Spineless coward

***Somewhere in Bai manor***

The first thing Cheeky noticed upon waking up was the unbearable heat surrounding him. It seemed to come from all around him. The wall. The ceiling. The floor. An invisible fire pressed down on him and made its way into his nostrils and nose, burning its way into his lungs. His black clothes were already drenched with sweat. They stuck to his body like a second skin. As he struggled to breathe, he licked his lips and tasted blood. A grin spread across his face and he chuckled breathlessly.

"Sweet, sweet blood. Anyone planning to bleed me dry and make a sausage out of me? I'm afraid I taste not good. Or... Do I?"

Not getting any answers, he pouted and looked around. His sudden movements caused the chains restraining him to rattle. As there were still no reactions, he shrugged and shook his body in rhythm, repeating the same words in a singing tone this time.

"Are you done?" Grumpy's cold voice sounded, interrupting his song.