Princess Alice (2)

Wearing maid outfit, Alice jumped out off the window and with silent step tailing the both of them. Utilize the dark spot all the way, she's following them while keeping her distance until they're walked off to the side garden. In there, there's none as far as her sight except her uncle and the ambassador.

Along the way there, they're just make a small talk. But, when they're at the deep part of the garden. The atmosphere between those two adult changed.

"So, Mr. Winton. I believe you already bring the 'thing'," said Duke Andrew.

Realizing the sudden change of conversation, the Ambassador flustered and answering, "Y-yes, it will be here the day after tomorrow."

"I see,"

"I presume all are fine right?" Said Duke Andrew.

"Ye-yes, all are according to plan,"

Hearing his answer, Duke Andrew make a small smile and said, "I see, with this our connection are official."

"I hope with this relation we can achieve something bigger in the future," add Duke Andrew.

In the shadow, the place where Alice hidden herself. Alice has been listening to all of their conversation all this time. But, all their conversation was not direct to the actual thing. Even if she was brimming with curiosity, she still can't do much anymore than this. When she decide to left them, the atmosphere began to tense.

"...Excuse me, Mr. Winton,"

"But, what did you said earlier?"

The ambassador began sweating harder than before, his eyes wandering, seeking help to person that's not even exist. With his broken speech, he is repeating the sentence.

"....Th-the key's, l-lost,...."

Duke Andrew become quite, he's looking downwards. The Ambassador know that he is in deep trouble right now, with hase, he is announcing that he will leave.

"Pa-pardon, Duke Andrew, because of my health, I w-would like to end this conversation tonight,"

With a slow step, the Ambassador passing Duke Andrew. But when he is finally relieved, Duke Andrew began to talk again.

With a reserved smile, Duke Andrew said, "Aah, that's horrible, seems we need to end this conversation here, indeed."

Come to this unbeknowing situation, Ambassador's heart pounding even faster than before. However, the feeling inside his heart was kind of relieve rather than afraid. With a gentle step, Duke Andrew approaching the Ambassador without haste. He is reached out his hand, knowing that the Duke want to handshake. Ambassador reaching it and they began to handshake.

However, without him knowing, Duke Andrew already pulling him closer to his body that if someone watching them. They'll be mistaken for hugging.

When the body was close enough, Duke Andrew whispering right to the Ambassador's ear.

".....seems like, we don't need to prolonged this anymore,...."

Hearing that, the Ambassador lips began to slip some word.


But before he know what the Duke means, a loud sound echoing throughout the area. With a sluggish movement, Duke Andrew pull himself to separate from the Ambassador. Without knowing what happened, the Ambassador look at his abdomen and collapse.

"...uggh..." Groaning, that's the only thing that the Ambassador can do right now.

Watching the middle aged man on his front collapsing, Duke Andrew just staring it like nothing happens. After that with a loud voice Duke Andrew began to shout.

"Someone has shoot the Ambassador! Reinforce the protection and don't allow anyone leave!"

Within the shadow, the henchmen creeping out and began to move the body. One of them, instead leaving immediately. A young woman with a gown standing beside the Duke.

"Seems we need to investigate it,..."

"So, like you predicted, Duke Andrew, the Ambassador betrayed us and gave the key to someone else,..." said the woman.

"That's seems not the case, either him betrayed us or someone already one step in front of us,"

"You mean, the opposite faction already know the deal and make a move?"

"It seems so,"

The woman, become silent, she's seems to pondering something and then said, "...should we do a quick investigation on this matter at hand, sir?"

".....yes, there's a high possibility that a third party joining the battlefield,"

"....I see, I'll send a notice to them as soon as possible,"

The two of them having a conversation for a while, and then walk away from the garden. In one of the side that can't be seen, Alice still there. Watching him doing the action behind his back. The look on her face was a disbelief that her suspicion are right on the money. Without mulling over it, with a haste, Alice began to walk and come back to her room. Inside, she's began processing all the information that she got.

