Chapter 5

Echo talks to me for the first time,"Well can you understand me now human.'"

I'm pretty dumbfounded since I did not expect the nickname aspect to work right away.

"Are you going to answer me or should I hit you again," Echo threatens me.

"Yes Echo I do understand you and my name is Honey not human."

"Alright Honey I will trust you for right now because you know the pokemon gods name. That does not mean you make all the decisions by yourself. The reason being we are partners and are stuck with each other for life," Echo grabs my tights to prove her point.

"What do you mean stuck for life?"

Echo huffs,"I mean that any pokemon caught in a pokeball has no choice but to stay with you until the day you either release us or you die. The pokeball will be destroyed in either case. Until then I as a pokemon has no choice but to obey and I can't even seriously harm you of any other humans. Do you finally see the reason why I don't like humans!"

This means that pokemon have no will of their own. What does that mean for my career. Will I be catching pokemon that don't want to be caught like Echo and Rookidee. Will I be separating families from each other forever until that family member is released. No I refuse to be like other trainers. I will make sure from now that any pokemon I catch will want to travel with me around the regions. I will never separate another family from their loved ones.

"Echo I'm sorry about what happened to you. Let's start over and become friends," I lean down and hold out my hand to Echo.

"Fine let's start over," Echo reaches out and shakes my hand. I feel relief at a fresh new start with Echo.

Now it's time to talk to our new teammate Rookidee. I take a pokeball sighing press the button to release Rookidee. Rookidee comes out curious when he sees me he seems happy.

It seems to me that my pokemon both have very different reactions to seeing me for the first time. At least Rookidee is not attacking me at first seeing me unlike Echo. I sit down on the grass in front of Rookidee.

"Hi Rookidee I'm Honey your new trainer."

Rookidee flies up and gently lands on my lap. I gently pet Rookidee.

"Rookidee would you like a name of your own like me and Echo?" I point to myself and Echo as I say this.

Rookidee nods his head rapidly.

I chuckle,"Well what about the name Mercy. It means kind and just. Kinda like you little fella." I ruffle Rookidee's feathers while he thinks about whether or not he wants that name.

After a minute Rookidee nods his head yes to the name. I felt the bond snap in place and it feels wonderful. A new bond with a new friend.

Mercy looks up at me,"Hi I hope we will be friends for a long time!"

I smile," Yeah I hope so to Mercy. I hope that we make new friends here okay. Hey Echo come and meet Mercy our new teammate!"

Echo walks over sneering,"Hope your not weak after I defeated you Mercy."

Mercy somehow deadpans, "You do realize Echo that pokemon that can be seen by trainers want to be caught to become stronger. Just like how I allowed you Honey to catch me to help me evolve into a Corviknight."

Echo huffs,"Fine as long as you choose to be caught I will accept you as family. "

"Yes indeed we are not just teammates but a family with our leader being Honey," Mercy jumps onto my head,"I hope this is fine with you Honey since I do heavily dislike being in that infernal pokeball."

I stand up slowly making sure that Mercy would not follow up and walk over to grab my bag,"It's fine Mercy you can stay out of your pokeball and Echo the same goes for you."

Both pokemon nod in appreciation at being out of their pokeballs. I set up camp,"Okay guys after I set up camp all of us will go out and search for any other pokemon who would like to join us. Then we will train for the first gym by battling other pokemon and by training new moves that either of you have learned."

"Ah Honey I do know of a few others who would love to join a trainer like you. It would take at two weeks to talk to them and to lead them here if that is something you do desire," Mercy offers to my surprise.

"If you are sure that would be great Mercy but I'm pretty surprised that you would offer to do that," Shocked I stop putting up the perimeter fence.

"Oh it is nothing for their are a number of pokemon wanting a trainer that will help them survive and help them to evolve," Mercy puffs out his chest.

"Okay then Mercy you see who wants to join while I stay here and train with Echo," I look at Echo when I say this.

"Then farewell Honey and Echo I shall see you in two weeks," Mercy says before flying off in the sky.

"Honey I will be practicing my new move Double Kick by beating up any pokemon who dares to come here to eat you. So do not disturb me today," Echo says before using Quick Attack to get away faster.

"What do you mean some pokemon will eat me," I panicky chase after Echo.

Echo stops and turns around puts her paw on her forehead,"I mean the predator pokemon you idiot. Now go back to camp and try not to get yourself killed."

Echo then turns back to patrol the area. I guess I better head back before it gets dark. So I run back to camp. I sit down and take out the egg and check the incubator timer.

"You should be hatching in about two weeks. I guess it's a good thing I told Mercy to come back that day. I do wonder though what pokemon will you hatch into. Well one thing I do know for sure is I hope you are healthy and happy," I crawl into my tent to begin my own training for these two weeks.

I will be using weights to train myself to be able to keep up with my pokemon. Hopefully everything will be alright with Mercy and Echo on their separate missions.