a single girl stood far beside her. A slender girl with a height not much different from Beatrice and a side tail hairstyle that has been her characteristic since kid.

"Fina? What are you doing here?" Said Beatrice with worried look on her face.

Fina didn't answer her older sister, and instead of answering she's ask her sister question.

"... Sister Bee, you have something in your mind, right?" Said Fina.

Her facial expression is kinda weak, but her concern for her sister is genuine.

Beatrice fell silent, her eyes that has been facing Fina began to wander and looking up. The wind is blowing, sweeping her semi-long hair.


"I don't know, I don't want to do this but I don't think this is wrong either,"

A smile carved to her face, a sad and lonely smile. A melancholy that somehow has been blowed began to lingering again around her heart.

"I know,"

Fina suddenly spoke thus. With a smile on her face, she add another sentece to her previous word.

"Isn't it better if we just entrusting this to him?"

"Like we always do,...."

Fina's words are makes sense, since the day that her brother saved her. She has been entrusting her whole life to that person. Each mission that they do and even if the organisation still only have four people in it, all she's do is believing in her brother.

Her heart slightly waver, however, she's recalling a single sentence that her brother said.

'A hunter will be deemed useless without a resolve, and we know how hard it is.....'

Beatrice close her eyes and taking a deep breath.


"....Yes, we know how hard it is," she said with a low voice.

In front of her, Fina titling her head and said, "Hmm?"

"Did you say something, sister?"

Reacting to this, Beatrice just smiling and get closer to Fina.

"My oh my, did you trying to cheer your sister?"

Beatrice hugging her, and burrowing Fina's face to her bosom. Beatrice bosom is not big, but it's not a small either for 16 years old girl. Feeling out of a breath, Fina began to complain.

"....Sister,.....I can't breath...."