Chapter 6

The past two weeks has been hard on me and Echo. With all the predators lurking near by and with one of those said predators destroying the perimeter fence. That fence cost me over P50,000. This really irks me to something I paid with my own money is now destroyed. At least my luxury tent was not destroyed that thing cost me over P200,000.

I practiced with my new weights to help me gain more strength in my arms and legs. This will help to be able to keep up with my team. It was also a great way to exercise that I have been doing since I was ten. I also ran close to West Lake Axewell to check the closest dynamax den. There has been little to no activity from the dens. Echo has slowly been warming up to me and we have become friends.

Echo also evolved into Raboot after beating the predator that has been stalking me on my runs around the lake. It was amazing seeing my friend evolve by defending my life. She leveled up to level 21 which is great for when we face the first gym. Echo also learned Flame Charge, Tackle and unlocked her egg move Super Fang.

I sit down by the lake with Echo right next to me. The egg being held in my hands while it slowly wiggles and glows in the sunlight.

"Echo I am glad you decided to stay here with me and help me deal with the upcoming gym challenge. I know you still don't like humans and I accept that but I want you to know that I will do my best to fix my mistakes. I will not let Team Mafia win and destroy the world as we know it. I know one part of their plans were catching the legendaries and using them to create their version of world peace. That they already have three of them from here by now. I know it's all my fault Echo and I'm sorry about that."

Echo grips my hand softly saying," Honey it will be alright and it is not entirely your fault for this happening. You told me yourself that you came here to save us and you were sent by the pokemon god. You have regrets and you are trying to fix this. At least you are trying unlike others. Honey none of this is entirely your fault."

I gently put the egg in front of me saying," Thank you Echo for saying that but I know from now on me and our team need to be stronger. That we will face many things but at least we have each other right?"

Echo stares at the egg." Yes we do. Now shut up the egg is hatching."

The egg glows a bright blue light and cracks open revealing a Togepi opening its eyes for the first time. I look at Togepi smiling when it comes up to me trying to crawl onto my lap. Echo smiles briefly before lifting her ears up towards the camp and jumps up to stand in front of me.

"Who's there I know I heard you, so come on out!" Echo screeches while keeping an eye out for any pokemon could sneak attack. I grab Togepi and slowly walk back to camp with Echo circles us. We reached camp when something flies out and lands on my hair. Echo ties to bat it out of the air before she realizes it is Mercy.

"Mercy I thought you were some predator that was coming to eat Honey and Togepi you idiot," Echo whacks Mercy when he flies off my head. It seems like he was happier.

Mercy whips his head," Oh but Echo my dear I was so excited to show you my friends. That I forgot to call out before I landed on Honey's head."

Then Mercy hops over to bush," You can come on out lady and gentleman. No need to be scared this is Honey and Echo the ones I told you about."

Two heads poke out and slowly walk out of the bush. It was a Snorunt and shiny Espurr. Those two pokemon should not be. Well at least the Espurr should not because there are no records of any Espurr being here in the past. Unless it was abandoned by its previous trainer.

"So Mercy these are your friends. Where did you meet?" Echo grabs Mercy and lifts him up. I stand there in shock almost dropping Togepi.

"Tsk Echo you should know by now to control your temper." Mercy scolds Echo while still being held by her in way that would not allow him to fly away.

"I knew something was fishy about you when you were separate from the the other Rookidee's when we first meet. Then again when the rotomdex said you knew the move Brave Bird. Then when you brought two friends with you here and one of them is definitely not from the wild area. I knew you were previously owned by another trainer weren't you!" Echo shakes Mercy after she said that.

"Yes I was previously owned by another trainer. He caught me and the friends I brought. He taught me Brave Bird through a TM along with a few other moves that rotomdex will not reveal until Honey has at least three pokemon. The reason me and the other two were out here in the wild area is because my previous trainer died by being ripped apart by the predators found here. When I was battling you I purposely lost when I saw who your trainer was." Mercy says this while maintaining eye contact with Echo.

"What do you mean when you first saw Honey you lost on purpose!" Echo drops Mercy onto the ground.

"I mean I saw a trainer who will try their best to help me and my friends. That I will have another home." Mercy gets up and bows down in front of Echo." I am sorry that I tricked you Echo and Honey. I just wanted a trainer to help us reach our full potential."

Echo jumps back and pushes me forward," It's not me you have to ask forgiveness from."

Before Mercy could say anything I say," Mercy I understand where you are coming from and I promise to help you and your friends."

"Thank you for understanding Honey my dear. Now here are my friends who do not have names at this moment." Mercy goes over to the Snorunt and Espurr and push them towards me." You can catch them now if you so want."

I look at Togepi then Snorunt and Espurr. I guess I am catching three pokemon today. I take out three pokeballs from my belt pouch and throw them towards the pokemon. All three pokeballs ding and were caught. The rotomdex flew out of my jacket pocket in front of me but before I could check it Henry runs out of the bushes at me grabs me and starts dragging me to the train station.

Honey's pokemon:

1. Echo(Raboot): level 21

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Super Fang(Unlocked)

Moves: Growl, Ember, Quick Attack, Flame Charge, Tackle and Super Fang.

2. Mercy(Rookidee): level 17

Gender: Male

Egg Move: Roost(Locked)

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Fury Attack, Pluck, Brave Bird, Swift and Snore.

3. ?(Togepi): level 16

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Future Sight(Locked)

Moves: Growl, Pound, Sweet Kiss, Life Dew, Charm, Ancient Power.

4.?(Snorunt): level 17

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Icicle Crash(Locked)

Moves: Astonish, Leer, Double Team, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Protect, and Endure.

5.?(Espurr): level 22

Gender: Male

Egg Move: Yawn(Unlocked)

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Fake Out, Disarming Voice, Confusion, Covet, Psybeam, Iron Tail, Calm Mind and Ally Switch.