Princess Alice

A room filled with lamp, and music that has been played from the begining. Filled the whole venue with it's glamorous decoration. Many people smiling, grouping each other with intention to make a personal network. Waitress and waiter passing by with a tray on it's hand filled with glass of champagne, offering it one by one to the guest that inside the venue.

At the corner of the venue, there's stood a single girl with her beautiful blonde long hair. Wearing a simple white gown, making her figures stood up at the party venue. At her side, a petit girl with her purple gown can be seen. Her semi long hair that has been tied with braid bun hairtyle refined her looks more.

"Princess, that dress looks good on you," said Beatrice with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, your hair bun really suit you as well,"

They're exchanging some words of praise that genuinely from their hearts. In the middle of their talk, a man tall enough to make Beatrice look up comes and greet them.

"Good day, Princess Alice," a man in his 30 greeted Alice.

The man didn't greeted Beatrice, because she is just an aide and not coming as a guest.

"Good day, uncle," said Princess with a smile.

Duke Andrew is Alice's uncle, from the royalties family trees. Duke Andrew is a second son from Queen Elizabeth and he has an achievement in military and become the head of military in Kingdom.

"That dress really suit you, and you looks much more beautiful tonight," said Duke Andrew.

"Thank you, uncle,"

Short and cold, she gave a harsh treatment to her own uncle with a smile on her face. The relationship between Duke Andrew and her didn't have a good chemistry. Alice, deep down in her heart feel suspicious at Duke Andrew movement in military area. Even without a special agent or personel, Alice know that he has been do something dirty.

When she's still holding her dislike, Duke Andrew draw a line and back down from making a conversationn with Alice. With a nimble movement, he took a step back with a little bow and said, "It seems you still have a talk with your precious friend, so I will excuse myself."

Duke Andrew goal in this venue is to greet Alice, and it's already fullfilled. With a slow step, he walk away and aproaching another group to greet them as well. When Duke Andrew already left, a bunch of young man began swarming Alice. Beatrice stood still beside her and keep her silent like a professional aide.

They're chit chatting, asking, and throw words of praises toward Alice and she only smile while replying like she was a machine.

At outside, a sound of gears can be heard. It's a gears that placed at the gates so the gates can opened automatically.


A sound of gas splurting from the gate, and then slowly the gears that attached to the gates grinding. The gates opened, there's a car ford model t can be seen, slowly entering the gates. After that, the car stopped at the front of vanue. And there's a person, with a round belly, wearing a tuxedo coming out from there. With his aide, he walk down the hall and coming into the venue.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Winton," Duke Andrew greeting the ambassador.

He approaching and bowing his head a little.

"Nice to meet you too, Duke Andrew,"

They're smiling each other, and handshaking.

"Are you enjoying the party, Mr. Winton?"

"Yes, what a splendid party. The music and the woman are all wonderfull," said ambassador.

"I see, I'm glad that you enjoying this,"

"Again, welcome to the Kingdom, Mr. Winton, I hope your stay here comfortable,"

When the ambassador and Duke Andrew make a contact, other than those two aide leaving them alone.

In the middle of conversation, Alice that noticed the Duke Andrew and ambassador decided to come and greeting the ambassador.

While walking, Alice greet the ambassador, "Nice yo meet you, Mr. Winton."

"Princess Alice, nice to meet you," said the ambassador with bow of courtesy towards Alice.

"Welcome to our Kingdom,"

"If you don't mind, would you like to dance with me?"

Alice reach out her hand towards ambassador, the ambassador surprised. He didn't expecting that the Princess herself willingly ask him to dance. He glance at Duke Andrew and his own aide, asking for an answer. With a nod, Duke Andrew step back and said, "Then, I will excuse myself."

After that, the ambassador take Alice's hand and guide her towards the middle of party. They began to dance, following the others and keep a following the rhythm. Alice began to move her body, following the rhythm of music and leaving the ambassador take a lead. In the middle of the dance, Alice began to start a conversation.