Why there's so many people died?

Why there's a slum?

And why there's a rebellion?

Shocked, is what she feels inside. But strangely, her feeling of shock didn't do much damage to her mentality. She already anticipated that what her assumption is all true, however, the fact that she didn't have any ally much more shocking for her. Alone, in this surface of darknest that she barely touch, she didn't have anyone that can be shared with her ambitions. Moreover, if the fact that she know the slightly bit of her uncle deeds come to surface her life's will be in danger.

Knowing how helpless her are, she just slump down at her chair and spaced out. For a few minutes, she has been in that state, however when a click sound can be heard, she's regained her awareness in a second.

The person who was coming is a petite girl with bun hair style, she was Beatrice, her friend at school and her aide in this party. Alice give her a smile, but with a glance Beatrice instantly know that something happen.

With a worried expression, Beatrice say, "...Princess, are you okay?"

"Ah, yes, It's just cold in this state," said Alice with an awkward smile.


Beatrice tilting her head. For a while, Beatrice looking at her with a wonder. Not long after, Alice make an eye contact with Beatrice. She's also wondering why Beatrice looking at her like that and then decided to straigh forward ask her.

"...Um, Bea?" Said Alice.

"Ah, pardon me, but Princess, isn't you wearing a maid uniform right now?"

When Beatrice said that, her face slowly become red. Realization suddenly struck her and flustered.

"Ah! No,....I mean, YES!..."

"Yes,um, I already wore maid uniform, yes, um....."

"B-BUT! The feeling when someone spilled her drink on me still can be feel,"

"So-so It's feel a little cold,"

Her speech was in disarray, the up headed Princess in front of Beatrice now in a flustered state. Even if she want to enjoy this view a while longer, Beatrice decided to stop Alice by hugging her head. Fortunately, Alice was still sitting on a char so their height difference didn't effect that much.

"I MEAN! It's not lik-"

Alice stopped her blabbering, she's surprised and confused at the same time. But before she asked, Beatrice already open her mouth and said.

"...It's okay, Princess,"

"I know there's something that bugging your mind recently,"

"Even if you keep me in the dark, I will still stand by your side,"

"And accompanying you as far as I can,"

"I'll waiting when the times come, and you ready to share your mind with me," said Beatrice.

Hearing that, a helpless feeling inside Alice began to disappear. She close her eyes, put her arm around Beatrice's tiny body and said, "Thank you."


"Your airheadness really concern me," add Beatrice.

With a dry laugh, Alice answering, "Ahaha,....even though our ages are same, you sounds like a mom rather than attendant."

"W-well, I have a sister and older brother after all,"

"And for your information, we are a year apart, Princess," said Beatrice.

Separated from hugging each other, Alice's shocked hearing that Beatrice was a year apart from her.

"Eh? You are older than me?" Ask Alice.

"Why you assuming that I'm older than you?"

"I mean, you look so mature just right now,"

"W-well, that's just because I used to do that to my sister when she had a nightmare," said Beatrice.

"By the way, you said you have an older brother right?" Ask Alice.

With a sparkle eyes, she seems interested in Beatrice's family.

"Ah yes, I have,"

"May I know his name?"

"Hmm, his name is, Wein,"


For a third time, surprised has struck Alice. Because the name of Wein is a common name, she confirming that the Wein inside her mind was the Wein that Beatrice's referring to.



"You mean Wein Curtis?"

"Wein Curtis the self proclaimed street artist?" Added Alice.

"Yes, but it's the first time I know about the street artist part,"

"Perhaps, you already meet eachother before?" Add Beatrice.

"So your surname is also Curtis, Bea?"

"Well, of course,"

Alice mumbling while feeling dejected, "Why I only learn your surname now?"

"Even thought we have know eachother for a year," said Alice.

"The one that should be surprised is me, why you didn't check the background of someone that close to you,"