"Mr. Winton, are you enjoying the party?"

"Ah, yes, the food is tasty and there's many beautiful ladies here,"

"I don't even have a right to not enjoy this party," add him.

With a smile on her face, she said, "I'm glad that you're enjoying it, Mr. Winton."

"The pleasure is mine," said the ambassador.

"Mr. Winton, do you already know Duke Andrew before?"

"A-ah yes, we meet several times to have a diplomatic conversation,"

"If allowed to, can I pry what conversation that you and Duke Andrew have?" Said Alice.

"I'm sorry princess, because I can't tell you the content of detail,"

"I see, what a shame,"

The conversation fall silent and the ambassador seem restless. He wondering why the princess asking that question. After several step, the ambassador muster up a courage to asking the princess.

"P-princess Alice,"

"I-it's maybe rude for me to pry your circumstanance but, d-do you mind tell me why y-you so curious about what Duke Andrew and I have in diplomatic conversation?"

The ambassador sweating, he didn't know what will happen later if she find it unpleasant. But, he didn't know either that he is already took princess's bait.

"Do not worry Mr. Winton, It's not like I want to know if it's really a secret matter but. I want to know how my uncle deal with negotiation and maintain diplomatic relationship," said Alice.

"I-i see," the ambassador sighed softly.

Alice noticed it, she now certain that the ambassador really hiding something. But even with that, she can't take her speculation literally because even herself know the diplomatic conversation is all secret. She's need to do her own research of what happen and she only have two speculation of it.

"Bu-but princess, isn't you already has a ton of experience in those area?"

"As you said Mr. Winton, but I did not have an experience in negotiation,"

"Looking at my uncle prestige, he is certainly has more experience in those area. Because of that I want to know how he do," add Alice.

While praising her uncle, she closed her eyes and put a solemn aura as if she really have such a respect toward her uncle.

A while after, the music began to stop. All the audience that dancing stopped, it's aplied to the ambassador and Alice too. They're stopped and then take a step backward, after that they bowing to eachother.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Mr. Winton," said Alice.

"The pleasure is mine, it's an honor to be able to dance with you, Princess,"

They're began to walk toward opposite direction. Alice walking towards Beatrice that waiting her patiently. While walking, Alice took a glance to the ambassador and saw him with Duke Andrew. It seems Duke Andrew waiting for the ambassador to return.

With the change and gesture of Mr. Winton when they're dancing, she noticed that something indeed fishy. But she can't act recklesly, she need to gather more intel to exploit it. And then she's back at Beatrice's side, continuing to enjoy the party.

A while after the dance, she noticed that Duke Andrew and the ambassador slipping through the party and goes out. With a haste movement she began tailing them, but when she's began her move. Incidentaly Alice bumped a girl and her dress tainted by the drink that the girl carried. Flustered, Beatrice guide Alice towards an empty room while the girl that she's bumped keeping apologize to her.

Inside the room, there's a wide bed and windows that covered by a curtain. In the middle of the room, there's a single chair that Beatrice prepace and Alice take a sit there.

With only her underware, Beatrice took the tainted dress, "Princess, I will began to cleaning this dress."

"I hope you can wait for awhile," add Beatrice.

Alice smiled and nodding.

"Okay, I can wait here," said Alice.

After Beatrice leaving the room, Alice closed her eyes. She regretted her act that didn't look at her surrounding.

She's mumbling, "It's a shame that I can't tailing them."

When she's drowing on her own tought, a faint sound of step can be heard near the windows. With her curiousity, she approaching the windows and opened the curtain a little that she can peek outside without showing her head. In the middle of hallway that surrounded with a grass. There's two middle aged man passing while having a small talk.

"Duke Andrew and Mr. Winton," said Alice with low voice.

With haste, she's searching the whole room. Searching something that can she wear and found a single dress inside the closet. Without further a do, she wear it and slipping through the vanue.